Fear of going underwater? 4 mistakes to avoid

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It’s not free because we need a commitment level a bit higher than free. The program lasts around one to two weeks in which you will learn something that will change your life and may one day save it. It consists of 9 steps that will first train your mind at home and then your body. For so much value, the price of the program is a bit ridiculous.
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I was a strong competitive swimmer age 8-16. I've been a lifeguard for 2 seasons. I was a swim coach for 2 years. I am still terrified of water and drowning. I always wear I life jacket in large bodies of water. and encourage others to do the same.


Its been 11 days I learning to swim, as a person who drowned twice, once in the pool and 2nd in the ocean, its really hard to not thinking the feeling when I was drowned when my head under water., but I managed to able swim freestyle yesterday and Im so happy with it, the fear still there and make my body less relaxed. Im working on it.


I almost died in the deep end of swimming pool at 10 when I wasn’t within arm’s reach to the wall. I was suspended in the water vertically for what seemed like forever until the friend I came to the pool with reach down to pull me up. Later for 50 years I sank like a brick whenever my feet couldn’t touch the bottom. I learned how to swim free style last year by myself in the pool (because I wanted to conquer the fear). However, I will never go without a floating device in open water; never.


I think the problem with most schools is that they just pressure their students into swimming. Back when I was in primary, I had an extreme phobia of swimming in deep water, when I told the teachers they would just tell me to laugh it off and pressured me into diving into the pool without even teaching us. I don’t get why schools just automatically think that we are all natural swimmers after we are born, everyone has a fear and it’s okay! It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I hope that schools can just try to overcome this problem. They should hire patient and gentle swimming coaches that actually understand the student’s fear and would guide them slowly instead of just forcing them to swim without any guidance or knowledge of swimming.


I went to a friends apartment building pool and encountered 9feet deep water for the first time. My regular lap swimming pool goes to 5.7 and I’m tall so I never learned to thread water when my feet could not touch the ground. I tried to be brave and free-styled to the point where the steep drop happens and test it out by kick-boarding the rest of the way across. Everything was fine, I was not sinking or anything but for some reason when I use a kick board I travel very slowly so my mind had enough time to start panicking. Logically I should have just kept on with the kick board, eventually I would have reach the other even if I was going slowly, or I could have just freestyle my way to the end but instead I abandoned the kickboard and went vertical. I was threading for a seconds but just didn’t feel confident because I’ve never threaded in really deep water and the fear set it. It was a split second of real dread but thank God a swim instructor had told me months back exactly what to do in a situation like that. So I flipped on my back and didn’t stop until I got to the point I estimated I could stand up again in. Definitely a scary experience, I’ve booked a lesson with a local pool that has a much deeper deep end so I can practice safely.


The fear is always with me. I am having lessons, and sometimes I feel stress just to imagine myself in the deep water.


You are not only a swim coach but also a philosopher! Thanks for the vid


Your thumbnail catches a point.

(For a beginner learner in shallow waters) more specifically than fearing the whole body going underwater, people fear head going underwater.

Training with that, can maximise own comfort level (& skill) in water.

Of course, "unknown waters can be dangerous" rule applies, with currents, lack of visibility, marine animals, own fatigue etc.

Added from many years of hobby swimming. Not professional. Added from experience of self and seeing others learn.

Thanks for reading.


I like your video's. Your instructions are always clear. And the fact you dare to say you're still afraid of drowning, while you're such a good swimmer, is brave and also helpful to keep things realistic.


This video feels like it came from your heart. Thanks for sharing these useful lessons. It's good to have you back


i love your videos but this one is special .. it is the first time I have heard a "real swimmer" acknowledge that my fear is NOT irrational and help me understand it will never go away. thank you <3


Just started watching your videos, it definitely brought back memories when I was floating in a 20 ft pool, my kids were barely learning how to swim, and I told my 4 year old boy jump I'll get you, long story short we both barely made it out, he clinged on to my arms making me helpless. Definitely leave it to professionals to teach and do not try to be a hero.


I was not a good swimmer... as a child, but as a teen something my dad told me just clicked in my brain and changed my swimming... and I just automatically on instinct just swimming in freestyle. this sounds insane but it is true, I was just completely calm and relaxed and later I ended up on readying a book on my back ON the water.
this was what going in my mind: "when I get tired... I will never drown when I keep my ears and back upon the water... I submit to the ocean and let it guide my path while I look up upon the sky and be one with the water by staying horizontally, and swim like a octopus doing one stroke at a time"


Thanks for sharing! I totally agree with you! I can swim in a pool but I am mortality scared of trying a lake or an ocean! And yes, trying to stay afloat is very trying and no one tells you that🤬


I learned to swim as a child but after a terrifying experience during which I saved my younger brother from drowning, and another stopping my younger cousin being swept out to sea, I developed a deep discomfort with water and I never allowed myself to go in water that’s deeper than my waist. I recently went back and rediscovered my love of the sport but the water at the pool I train at only goes to nipple height and I’m completely fine. I went to the Olympic sized public pool and realised how severe my fear of the deep really goes, I cannot even begin to think about going to the deep end. Just seeing that 3m depth from outside fills me with sheer dread. It’s embarrassing and sad at the same time


I was in a car accident that ended underwater. People asked if I'm afraid to swim. No but I have no plans on boarding a submarine ever.


Very good video and Great to have you back!!


Thank you very much for helping me feel normal.. if you know the Blue Hole in Dahab, it`s one of the most beautiful yet dangerous destinations for diving and snorkeling.
I had a panic attack there and couldn`t even breathe, just after taking a look and seeing there is no land, just an endless hole.. I kept thinking I`ll drown and be lost in those caves beneath.
I still try to swim once or twice a week but I have big problem going to the deep side of the pool.. and yes yes floating vertically and treading the water is harder than any of the moves I`ve learned.
Thanks again for the whole channel and this particular video.


People need to be taught how to parent well. Its ridiculous what some will do


If you want to get access to this course and a breathing course click here:

It’s not free because we need a commitment level a bit higher than free. The program lasts around one to two weeks in which you will learn something that will change your life and may one day save it. It consists of 9 steps that will first train your mind at home and then your body. For so much value, the price of the program is a bit ridiculous.
