Time Travel and the Butterfly Effect

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Part 3 - Let's look into yet another potential cause of the Mandela Effect!

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Very thought provoking video. A butterfly effect that happened in my life-Many years ago I worked in a nursery school where the children attended either a morning or afternoon session. One of the mothers of a child attending a morning session was expecting another baby. There were some potential complications and her doctor told her she needed to rest. This was hard to do with a child to look after and her husband out at work everyday. As a result, us nursery staff, gave up our lunch break to look after her existing child, meaning the child could attend nursery both morning and afternoon, giving the mother time to rest. She went on to deliver a healthy baby boy. Fast forward many years. My daughter (who had struggled with academic subjects due to dyslexia) attended a college, where a patient tutor enabled her do so well in one of her courses, she was able to go on to university, something she hadn't thought would be possible. The tutor of the course she did so well at, had an unusual surname which I recognised at parents evening. He was the baby brother of the child I had looked after at lunchtimes so many years before. Was that small kindness allowing his mother to rest, the butterfly effect that resulted in his healthy birth, meaning he was able to to teach my daughter many years later and change the course of her life?


This video was a beast to create so if you enjoyed this please give it a like and share it around. I'm extremely in need of a relaxing vacation so I might just do that. I'm going to rest up, recharge and I'll be back with a ton of brand new Mandela effects in my next video!


I like what astrophysicist Tom Campbell says. The Mandela Effect is a "wink to the people who are paying attention" (that we live in a Divine Matrix, and choosing to keep extending love vs. ego is how we win the game. Thank you for your great videos!


This is how I came up with my username. I am fanstinced by both the Mandela and Butterfly effect.


I think we are on a fixed timeline and the Mandela effects are results of changed made during time travel - makes the most logical sense to me


I'm still convinced it's testing from cern and quantum computers making small insignificant changes to see the repercussions in the present. small enough that it can be chalked off to the typical layman mis-remembering but sufficient enough that it can be quantified and measured. I'm still unsure regarding the why. but i think it may be to do with technological advances along with sociological domination.


The word "stuff" now appears in the KJV bible as a word meaning belongings. It appears approximately 13 times despite the fact that it is a modern usage of a modern word.


Great video. I personally think CERN has had an effect on reality, merging two or more dimensions together, creating small but very noticeable changes to the ordinary person. I do not believe its abberations of memory or some kind of understated confabulation. This is a real and disturbing issue.


It's definitely a multiverse type timeline situation... I believe most of us lived through the singularity back in 2012, where all the timelines came together for a few days before separating and going on about there business, so to speak. I lived in LA county at the time and I remember walking around the days before and after 12-21-12 and sharing with my then girlfriend how there seemed to be less people around... literally people we would see on a daily basis, weren't there... and in the following days and weeks more and more people starting "popping" up... since then every year around christmas/new years i get this feeling like I fell asleep but I'm still conscious for a couple minutes then "pop" I'm wide awake and it's ten minutes later... IDK what happened or happening but I know it all started years ago for me... thanks for the content and keep up the good work!!


I think it’s the multiverse timeline theory. I’ve met multiple different versions of myself and I’ve seen timelines of parallel universes in my sleep. Even with proof of it being truth and not just a dream. But I am a bit concerned because I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be shifting through sooo many universes as we are now. Which means something went wrong and the walls of reality could be breaking down.


When Mandela effects do happen, they engage slowly over a period of time. Apparently there was a video camera on a certain road sign, and every day it changed just a little bit. After 2 to 3 weeks the image had completely changed!


I think it's possible that CREN could play a big role in the Mandela effect. Here is something small but interesting. When I was little I loved the song I Love Rock 'n' Roll by Joan Jett. I found out that many websites say the song came out in 81 and others saying as late as 83. I was singing I Love Rock 'n' Roll just before Mt. Saint Helens blew its top and that was in 1980. I just think that's odd.


I was struggling to wake up, and get around for work today. I literally thought to myself: I wish there was a new All Time video! I refreshed You tube, and saw this video. It showed that it was posted 21 minutes ago. It truly made me smile. Maybe. My future self went back in time, to get you to post this video. 🤯

Keep the theories coming. Looking forward to the cern theory video. Multiverse, butterfly effect, time travel....maybe it's a combination of all the theories that induce the mandella effect.
Enjoy your vacation. I hope you are able to rest, and have some fun!


For what it's worth, I watched your videos a LOT when I was really struggling with my mental health and they helped me immensely AND inspired me to start my little channel about mental health ❤️


So pumped for this video! Love your content, All Time!


All time, you should do a video about how dejavu could be related to the mandella effect and alternate timelines.


I cannot even tell you how refreshing it is to have an intelligent channel like yours speculating about such theories in an open minded manner. There are so many foolish and time wasting topics that get people nowhere in their mental capacity and as such, some have no desire to further their intellect or inquistions. I could listen to your thoughts all day! When I tell people that the books on my coffee table are quantum theories, yet I listen to Disturbed, Prince, country music and grew up on an italian farm... they cannot comprehend such different interests together...however- as stated in this video, every decision affects another and changes outcomes...Example... this video today- brought me out of a quite lonely day and reminded me that knowledge is passion.... you did that by posting this. That changed me- today. 👍🤯


I believe the multiverse theory, specifically because I have seen the thinker change 3 times and so have other people I know, plus the theory of quantum entanglement makes sense on a universal scale


This type of content keeps me on YouTube and it is truly a treat everytime i see a new All Time video. Please do enjoy your vacation so we can all enjoy the next gem!
