How to adjust front wheel alignment - EASY

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A step by step method to adjust the alignment of the front wheels with 2 cleats and a meter.

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I've done alignments for twenty years. I want to add a few things.

First: This will only adjust total toe. Not camber or caster. But total toe is the biggest tire wearing angle.

Second: Make sure the car not jacked up(normal ride height when making adjustments). You can scribe a line with chalk while rotating the tires to get a more accurate measurement.

Third: After adjusting this way, the steering wheel will likely be crooked. To get it straight, test drive it. Which every way the steering wheel is off, adjust BOTH wheels in that direction EQUALLY(Same number of turns on the tie rods. One side tightened in, the other loosened out). In other words, if the steering wheel is to the left, adjust the wheels to the left. This will take some trial and error. After the steering wheel is straight, it wouldn't hurt to recheck your total toe.


Neat idea, but which wheel is actually too far out or which is too far in? Only way you can know that is comparing them with the rear wheels.


never align a car with the suspension hanging. the angles change with the height. remember this: castor>camber>toe. one affects the next. so if the suspension is hanging, its sure to be at an extreme (+) camber. toe getting adjusted at this point is mostly useless. as soon as vehicle is lowered to normal ride height the camber goes (-) and throws off the toe angle. the affect will vary per vehicle depending on the locations of the control arms and tie rods, so this method can still help, but i wouldnt trust it.


Yes, my boss had pads to dry front wheels on, , jack up car, , paint a line of paint on the center of the tire, move your pointer to tire spin tire, spin tire, , scribe a line in paint while it is still wet, , set your car back down on the movable pads, set your toe in bar under car, measure front and rear of tire, , with toe in bar, perfect!! No computers to worry if their calibrated, and we had a bubble magnetic attachment that would center on front brake disc, after you pulled the grease cap off, perfect, you always knew it was right!!! Other alignment shop had latest computer fixed alignment gear, and a new computer tire balancer, , the we never new if it was calibrated, , I remember the techs would come to calibrate, both tools, , but we never knew if they were right or not! The old mechanic had tire balancer would work off a strobe spark that was all mechanical, , no wondering if your tire balancer was working correctly, , the old man mechanic had those tools, , , they were always right!! Someone went backwards there when thought they were going forwards with Hi-Tech computer stuff, !!! The old guy knew his automatic transmissions too, , !!! Brake jobs, had his own home to hone wheel cyli ders, , own brake lathes, , turn out excellent brake jobs for just over hundred dollars, , every day!! Engine rebuilds, , expanded pistons, put rings and bearings, valve jobs on well cleaned original engine parts, , , I would tune up those engines a year or so later, , we always took a compression test, , , those engines were as good as new, , , !!! His prices were incredibly reasonable, !! Those were all still American cars, , I don't know if new cars can be rebuilt like that anymore, , The Old Mechanic had it down!!!


How do you determine which side to adjust?


It's interesting, but I need to clarify the important one. Is it alienated on one side first and then the other side? Because if the car is misaligned on both sides, I think you have to do the same procedure on both tires. clarify me please.


Never lift your car when you do this it will pull the wheels apart and make the setup look like it is towards toe out so when you change it and lower the car to the ground you will get a overcompensated toe in setup. What you do is you do it on the ground after you push the car forward a couple of meters.


Probably the best most simple video, hell yeah


the video is actually not as bad as people are acting like it is... ... the only thing is that you want the vehicle at a normal ride height when adjusting toe in... if your car is eating tires.. this will probably help you out... i would of jacked it up to check the play and inspect for loose parts... then set it back down to adjust toe in


All accurate wheel alignments are done with all wheels on the ground, your method would work done without jacking the car, doing the cross measurements so long as you mark equal distances from centre of hub, then do cross measurements. I align cars for Bridgestone and we never lift cars wheels off ground to align.


Liked it. Very easy very nicely explained thanks.


I used the back tires and some string to align the front.


l love ingenuity and people who adapt great video!!


how do we know which one of the left or right need to adjust the tie rod end?


how do you know which side to do the track rod adjustment?


Jacking up the vehicle is the worst mistake to adjust wheel alignment
Vehicle must be on the floor driven forward a short distance to get it laiden
When you jack the car up you changing the geometry completely


very good video !!! thanks .. its good to see someone that knows what they are doing, , great mechanic !!


Due to wheel diameter numbers will vary depending on where measurement is taken. Aren't factory specs referenced to spindle center?


Thanks very much and nice job 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍


The tie rod should be adjusted both side equally on either side for correct alignment
