Ask Prof Wolff: Critical Theory & Critical Race Theory

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A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I’m writing because I’m curious about Critical Theory and its relationship to a current hot topic, Critical Race Theory. What are Critical Theory’s roots? What were its originators in the Frankfurt School trying to achieve? What strengths and weaknesses did Critical Race Theory receive by being founded on Critical Theory?"

This is Professor Richard Wolff's video response.


“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.”

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Thank you for the great analysis Prof. Wolff. I wish the poor in the world would realize how much we have in common


The best short commentary on crt on the web. I'll incorporate this in future explanations of the topic. Thanks, professor.


Prof Wolff gives a great elucidation of CRT. I have always found the theory to be an over-complicated way of describing how groups demonize and marginalize others as a means of retaining group cohesion and maximizing group power which, I believe, is entirely consistent with everything Wolff said about it.


Good explanation and I would like to see you go more deeply into these theories in future videos.


Thank you, Prof. Wolff. The REAL problem America has currently is the lack of Critical THINKING. Progressives need to accelerate education in the areas of critical thinking. Learning sourcing and validating FACTS vs immediately believing lies & propaganda just because they are repeated the most. Being critical of ALL information you hear will help everyone resist cognitive dissonance before it takes hold. Also, being humble enough to admit faulty thinking and be able to critically examine and determine where the actual truth is found (this type of thinking is more difficult, hence; Critical)


Thanks. that was a great explanation (as always)


I’m constantly amazed at how affectively corporate propaganda twists, obfuscates, and demonizes any form of socialism, even turning the working class against their best interests.
I think that “race”, and “ racism” are inextricably linked to fascism and authoritarianism.


This is the first explanation I've heard about CT and CRT that makes any sense. Every where else I've heard that CT and CRT were divorced from Marxian thought, but it makes much more sense as a derivative of Marxian thought, but also is not dogmatically Marxist and is open to other Continental methods. I'd be keen to hear how CT and CRT compare in the Anglosphere to continental Europe. It seems CT and CRT are more of the continental school, while the analytical (Anglosphere) school seems more abrasive to it.


Thank you so much for this presentation, I've been trying to get this across to people here on YouTube, fighting a lonely fight. There is so much misrepresentation and/or willful ignorance surrounding CT and CRT.


Thankz so much for a simplistic explanation of correlation of critical theories


Thank you Professor. First, we learn to round stone, sharpen sticks, and make fire.

"Argument is the soul of education." - Neil Postman

New World Man - RUSH


I'll field this one. OK so that is sort of what CRT is, but what is CRT's praxis? How does it operate in the world? That's the real question. CRT praxis is a divisive, subjective, nihilistic, utopian, and kind of juvenile activist ideology that puts identity group over the individual. Basically, everything in society is viewed from the lens of race and power. Every interaction, every institution. It uses various rhetorical and linguistic traps to, as James Lindsay says, "drain you of both your epistemic and moral authority." It was invented by admitted neo-marxists in ~1989 and now the praxis is found everywhere from corporations to kindergarten to public institutions. Thus you get DEI struggle sessions, mandatory sensitivity trainings, "Social Justice" training to children, SER education...the list goes on.
Critical Racists don't have any answers. They seek only power and the ability to wield their cynical, pernicious activism in your face. Thus, you get "scholars" like Robin DeAngelo and all the idiots with 3 names et al writing tomes on "white fragility" that cite other scholars with the same ideology. This is called idea laundering. It is a disgusting and pernicious and, arguably, racist view of the world and it should be extinguished and its adherents dis-empowered.
Fixed it for ya.


Can somebody please explain, what Prof. Wolff is saying?
Is prof. Wolff criticizing or supporting CRT?

On one hand, it seems prof. Wolff is critical of CRT, b/c they are dividing people by Race & not Class.
On the other hand, prof. Wolf is saying that CRT is combating division by Race?

Is prof. Wolff saying that CRT idea was good, but implementation is crap?!
I am completely confused!!


If someone wants help to get into the works of the critical theory writers, just hit me up. I would be happy to help anyone tryimg to understand the writings and the history around it. There has been a lot of misconceptions and misinterpretations from the 70s onwards (especially the international reception) and as someone working on the reevaluation at archives, it's really demotivating to see most of the lectures, talks, channels etc. claiming to be in line of those writers


Gia đình vợ Thầy Lộc nhìn mọi người xum họp ấm cúng quá chúc vợ chồng thầy Lộc có nhiều sức khoẻ


A 'Dic'tatorship Anywhere
is a threat Everywhere!
. . .
whether "using" Religio or
Ethno-Fascism for an excuse.


There is only one race, the rat race where we are controlled/conditioned against each other.


3:10 - Uh, Herbert Marcuse taught at UCSD from 1965 - 1976.



Critical theory was essentially a front for ethnic activism
