Instagram Removes Likes and Follower Count 2019 (Influencers Should Do This NOW!)
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INSTAGRAM IS REMOVING THE LIKES and testing a redesigned profile page that de-emphasizes follower counts! Is this the end of Influencers? Watch to find out how this will benefit you!
If you’re an influencer or already getting contracts off of like counts, what will happen? Well what have i been preaching to you guys over and over on this channel? BUILDING YOUR COMMUNITY WITH ENGAGEMENT!
Why Influencers need to start focusing on their engagement? Think about this, companies are getting smarter, they know the ROI on likes alone don’t sell, however they still use those numbers as a way to determine how good an influencer is. BUT what will happen to those influencers who bank on the likes to get contracts? They’re going to struggle if they haven’t built a true audience. So you watching this right now, if you are already taking the time to respond to comments and DMs, you’re already ahead of the curve - especially if you’ve watched previous videos of mine before because i have preached so heavily of not paying attention to the followers and likes but to the comments and earning the trust of your community. If this is the first video of mine that you have watched, go watch other videos after this one as they are jam packed with information on how to grow and monetize your instagram account.
So be ready guys, and your tip of the week is to truly start building relationships with your followers on instagram, because if you are trying to become an influencer, get paid collaborations and sponsorships then the direction of how companies and brands are going to calculate your influence and determine if they want to work with you will come down to engagement without the likes, so keep that in mind!
Thanks for watching and subscribing!!!
⇣ J O I N M Y B U S I N E S S C O M M U N I T Y ⇣
D I S C O U N T C O D E S - Thank you for using them to support my channel! It allows me to create awesome weekly videos and free programs! :)
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If you’re an influencer or already getting contracts off of like counts, what will happen? Well what have i been preaching to you guys over and over on this channel? BUILDING YOUR COMMUNITY WITH ENGAGEMENT!
Why Influencers need to start focusing on their engagement? Think about this, companies are getting smarter, they know the ROI on likes alone don’t sell, however they still use those numbers as a way to determine how good an influencer is. BUT what will happen to those influencers who bank on the likes to get contracts? They’re going to struggle if they haven’t built a true audience. So you watching this right now, if you are already taking the time to respond to comments and DMs, you’re already ahead of the curve - especially if you’ve watched previous videos of mine before because i have preached so heavily of not paying attention to the followers and likes but to the comments and earning the trust of your community. If this is the first video of mine that you have watched, go watch other videos after this one as they are jam packed with information on how to grow and monetize your instagram account.
So be ready guys, and your tip of the week is to truly start building relationships with your followers on instagram, because if you are trying to become an influencer, get paid collaborations and sponsorships then the direction of how companies and brands are going to calculate your influence and determine if they want to work with you will come down to engagement without the likes, so keep that in mind!
Thanks for watching and subscribing!!!
⇣ J O I N M Y B U S I N E S S C O M M U N I T Y ⇣
D I S C O U N T C O D E S - Thank you for using them to support my channel! It allows me to create awesome weekly videos and free programs! :)
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