What is the best 'You fricked with the wrong person' moment you've seen?

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Principal: Young man, do we have any rules about breaking other students legs?
Student: No Sir, I don't believe we do.
Principal: Write one and have it on my desk in the morning, I'm warning you not to do this type of thing again.


Dude had to be embarrassed, getting his ass beat by the naked skinny kid in front of everybody, and then be reminded of it every day as he hobbled through the hallways on his crutches… for the rest of the school year


Im frequently under estimated. I actually kinda like it cause it gets me into funny situations. But when I was 17ish this guy thought he could pick on me. He was much larger build so he probably thought i was a push over. He got in my way and wouldn't let me pass through this narrow doorway. He put his hands on me to restrain me. I grabbed both his hands off of me. Over powered him and dropped him to his knees. I'll never forget that look on his face of omg... what just happened?😂. He never bothered me again. And stayed away from me.


Did the AH bully stop bullying or did he just stop bullying Dan.


This kinda happened to me once
During summer Camp, some short kid tried to pants me, but since they were half my height, and because I tighten the shit outta my pants, kinda failed at it
I kicked him in the knees at the end.
