ACES 3D ”star-and-wind-in-a-box” simulations of AGB stars with CO5BOLD - Bernd Freytag (Uppsala)

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Normally, we perform 3D simulations of the outer convective envelope and the inner atmosphere
of AGB stars and red supergiants. We use the CO5BOLD code, that numerically integrates the
coupled equations of non-local radiation transport and compressible hydrodynamics. Recently,
we extended the simulations to include the formation, destruction, radiative acceleration and
transport of dust in a larger computational domain, reaching much further out into the atmosphere
of an AGB star. That allows us to study the wind-generation mechanism under turbulent
conditions with large fluctuations in density and temperature, causing very inhomogeneous dust
distributions and a clumpy wind – very different from a stationary outflow. I will present qualitative
results in form of videos and quantitatively compare wind properties and mass-loss rates
of models with different stellar and dust-model parameters.
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