PAGANISM, WICCA, AND WITCHCRAFT - What's the Difference?

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This is a very interesting topic. My family is Christian and I think I also was Christian until some time. I currently consider myself an atheist but I think I haven't really found my belief yet. I don't know why I'm not christian anymore but I guess it just happened.

!!! I think everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever they want as long as nobody gets hurt.!!!

Religion or other spiritual "things" are very fascinating to me.

Edit: 69 likes keep it that way


I had no idea Hellenism was legalized in Greece. I’m Greek-American, pagan, and Athena is one of my patrons. Thanks for the info.


I went to a Catholic school from kindergarten to graduation and it always bothered me how it was looked down on to ask questions, at least in my experience. I found paganism to be much more accepting of curiosity, seeking knowledge and finding strength in oneself. Love being pagan and witchy 😊


Me just going with the flow and letting nature and life guide me to my beliefs:👁️👄👁️


After 35 years of Christianity and it running into a desert spiritually speaking, I turned to Egyptian religion which lead me back to my Finnish pagan roots. Now I'm investigating all those "faiths" mainstream Christianity poo poo'd over the years.


Everyone else: I think paganism is cool because the male and female deities are equal.
Me: I just like witchcraft.


I think as humans we've left nature out of the grand equation.
Weather is predicted but mostly for our own benefit while I try to give back to the Earth.

Optimize our civilization and be more contained to minimize deforestation. Animals have their home and we have ours is how I think it should be.

We came from nature, it is our God.


I’m still looking for the right term to define myself but for now I think eclectic witch suits me better. Most of my religious belief system comes from Christianity (I was raised catholic) however I have chosen to pick different aspects from various belief systems such as Budism or Wicca and have incorporated them into my spiritual practice.
You define your own spiritual path. What’s important at the end is that whichever path you chose makes you feel whole and helps you become a better individual ✨


I grew up in a pagan house hold and these basic things were not taught I'm so glad I came across this its definitely opened my eyes that I need to get back to the basics and ground my energies ❤


I appreciate this video so much. I was full blown Christian. And I still have christian beliefs. However for some reason the universe is drawing me to paganism. And I'm learning to find out why. Im a baby when it comes to pagan beliefs so thank you. Subscribed!


I was raised Catholic and it has just never sat right with me. I'm kind of in limbo right now in terms of my beliefs and was recently introduced to Paganism. Great video, super helpful!


If I understand it correctly, an atheist can technically still practice witchcraft? Since witchcraft is defined by the physical practice itself and not necessarily the belief in specific supernatural entities? I'm designing a character for a story and am exploring different possibilities.


I am catholic and I find all of this interesting and I love learning about it. I have many problems finding by believ in a religion. I am baptized catholic but I have many problems with the worldy part of it. The entire herachie is not good in my opinion. I do believe in a God or something spiritual. But I have my problems with the church. I also have a strong connection to nature.


I have been interested in a lot of things throughout my life so far and paganism, Wicca, and the idea of magic or energies is certainly one of them that I feel a strong connection to.


Nice synopsis. “Witch” is also absorbed by other earth-based pagan practitioners outside of Wicca.


I was born Christian and had tons of family who were Catholic. I started being interested in Paganism in the 6th Grade, doing a topic about it for World's Fair.


Very informative video. I myself practice a combination of Wicca, Witchcraft, and Santeria. It is a very personal path and should be done with the utmost respect.


So I myself am a teenager, going to be 18 in just mere months...oof...and I have been raised Christian. However, as I have grown and found myself, I have become unsure about my spirituality and have always been interested in the occult and things like witchcraft. Also, just the pure hatred in the Christian religion for centuries and especially today just makes my stomach churn. I hate to be a part of that. I have only recently discovered that there are whole religions based around this kind of stuff and that excited me. Of course, in my family's religon, that's just the stuff to get me damned to hell. (same with me being bisexual but oh well) this video has really opened my eyes and gotten me even more curious about this topic. I'll be watching more of your videos ^^


I've just now had the chance to watch this, and this is a great video! You explain everything so well (and I subbed! xx). I love that you mention the equality of the god and the goddess as that is one of the things I most adore about paganism as well. It's so important to honour both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.


I identify the most with Wicca in the nature aspect, and I even celebrate the Wiccan holidays. but I still have a hard time believing in the god and goddess ideaology. Is this bad? Am I something else?
