Crazy but 100% True Coincidences | People Stories #354

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▶ Fresh AskReddit Stories: What's the most insane coincidence you've experienced? 🔥 2nd channel with exclusive Reddit stories!

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I’m 21 and bought my first house. Throughout the week, my neighbors stop by and introduce themselves and chat. When I met my next door neighbor, once I told her my last name she commented how uncommon it was. Before she and her husband retired, they lived in a town about fifty miles away and their next door neighbors had the same last name as me. I asked where she used to live, and found out it’s the town where my parents grew up.

Apparently, she lived next to my great aunt & uncle for thirty years.


I'm a barber. And I have this client and for some reason I said to him three different times during the same haircut that there was the spot towards the front near his forehead that he really needed to get checked out by dermatologist. then I said I'm sorry I don't know why I keep repeating myself to you. fast forward this man comes in to my barber shop and I'm busy with clients and I could tell he was really anxious to speak with me. He says you probably don't remember me and I didn't. He said you saved my life! What? Because you kept telling me to go check the spot on my skin on my head. When I went home to Canada I went to my dermatologist. Turns out it was cancer. Yet because he had come in so early they were able to treat it and he's 100% healthy again! The dermatologist said it was because your Barber told you to check it is the only reason why you were able to live! It didn't even look that unique or bad. I trusted that my heart kept telling me that this needed to be looked at! Listen to your heart!


The story with the grandparents got me. He found his second family and now I’m crying.


Both of my grandmas (Flora and Carol) were born December 10th, 1946. They both have artificial knees, mobility issues, and they both had heart attacks at the same time in 2016. Grandma Carol lived, but Grandma Flora passed away.


That man's Phone was trying to leave him. Left in in a Taxi, tried to leave him, He found it, so it commited suicide via the washing machine


When she was still single, living far from the sea and farther from any navy unit, my mother saw a sailor in uniform walking up the hill where she was driving.
Turns out this sailor was her future husband. They met years later in a completely different place on holidays.
Édit : spelling.


The dream one got me. For someone who had plenty of those instances, I'm just glad he's still alive. Most of the things in the dream can't be change, but in some cases you can change just 1 thing. And for him, he didn't have to die.


Ooh! I got one. Alright, so long-story short, my mom got knocked up at 16 and gave the kid away for adoption. He found us when I was about ten. We're half-siblings and look identical. Turns out, mom's red hair gene found both of us AND both of our dad's had blue eyes. So we look practically identical. I showed up to his wedding- never met the other groom's family and they ALL instantly knew I was my brother's talked-about sister. It was honestly kinda of awesome.


That salmon bake story I think has to be the sweetest story


About 4 to 5 years ago, my family and I went to Colorado for spring break to enjoy skiing for the first time. On the first day after lessons, we pull into the line on the “Crow” lift (the second tallest lift, but had great beginner slopes). Right in front of us was a boy I knew from my BSA troop. We just happened to be in the same time and place 600 miles from our town that was in an entirely different state, in the midst of many hundreds of people visiting the ski resort.


Here's another one for the ages: Not me but my mother told me about this:
My maternal grandfather grew up in eastern Missouri and had a best friend; the guy was even his best man at his first wedding. He and his wife moved to Colorado at some point and then later got divorced. He and his best friend sort of lost touch over the years. Fast forward: he's now married to my maternal grandmother, they live in Southern California, and they have 3 daughters and a son.

The second daughter's been dating a guy (on the sly as she's 16) and she turns up pregnant. Grandpa is NOT thrilled. Asks to speak to the young man. Asks him his name. "Martin <lastname>." It's an extremely rare last name. "Are you related to John <lastname>?" "He's my dad."

Yes, grandpa's childhood best friend's son had gotten grandpa's daughter pregnant, without knowing that grandpa and his own father had been friends. 1800 miles and over 40 years later.
P.S. Yes, the young man married my aunt. They are still married, and it will be 60 years next year.

TL;DR Unknowingly my aunt got pregnant by a guy who was the son of my grandfather's childhood best friend.


I was literally just thinking of a recent coincidence while scrolling through YouTube and this video appeared.


