Find the angle X | How to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly

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Learn how to find the angle X in the given triangle. Solve this tricky geometry problem by using isosceles triangle property, straight angle, and 30-60-90 special triangle rule.
Need help with finding the angle X in this complex Geometry question ? You're in the right place!
I have over 20 years of experience teaching Mathematics at American schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about me at
Find the angle X | How to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly
#OlympiadMathematics #OlympiadPreparation #CollegeEntranceExam
#PythagoreanTheorem #Pythagorean
#HowtoCalculatethedistance #Findthedistanceofthelinesegment #LineSegment #length #distance #blackpenredpen #ComplementaryAngles #OlympiadMathematics
#FindtheAngleX #HowtoSolvethisTrickyGeometryProblemQuickly #IsoscelesTriangleProperty
#IsoscelesTriangle #IsoscelesTriangles #Isosceles #Triangle #Triangles
#30-60-90SpecialTriangle #30-60-90SpecialTriangles #30-60-90Triangle #30-60-90
Olympiad Mathematics
pre math
Po Shen Loh
Learn how to find the angle X
How to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly
Subscribe Now as the ultimate shots of Math doses are on their way to fill your minds with the knowledge and wisdom once again.
Need help with finding the angle X in this complex Geometry question ? You're in the right place!
I have over 20 years of experience teaching Mathematics at American schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about me at
Find the angle X | How to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly
#OlympiadMathematics #OlympiadPreparation #CollegeEntranceExam
#PythagoreanTheorem #Pythagorean
#HowtoCalculatethedistance #Findthedistanceofthelinesegment #LineSegment #length #distance #blackpenredpen #ComplementaryAngles #OlympiadMathematics
#FindtheAngleX #HowtoSolvethisTrickyGeometryProblemQuickly #IsoscelesTriangleProperty
#IsoscelesTriangle #IsoscelesTriangles #Isosceles #Triangle #Triangles
#30-60-90SpecialTriangle #30-60-90SpecialTriangles #30-60-90Triangle #30-60-90
Olympiad Mathematics
pre math
Po Shen Loh
Learn how to find the angle X
How to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly
Subscribe Now as the ultimate shots of Math doses are on their way to fill your minds with the knowledge and wisdom once again.