Are you a giver or a taker? | Adam Grant

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In every workplace, there are three basic kinds of people: givers, takers and matchers. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant breaks down these personalities and offers simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity and keep self-serving employees from taking more than their share.

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"Protect givers from burnout" wow, this is a powerful concept.


None of the above, I'm a keeper. At least that's what my mom tells me...


Takers is why I hate group tasks at school. It's great to work with givers and matchers, but he's right, one taker can ruin the work.


"you can learn a lot about character by watching how someone traits their restaurant server or their Uber driver." True


I’m a giver. Recently after helping someone in my company I was immediately offered more work by the director (plus a 30% pay increase) personally I questioned my ability to handle the increased work load. I decided to accept. I have had to ask for help which has caused my relationships to grow. Now the people I have been helping are now helping me. Life is more balanced.


This Ted Talk is awesome because:
no bulshit self- advertising, no useless stories like "when I was a kid..", the talk gets straight on point, facts are backed by statistics, he mentions how this idea can help our society grow! Videos like this is why I'm still subscribed to Tedtalk channel.


In my personal experience, it seems as though having been raised by a family of highly agreeable givers that it's bred me into a highly agreeable taker. Having been given so much throughout my life, I've always taken it for granted and selfishly expected the same from everyone else without returning the favor. It feels good to get that off my chest, and realizing from the thought-provoking insight from this video that I can choose to become someone who desires to help others.


I am a matcher. I feel guilty when someone gives too much to me, and I am always thinking about ways to make it up to them. When someone takes significantly more than they give, I try to figure out how to remove that person from my life. I am paranoid that the giver will leave, thinking I do not appreciate them. I am also paranoid the taker will keep taking what I do not want to give. Paranoia is not limited to narcissistic takers. I do not like being paranoid, but it is how I have always been.


0:15 find the most paranoid person in the room

0:20 points straight at the speaker 😂😂😂


I am a lazy giver. I love helping others when my energy is up. But energy seems to escape me at times.


I'm definitely a matcher...
Just because if you help me, I'll gladly help you. I used to be a giver but people took advantage of me so I became a matcher.


"I find paranoia everywhere"

Isn't that Ironic


Man that crowd was dead, this Ted Talk was great


"As canadian as possible under the circumstances"
Proud of you Canada


1:04 I was taught to read every question before answering


"You just have to find small ways to add value to other people's lives." That quote from Adam Rifkin is valuable!


The sparkling in his eyes is just distracting and captivating in the same time , good speech though


Takers are people who don't see the point in making the world better. All that matters to them is themselves.

Givers do see the point in making the world better even if they have to sacrifice themselves to do it.

Matchers are people who view life pragmatically and know that making the world better is good but their own well-being is just as important. If they see a giver, they will join him or her IF they can. If they see a taker, then they will try to eliminate him or her IF possible. This is why givers need to be put into positions of power and takers must be removed from positions of power.


I believe I'm a disagreeable giver. I can't stand people's stupidity but I want to keep them from dying. (And I love that House was in that catagory too)


I work with a bunch of takers... so now I’m just a doer. I do my work and I go home