I remember one time I was bored and was coming up with parodies of songs. I took “beauty and a beat” by Justin Beiber and replaced “we’re gonna party like it’s 3012 tonight” with “we’re gonna party like it’s 1999” and thought I’m a genius. Years later I’m driving and I hear this song by Prince and once I heard the chorus I about shit myself since I never heard it before and was shocked at how coincidental it was


I never met my dad. But randomly, while playing basketball at the YMCA in a city that I just recently moved to, I met my father's daughter.


About 12ish years ago when I was in highschool I used to frequent a chatroom site called Xat. I befriended a guy about my age who happened to be from the city next to my town in Massachusetts. We had seen profile pics of eachother so knew what we looked like. One day I went to the mall with a friend and as we were walking I see this really tall dude with a couple of his friends. We both looked at eachother with a "are you who I think you are?" Look but didn't say anything to eachother. The next time we were on the chat together we realized we had indeed seen eachother but were both unsure if it was the other. Unfortunately we lost touch when MySpace went away. Tony the tiger if you ever see this bro hit me up! 4 brothers for life! Lol


I moved to a small town in Texas in 1981. I moved back to Massachusetts a few years later. I met a woman at a Grateful Dead show in Providence, RI. 2 years later I stopped by to hang out. There was a giant map in the alcove where the phone was. I found the little town I had lived in Texas. V and I are looking at the map. She points to the next town up the road. My Dad lives here. She had visited him a few years before. I asked if she had a picture of him. I started laughing when I saw the photo. I had met him at the fire department BBQ and had a few beers with him. He wrote for the local paper. When he moved from this town to his new place my parents moved into the town. They got his old phone number. For months women would call my parents number looking for V's Dad. I was surprised at this coincidence. I told my Mom that I had met this man's daughter. Small world.


When you watch Star Wars on tv and it starts to appear everywhere you go (phone, YouTube videos, store)

Edit: 11:57 _You Will?_


There are way more details to this story, but in trying to keep it as short as possible:

A guy was in Italy with his bestie the summer after graduating high school. A girl also happened to be there on vacation with her grandparents. Italy had won the World Cup against Germany, and there was a huge celebration in the streets of Milan. He saw a girl in a blue dress and bright pink flats that he wanted to talk to, but he procrastinated so long that by the time he made it to where she was, she was gone. He vowed never to let an opportunity like that ever get passed him again. A few years later, at 3am, the day before Easter 1989, he walks into a Mel’s Diner in SF and sees a girl having a plate of fries in a 2 person booth. He asks her if he could sit with her and she tells him, “It’s a free country, I guess”. 5 years later after they’ve been married 2 years and expecting their 1st child, they’re sitting at the holiday table and the girl’s grandmother breaks out a picture album containing photos of that European vacation. The guy notices a photo of the girl in the blue dress, but he couldn’t see her shoes. He looks up and asks his wife if she had had ever owned a pair of bright pink flats, and her grandmother chimes in, “Holy cow, those damned pink shoes!! She never wore anything else but those silly little pink SHOES! How did you know that?” His wife adds, “Yeah, how did you know that?” He proceeds to tell her the story of the opportunity he missed to talk to a girl he saw more than 10 years earlier in a crowd in Italy. He said, “ I never stopped thinking about that girl, and when I walked into Mel’s that night we met, that feeling came flooding back, so I didn’t hesitate this time, to take my shot. Everybody just sat around the table with their mouths gapped open. Including his wife.

That couple was me and my husband, and our oldest daughter is getting married April 3 . . . . which is the day before Easter.


The most insane coincidence I had was with the friend of my sister. I had a crush on some guy in high school, we’ll call him Jake. His parents are separated and he has step siblings. My sister told me she’s friends with a boy also named Jake. Who also has divorced parents, and an older stepbrother named Jake. And they were both even part of the same race and etc. it was so weird.


I have a story. I'm a military brat. When I was in kindergarten I took a school picture with my class. Forward time to the 4th grade, and I bring my yearbook from when I was in Germany. On my way home I was sitting next to a girl on the bus and mentioned that I went to school in Germany. She said she did too. I showed her my class picture. Pointing out me to her. She then pointed to her picture on the other side of the same picture. We were in the same class in kindergarten and met again on the bus in N.C Fort Bragg. Any military brat knows that it is rare you run into someone from your childhood later on.
