Why don't Jews believe in Jesus as the Messiah or Son of God? Interviewer presses Rabbi Tovia Singer

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Dear Rabbi, I began listening to you over 10 years ago, and you just get better and better. From a grateful Noahide


Thus said HASHEM, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mortals, and makes flesh and blood his strength, and turns his heart away from HASHEM!" Jeremiah17:5.




Tovia should have told him the verses where Hashem says he had no other gods with him and none beside him and none after him and he is our only creator, healer and clinched it for me 3 years ago and I never looked back💕


If you listen to just one of Rabbi Tovia's talks, listen to this one! Clear, basic, unarguable.


Great teachings! Thank you so much dear rabbi!! May God bless you!


My conversion is almost complete. This guy is an inspiration.


Why don’t Jews believe in Jesus? I suppose the reciprocal might be, “why don’t Christians believe in Muhammad”?


To all the Christians that are upset by the Rabbis words, open your eyes, to make wise your heart!

1- The foundation of your religion is that the God of Israel is true, and His Torah is true!

2- Your claim is that He hinted in His word, that all He commanded the nation of Israel to do, would be nullified at some future event, and all the works of His command would be for naught!

3- We disagree. I cannot think of a more clear proclaiming of Gods weakness, God forbid such an idea, than saying He gave the whole Torah knowing it was untenable! Well, maybe saying He could only bring forgiveness and grace by making Himself physical and then killing Himself, would top that!!

You see, we take the Creator at his REVEALED word! He commanded and we are obligated to follow! He KNOWS what is good and righteous, and revealed that in His law!


i am Christian....and have nothing but the utmost respect and Godly love for Rabbi Singer.I believe him to be an upright and Just man.He iis in my prayers


The question is easy to answer:

1. Christians have their Jesus. Jews have their Torah. Each party assigns salvation to their respective Sacred Agents.This is why Jews reject Jesus and Christians discard the Torah (except for mining it for fake prophecies).

2. If Jesus lived historically - which I doubt - see below, -then it is certain that henever fulfilled any authentic Jewish prophecy. The NT either made up or distorted or misapplied prophecy to make it fit their warped picture of Jesus as "Jewish" Messiah.

3. The doctrine of the Second Coming was invented to explain and excuse the fact that Jesus, during his lifetime, utterly failed to fulfill the messianic role. His bringing all nations as one to worship in the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple, his establishment of universal peace, his ridding Israel of foreign oppressors, etc., would only - finally - be fulfilled when "he comes again".
This is a blatant admission that Jesus did not function as Jewish Messiah in his own lifetime. As the Jews say, the world will know if the Messiah is here because in those times universal peace will have come on the world. This has not yet happened, and it certainly didn't happen with Jesus. Hence, Jews look to the future (first) coming of the Messiah, while Christians look to what they imagine will be the (second and finally effective) coming of their Messiah.

4. Had Jesus been the actual Messiah, his movement would have flourished to this day. It didn't. It faded away with the extinction of the "Jewish Christian" sects like the Ebionites, the Nasoreans, the Elchasaites, etc., etc. The traditional Church is not the survival of the original Jewish Jesus movement - the Church is an invention mostly of the fourth century that was slapped together by Gentiles who were either innocently or deliberately ignorant of Judaism and the Jewish Christian groups that still survived.

5. Paul's "Messiah" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Jesus of the Gospels. Paul's Christ is an angelic heavenly figure similar to the pre-existent Son of Man in Daniel and mystical Jewish writings. Paul's Jesus had no earthly life and was not humanly known to anyone in Judea. On the contrary, he was only "known" through special, private revelations and visions directed from heaven. Paul knows of no earthly career for Jesus, and Paul never calls the Jerusalem Apostles "disciples". Disciples follow an earthly teacher, while, according to Paul's definition, Apostles only follow the mystical Christ who revealed his heavenly incarnation, passion, death, burial and resurrection through visions and revelations. But Judaism's Messiah is required to be a king on earth, not a spirit from heaven. The Gospels historicized the original celestial Christ and created his "Messiahship" out of whole cloth. Which is another reason "the Jews rejected Jesus" - they never knew him as a historical person to begin with, and they of course cared nothing for the "Pentecostal" -type of private revelations of the ghostly Jesus that were being claimed by a few sectarian Jewish mystics.


The Seven Noahide Commandments, and the extended Noahide Code, were commanded to Moses on Mount Sinai as the Torah Laws for Gentiles.


The surest sign of the end times will be when the Good Rabbi doesn’t have to answer this question.


The falsifiable traits of the Messiah went unfulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth or anyone else. Christians (and Muslims) can try and twist that for a trillion years in any way they want, that's just the bottom line.


Even the UN likes Isaiah. Isaiah 2:3 is inscribed on its wall. ( Hey, that's almost a miracle.) I always enjoy Isaiah. I thank Hashem I can read it in the original Hebrew.


Thank you, this is a wonderful explanation. This is great!


I'm not religious, but having religious discussions with my friends so we are all diving deep to discuss. Thank you so much for this video & they way you explained the Jewish perspective of Jesus. You are amazing & I hope your God appreciates you & your teachings of His word.


A pious person
endeavors to use his words and influence to promote matters which help establish a moral society. The foremost way to accomplish this is by establishing or supporting institutions and a society overall in which the Torah's universal lessons of wisdom and good behavior are taught, to students who will go in that path. And if one is able, he himself should be involved in teaching this, for the sages encouraged pious people to "raise up many disciples" (Ethics of the Fathers 1:1). For if someone brings
many people to be meritorious, then in this merit, no sin will come about through him (Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and Dr. Michael Schulman, p 118-119).


Tovia. You are right. Christians are in love with Jesus. As Messiah as Son of God, as the second person of the Trinity...As one who came to show us " the way" ....we love our Jewish tradition, Jesus was a Jew after all, but what Jesus brought to humanity is greater than any prophets who proclaimed Abba Father. We are in love....and love is greater than any doctrine, any book, any laws...Jesus brings us to the Father. This is not your belief, I get that, but Christians will be forever faithful to the one who loved them first...


💠Jeremiah 33:17-26 💠
🔸For thus said Hashem: Ther shall not be cut off from David a man who sits on the throne of the House of Israel. And for the Priests, the Levites, there will never be cut off a man from before Me who offers burnt-offerings and burns meal-offerings and performs feast-offerings all the days!

🔸The word of Hashem came to Jeremiah, saying:
Thus said Hashem: If you could annul My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, so that day and night would not come in their proper times, so too could My covenant be annulled with David, My servant, so that he would not have a descendant reigning on his throne, or with the Levites and Priests, My attendants. Just as the hosts of heaven cannot be counted nor the sand of the shore measured, so will I multiply the seed of My servant David and the Levites, My attendants.

🔸The word of Hashem came to Jeremiah, saying: "Surely you have observed what this people have spoken, saying: "The two families that Hashem had chosen, He has rejected them, ' thereby causing My people to renounce being a nation before them anymore."" Thus said Hashem: If my covenant with the night and with the day would not be; had I not set up the laws of heaven and earth, so too would I reject the seed of Jacob and My servant David, from selecting from his descendants rulers over the seed of Avraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for I will return their captivity, and I will show them mercy.

🔰Priesthood and Kingship are separate things, and there have to be 2 different persons. One from the David line and one from the Aaron line. Since that comes from the father, and one person is not able to have 2 fathers, it cannot be one person. And since God said, that the covenant with David and Levi is not going to EVER go away, it means that the order of things will never be changed.
