Dave Ramsey Calls Out This Entitled 23-Year-Old

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Dave Ramsey Calls Out This Entitled 23-Year-Old

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This kid is why boss's sons get bad reps. The entitlement is mindblowing.


Hes paying his kid 120k at age 23 and the kid is fixing to compete against him because he feels like a victim


So... he's so busy doing the work of "2 to 3 people" that he has time to set up a new project during work hours? Dave is right on this one.


I am almost 23, work for my parents and make $30, 000 a year. This kid needed the reality check because I couldn’t fathom making that kind of money! He is doing much better than most of America!


Dave said it perfectly, 100% spot on. Let it cook, don't rush the process. It's harder than you think.


This demonstrates perfectly why they say wealth often only lasts 3 generations. Unfortunately.


The only reason the “side hustle” has such a big profit ($30k out of $40k revenue) is because the father’s business is paying all the upfront costs. If the caller had to pay for the machine out of his pocket, the profit would be much less, maybe even zero.


I worked for my dad for 6 years, he taught me his trade.He made me work for the first 2 years at minimum wage and to get any sort of raise i would have to show absolute dedication and sacrifice for his business. Never got Christmas bonus’. I feel forever indebted to this man now at 26 yrs old for teaching me his craft and the sacrifice that goes into being a tradesman and a good father that most people don’t understand. This boy should respect his dad learn everything he has to offer.


I'm so impressed with how Dave handled this


His father has given this kid a very comfortable position and a golden opportunity. The greed of this kid is going to mess all that up. He should learn all aspects of the business, so that when dad is ready to retire he can run it properly.


I really hope this kid reads these comments. He is so blessed and doesn’t realize it.


This young man needs a reality check. He is making 120k a year off his father’s business, and he wants more than that. You can’t have any experience when you’re barely in your 20s. He has this job and this income because his dad, and he has no self awareness or gratitude for his situation.


"I'm doing a 2-3 person job by myself" *gets paid 4 people's salaries*


Dave made an excellent point when he said not only is it the machinery but those customers buy from his father because of him and his reputation. Those customers that the kid has his eye on taking are not his to take,


The kid is 23 and making $120, 000 per year and probably in line to own the company some day. If I were his dad and heard saw this video he'd be looking for a job. What a punk.


That wife is nothing but trouble, my wife would never encourage me to screw over my father just to make more money when he’s the one who taught me the trade and it’s his machines and tools I’m using 🤦🏻


I've worked for my dad my entire adult life. i make 6 figure a year at 36 years old and I'm doing fine on that and I'll take over the business next year when my dad retires. I would never think about going behind my dad's back after all he's done for me.


A couple of things. I'm a boss' kid. The business was turned over to me when I was 50 because my dad was the "entrepreneur" and could not let go. Looking back, I am glad for the opportunities offered to me all along the way, thought it seemed to be agonizingly slow at the time. I took seminars to learn things my dad could not tell me (he did them intuitively). Things like production, when to buy new machinery, scheduling, hiring, firing, coaching. When I did move to the upstairs office full time, as CFO, I was flabbergasted to learn all about overhead, INSURANCE, federal required paperwork. In my industry, INSURANCE was our #2 cost after labor. Making decisions about how much of a cushion to have in case of recession, so you can keep skilled labor vs. laying off, etc. Running a business is VERY complex. I feel for his impatience, BUT he does not yet appreciate enough to move out on his own. He wants what his parents have, right now. He must "show himself faithful over time".


He doesn’t know if he has a side hustle but he wants to run his father’s entire business? 😂😂😂😂😂


"I'm doing the job of 2-3 people, but i still have time to make a new business on my dad's time and with his equipment and capital.
