The Power of Your Intentions (The Rice Experiment)

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A few thoughts on the emotional impact of words and thought.

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I used to work overnights at the local Jack in the Box. There was this single mother who had an autistic child that came by at least once a week with the boy. He always ordered the same thing, a double grilled cheese on sourdough. I typically just slapped sandwiches together, after all it's just a minimum wage fast food job. But this one sandwich for this one special customer I always made sure to make absolutely perfect. I put my soul into this stupidly simple sandwich by making sure the cheese was evenly distributed, making sure the bread was toasted perfectly and each piece lined up perfectly with the previous, and making sure the cheese melted nicely, simply because the young boy told his mother to tell my supervisor he loved the first one I made, that it was perfect. From that moment on, every time he came by I made it the exact same way, just for him.

That was the only thing that made the job worth it, and allowed me to last in that shit wage job for almost a year. That's the only thing I regretted about quitting.

Something as simple as a grilled cheese.

Love/respect really is the secret ingredient to make life wonderful.


I always asked my grandma why her food tasted better than mine. I would use the same ingredients. She told me I was missing the secret ingredient. Love


Proverbs 18:21 in the Bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue. Here is your proof. Fascinating.


Proverbs 16:24

“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”


The human body is the true technology, scientist are trying to create artificial intelligence but you are Organic Intelligence. The words you speak into existence has power but a lot of people are literally speaking negativity into their lives. Job 15:6 " Your own mouth condemns you, not mine; your own lips testify against you."


Another reason to say grace before in eat. Thanks for the great video.


My mom had the best green thumb... everyone always asked her what her secret was... she said she talked to all of her plants every day. ❤ She really did. Thanks for the reminder.


I actually felt bad for the hated rice.


If you really think about it (I fly planes for a living) we constantly do this to our machines. Like "C'mon baby" "You're a good car/plane" We even tell people "don't talk bad about her" when something isn't working right. We always try to show the vehicle love to get us where we are going.


Says a lot about the tradition of blessing our food before we eat it. I say, take it a step further by blessing your food while you create it, all along the way from garden (or farm stock) to table. I'm not just saying "prayers", but intention, as you say. I told my taught my son to treat everyone like royalty (or a saint, or an angle, etc.), because you just never know....


Intention is very real. Someone once told me. “If you think you can or you think you can’t. You are probably right!” Change your mind!


Never control the conditions around you, control the way you feel and the conditions will change.


This makes me think about how delicious my grandmother's food always used to be, and how she used to say that she made it "with heaping scoops of love". I didn't doubt her sincerity because she was an amazingly loving person. But as a pre-teen, it struck me as kind-of sappy and silly. Now I wonder if there wasn't something to it. In fact, I'm pretty sure now that there was! ...Thanks for another great video, guys!!!...


Bonus experiment: Apologize to the ignored and hated rice and give love.


I'm a scientist and a teacher as well. I ran the same experiment mutually unbiased and with aseptic technique I learned through the University graduating in microbiology to see what would happen. The results are almost identical to what you had.


Being ignored is worse in some ways than just outright hate because the ignored rice didn't get discolored. So you could look good on the outside, but you are really dying on the inside.


Melissa looks like shes been in a jar marked 'love'. So beautiful 💙💙💙


I love this channel. Intentions are real. I went a month of saying positive affirmations and trying to halt negative thoughts in process. Within two weeks I felt better I was a lot happier. It changed my life.


Gardening. Talk to your plants. Breath on your plants. They will love you back.


Excellent food for thought. I'm in the process of removing 'toxic people' from my life. We are mostly made of water ourselves. We take in the negative words of abusive people, and if that happens during childhood from caregivers or damaged parents, we carry these negative words in our own self-talk through our entire lifetime. I've recognised the negative results that I've manifested in my life from this.
