What’s the biggest butterfly effect you have seen?

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I give a young man (teenage) a box of snack cakes and some cash because he was holding a sign asking for help, year and a half later I had a seizure on the exact same road... I woke up in the hospital with that young man next to me, he drove me to the er after getting my seizure to stop, he paid for my er visit and he works at a food bank now, he told me that 20 dollars and snack cakes helped his family, karma is real and good karma is worth waiting for I could have died but I'm here because of him thank you young man so very much


i had a butterfly effect thought once. before i was born my brothers were playing in what is now my room. my mom later put them to bed, not a while after she heard a loud bang coming from somewhere near their room. turns out, an old man driving a truck 🛻 had crashed into the room they were just playing in. so, what if my mom hadn’t put them to bed earlier?.. ( also this is what i can remember from what they told me )


That poor boy 😢 glad he was able to say goodbye at least and now he wants to help others too ❤


When I was a kid, I loved reading the Rainbow Magic book series. If you're not familiar, it's about these two girls that get pulled into the fairy world, and have to work with the fairies to save the world from the evil Jack Frost and his goblins, you know, your standard easy reader. Each little mini series is about a different type of fairy(you have your princess fairies, and your sport fairies, etc.). One of these little mini series was about music fairies, and one of them plays flute. I wish I could say it was as cheesy and corny as I read the book and decided I wanted to play flute, but it's worse. I saw the picture of the fairy on the cover of the book and said "her dress is pretty. I want to learn how to play flute." It's been like, 13 years, and I just started my Music Education degree a few weeks ago. Hoping to be a high school band director someday.


Good on the teacher,

Honestly if a kid has an impending sense of danger or doom, it could be a medical warning (seizure auras, stroke, fainting)

It can also just be that gut intuition that something in the world has gone wrong

I've learned to always trust my gut. Even if it seems totally irrational, if I get a sense not to go somewhere or to cross the road at a random point I will follow it.

Saved me getting mugged once, and it's saved me and my friends from some dangerous nights out


My existence is a butterfly effect actually (I mean everyone’s is but mine kinda stems from one event)

So before my dad went to college (right after he graduated high school) he applied to join the military as a Navy pilot. However, in the midst of the process, he got into a motorcycle accident that messed up his knee. So, he was told he could never actually fly a plane, just be in the back seat as the navigator/copilot. But my dad has always been a front seat kind of guy, so he went to college instead, where he met my mom, and you know how it goes from there. But if he hadn’t gotten in that accident, he would have joined the military and not gone to college, and therefore not met my mom.

So basically, I exist because of a motorcycle accident.


There's no right answer for that teacher.


Why is no one talking about just how immaculate those onion slices are?


That's not a butterfly effect
That's cause and effect


Not really a Butterfly effect but it's funny to think about the fact that if my mom went on vacation to the same camping site as my dad one day later they'd never met and there would be no way for them to meet as it was the early 90s and they lived 1.5 hours apart without cellphones. Funny how life works


no one gonna ignore the fact she told him to do HOMEWORK shame on teacher!


Ooohh, I just remembered a big one,
About my creepy uncle

So when I was nine, he did something to me, I was quiet for YEARS, and it was going to stay that way until one day when I told my mom about what happened because I didn’t feel comfortable with him going on vacation with us.(I didn’t get to tell her what exactly happened, but she yelled at him anyway, but he still knew immediately what she was talking about, [pretty much outing himself out when even I didn’t think it was that bad] thus made her more mad that he knew it was wrong) Of course we were going tell the police, but I think we wanted to make sure that other cousins/family/friends weren’t hurt either.
It then turned into a huge ripple effect of many girls saying he hurt them too, even with one person saying she wouldn’t say a thing as long as he didn’t hurt anyone she knew, but someone still did :(

Nearly everyday after the whole thing, I questioned what would’ve happened if I had stayed silent, we didn’t end up going on the vacation, so we probably would have gone, and I am sure many girls would still be getting hurt today


😂 yeah because middle school students are allowed to just leave school in the middle of the day and walk themselves home


My friend group was a bunch of high school boys. We would make stupid inside jokes in our group chat, create our own memes, etc. one day, one of my friends sent a really stupid meme he had created, and it made all of us lose our minds with laughter. One of the guys sent it to some other group chats, and it spread, until suddenly I was seeing the meme posted by random people across the country on Twitter and whatnot. The guys and I were so amazed. It’s the “uncle Ben squid game” meme btw.


My butterfly effect:
What if I had gotten on the first bus?
(reply to me for an explanation, not writing one just for no one seeing it)


9/11 caused 50 shades of gray.
9/11 happens>gerard way is inspired to form my chemical romance>lady writes a fanfiction about mcr>that fanfic turns into Twilight>another lady writes a Twilight fanfic>that fanfic becomes 50 shades of gray.


Omg a teacher actually been believing a kid that says they feel a little off and letting them go home early 😱


I got a butterfly effect when my grandpa died. I was in school but something felt wrong


My sis had a butterfly effect
So basically my parents made her join in a basketball class bc they got a coupon and it was like a state lvl academy she said thought that she would just play for an year and then leave but no, she got so addicted that she did not want 2 leave now its been 3 years and she plays state lvl . Shes very successful and won


I had a classmate in highschool, one day out of nowhere, legit no calls nothing and he started feeling like something really bad is happening and he just has to go home, he went into the vice principal's office to get permission but she didn't let him go; his mother couldn't talk and he only had a sister who was mentally challenged.
After off time, he went back to home to find his mother dead cause of a heart attack.
