Learn How To Trust God's Timing with Rick Warren

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(Don't give up) (God's timing) (God's plan) (Life encouragement) (Patience) (My dream) (Home with God) (Church home) (Right timing) (God's appointment) (Christmas message) (Christmas day) (Rick Warren) (Christmas at Saddleback) (Christmas 2018). (Delays in life) (Trusting God) (Stress relief) (God is never in a hurry)
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“God isn’t mad at you. God is mad about you.” Literally almost fell of my bike, as I openly sobbed with joy.


I was in a hurry to marry this woman I love. But I felt this message telling me to trust Gods timing. Please pray for me because I know God is using this time to make me into the godly husband he wants me to be . Please pray for me to keep the faith. Mostly please pray that my heart n my mind is changed inside out so that I live & think & talk n act the way Jesus would in all situations.


"When you worry, its stewing without doing "

That hit me really hard


Amen! My son shall walk again in the name of Jesus.


This video was posted 3 years ago but is EXACTLY what I needed to hear right now.

Gods timing is perfect… 🙌🏽


For all my childhood, I had been an anxious child. Now, even after becoming a Christian at the age of 18, this tendency to be anxious still clings on to me. Thank you Pastor Rick for this message of hope. It reminds me that God loves me and He has the best plan for my life at the right time, so I have no need to fret. My job is to patiently wait upon Him, knowing that I'm not walking alone in this journey. What a joy to know that He has been with me all along the way, and will continue to do so until the very end of time. God, help me to trust You!


This 1 of The best message, the only thing Jesus never came on Christmas, Christmas is created by men for business purposes, &! Jesus is our Christmas gift & we're to celebrate at all times, & not by decorating houses with lights


Almost all my dreams have been shattered. Now I simply dream of a good nights sleep. I would forever sacrifice my shattered dreams for 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep. My heart was broken 8 years ago. Around that time I changed careers on top of that. I never thought those two events would disrupt my life the way it has. I’m miserable in my personal life and my professional life. However during these tough miserable times 3 things have happened. I married person that brought me back to the Lord and gave me two children. I love the and trust in the Lord and I adore my children. See God knew these tough times were coming for me and he accepted me back then gave me the love of two children. The love of The Lord and my two children is what keeps me from falling over dead.


God's timing is perfect. My timing is imperfect.


What a right timing it is to listen to Pastor Warren’s sermons. These sermons shed so much light in my life that I decide to come back to God.


I'm waiting on God's timing to alleviate my sadness and grief from my husband of 53 years dying 5 1/2 months ago. I do trust that God means to teach me lessons of how I can help others while they are grieving. But the sadness right now is just overwhelming. It's really a test of my being able to keep from falling into despair...hardest thing I have ever had to do. I pray, read the Bible, cry and then do it all over again. One day when I go to Heaven to meet Jesus and see Jimmie again, all sadness and grief will be over. I have to hold onto that. Diane in North Carolina


I met a great girl. We vibed really well and am so sad cause I didn’t even get the chance to tell her how I feel. But it’s all in your hands God. I want the absolute best for both of us and everyone. If it means I never see her again, so be it. I just pray that she knows you.


Don't give Up!!! God is always there for us!


I'm almost 27 and still didnt meet my future wife yet. Almost tired of looking as in trying to hurry up the process before a certain age but its in His timing not mine. I'm sure theres still things God wants me to learn and realise before that commitment.


Waiting on Gods promise can be very difficult but worth it. If u ever want to take things into your own hands read the story of Abraham and that should stop you.


Thank God for this message. I am at a crossroad of my life. I need God's guidance more than ever.🙏


Why Stress when I'm so Blessed!

I might not have everything I want and know I deserve but I trust that God has it all planned out accordingly. Just be grateful for the small things you do have - and the Universe will take notice and continue blessing you. Sending love and hope to anyone that needed to see this <3


I am struggling to find a job. I am waiting for my visa grant and because of the visa situation i am unable to secure a job. This message was for me. Thank you Jesus for bringing me to this video as i am too stressed out. Thank you.


This sermon was for me at this time, put me back on track, God answers praying! Thank you Lord!


"You don't have to know the key men in life if you know the man that holds the keys."- Wow!

This sermon has reminded me of the hymn - I Have Returned.
