Morning Routine Tips For Chronic Fatigue | Stop Wasting Spoons!

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Morning Routine Tips For Chronic Fatigue | Stop Wasting Spoons! // If you have chronic fatigue, chronic illness, chronic pain, or invisible disability and hate mornings, this video is for you. I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and I have a very counterintuitive morning routine that sets me up for success every single day. Through my morning routine examples and time management advice for spoonies, you'll learn how to create a morning routine for yourself that helps you instead of costing you chronic illness spoons.


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Here's my smoothie recipe for POTS and Gastroparesis (goal is calorie density, fiber, protein, and high sodium). And a high powered blender is needed.

1/3 Cup quick oats
1 Tbsp dark cocoa powder
Handful of dark chocolate chips
1/3 Cup cottage cheese
1 1/3 Cup whole milk



I absolutely cannot leave the house before noon and even then it is a challenge. I never make an appointment before 2 p.m. if I can help it. It sure would be nice if Normies could understand that some of us are not morning people because we aren't ABLE to be morning people! The other thing that has become impossible for me is traveling. I am 75 and I suffer from widespread osteoarthritis. I am tired of explaining why I can no longer hop on a plane, rent a car, stay in a motel, sleep in a crappy bed, and travel! Just waking up is a monumental task, can you imagine catching a morning airplane flight!!!


i literally have cried because of feeling useless for being tired all the time. thank you so much. seriously. you are amazing


thank you for this video! i feel so awful and guilty every morning for staying in bed so long, for going back to bed, for basically doing everything you did here. even though i do most of this already, it is so helpful to hear it from another person. i so rarely feel normal, but this video made me feel normal. :)


I only recently started to realize that I have some sort of chronic pain (currently in the process of getting diagnosed), and the stuff you said about taking an hour to get up makes me feel so validated. My family is always saying how I need to get up in the morning right away, but I never could. All this time I thought I was just a horrible lazy person, when in reality I just need more time to wake up.


I love this soooo much. My mentor years ago gave me a similar advice. He said never rush out of bed when you wake up. Just go to the bathroom then go back to bed until you are ready to get out of bed. He believed that if you rush out of bed your whole day will be a mad rush and he was the coolest down to earth guy that I ever met. For years I would take my time getting out of bed until recently. I am legally blind and my husband of 26 years just had a double bypass surgery. So I was stressed about his surgery and stressed that I had to take care of everything for a week on my own while he was in the hospital. I am happy to say that my husband is doing great, all the bills are paid and I didn't burn down the house. I proved to myself that I can take care of myself and my husband. But I stopped doing my morning routine. Even though my husband is ok I felt the need to get up out of bed to make sure he was ok and breathing. Now that everything has settled down I am exhausted. Your video was extremely helpful. It was just what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for making this video.... I'm going back to bed.


this is going to sound really backhanded, but when i clicked on this video i was bracing myself to be annoyed and click off (expecting the kind of video where they’re like ohhh meditate and you’ll be magically cured) but i’m only like halfway through and this video is genuinely so helpful. saving it to my chronic illness playlist and sending to my mum! thank you!


My husband is such a morning person and always asks “ do you want to go for breakfast?” You think he would know by now how long it takes me to get going in the morning. This video confirms I’m part of the norm in the chronic illness community. I have Lupus. I also had a cardiac Ablation in 2015. Anxiety, panic attack history . So thanks for this video 💜💜💜


As someone who is very new to the life of a chronic illness it has been soul crushing to not only lack understanding about why I cant get up but to actively fight against it. I have always wanted the get up make breakfast and workout lifestyle but what used to be simple tasks now take me 100× longer and ussually yield less results. Videos like this are something im hoping will work because I want to do good productive things but I need to learn to be okay with doing what I CAN do instead of what I want to do.


I have POTS too and I usually take 45-60 minutes to get up after I wake up. I always did that naturally and I always felt bad for 'wasting time' on social media when I could be doing something productive. This makes me feel so validated. (I usually use tumblr because there is no algorithm and there is lots of fandom fun.)


I know I'm a bit late to this video, but I just watched it and feel so incredibly seen and validated. So thank you for that.
It feels like everyone thinks that the way to be productive as a spoonie is to wake up and jump out of bed and do yoga and go for a walk. Hearing you say "and then I go back to bed" made me breathe such a sigh of relief! Finally someone who gets it! I really have to thank you because maybe tomorrow instead of feeling guilt and self hatred about laying in bed on social media after I wake up, just maybe I'll be able to think more positively about it. <3 much love


Thank you for this!
I disagree about scrolling TikTok or personal social media though as I find they can be triggering and addictive.
I have Fibromyalgia, Hypermobility (possibly EDS), CFS, along with ADHD and C-PTSD. That cocktail of issues with ADHD is hell and very challenging to "function" as an adult.

I am a creative and I have an art Instagram account, I only follow other artists I like so my Instagram feed is only pieces of art and that inspires me and gets my creative juices flowing. This has helped me greatly and doesn't encourage the endless scroll, because it makes me want to create or jot down/sketch ideas, if my spoons are ready.


OMG where have you been all my life. I have fibromyalgia/ cfs and im so fed up of being told to get up at a certain time, meditate 4 times a day and do something fun. I dont know how many times ive told them I DONT HAVE ANY ENERGY!!! Yes im screaming lol. Ive only be diagnosed a year. I can do things small steps at a time. You are the first person to say its ok to take time to do things. Thank you so much ❤❤


I needed this today <3 woke up, went straight into a 2hr meeting, managed to sneak some food in there at some point. Anyway didn't make it through the meeting left 30mins early and cried hysterically for 20 before going to bed and sleeping for an hour 😂 still in bed 2.5hrs later. I think my morning routine needs working on because this is not an infrequent occurrence. I still get angry the things I used to be able to do I just can't anymore, this made me feel more normal. And realise what I am currently doing is not sustainable!


THANKYOU! I have hEDS and this made me feel so much better about the fact I find it so difficult to get out of bed I always feel so lazy and guilty, fatigue is one of my worsen symptoms and honest to god I’ve tried everything . The whole “put your alarm across the room” thing is always recommended but people don’t understand I panic, stand up, nearly pass out then immediately fall asleep again.


Girlfriend…. I feel like God put you in front of me today. Thank you for creating this channel. It is so comforting to know that I am not the only human on earth going through this.


New subscriber here. Great video. As a pwd my entire morning routine is just getting up! Lol. The whole ableistic centered mantra around a morning routine defining your success or productivity as a person really bugs the crap out of me. Thank you for being a counter to that perspective!


I know this is an older video but it makes me feel so supported and inspired - I like your focus on slowly easing into your mornings instead of rushing. I'm having a flare up at the moment and I usually struggle to keep up with new information during those, but you speak so clearly, slowly and concisely, I really appreciate it. I "only" have fibromyalgia, but I've really been struggling lately since I work full time.


It’s so crazy how the same we all are. I have to sit in bed for at least 90 minutes when I wake up, if I rush to get out of bed, then I am anxiety ridden, and disregulated the rest of the day.


Thanks for your videos! I have narcolepsy, chronic fatigue, chronic low blood pressure ( might be pots) and possibly fibromyalgia. Then depression, panic attacks and anxiety. It’s nice to see others with illnesses and realistic routines
