'This Advice Won't Work for a short ugly Guy'

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As a 5'3 brown guy I was blackpilled for a while and believed that no girl will like me because I'm short. While it is true that some girls will not like me because of my height, I didn't let this stop me from being fed up with self-pity and hate. I focused on myself and things I can actually control such as my physique, diet, studies, or self improvement in general rather than things I can't control like my height. This led me to be more happy and satisfied with who I am. My value as a person isn't based now on my height or how many girls are attracted to me, but on how I can improve myself everyday and achieve my goals in life.


As a 5'0, 25 year old who's struggled with a lot of physical and mental health problems in the past 5 years; your advice has helped a lot more than I imagined. Especially the stuff on Hamza Unfiltered. Went from 28.5 kg to 43.5kg in 3 month (yeah, I was really skinny), got a new and better job, picked up good habits, managing my money better. Dating isn't going too well but I know what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it, just taking it one step at a time since dating isn't exactly my priority, bettering myself is.

It is hard, but anyone can do it. And it's worth doing. Self improvement has made my life so much better, there's no way it wouldn't work for others too.

Thanks Hamza


Summing up this video and all of Hamza’s words, “Haters gonna hate. Focus on yourself, kings 👑 “


18 and 5'4 brown guy. I never cared about height my whole life and just did whatever i wanted. Lifes good and its honestly strange seeing people saying they cant do something because of height. Heights something you cant control so why focus on it, work on things that you can like muscle, posture and the way you talk.


I'm 16 years old and I've been training at home for almost a year with a bag full of old school books and calisthenics, and I started journaling and meditating 3 days ago because I had some mental problems, and I made my daily routine that I'm gonna use the next week (still working on it, ) I need only a good diet but it'll be hard because of my parents, but I'll try.

Now I'm feeling good mentally and physically, and I see changes and improvements, this because of you Hamza, I watch your videos for about 3 months and I don't know how to thank you.

Keep going Hamza.


Hamza, you're the only guy on youtube that i actually listen to what he has to say. Whenever i watch any commentary video i just zone out and listen to them speak but not hear their words. You're a great guy, keep on doing what you're doing!


my older cousin is a 5'2 brown guy, and hes always been the most charismatic person i know. always surrounded by pretty girls and cool people and just has great energy. I'm 6'0, alot bigger and stronger but have never clicked with people the way he has. we're both training to be pro fighters right now and using each other as support makes the process alot easier.


Id say hamza has a good point here. Im 5'4 at 16 (gonna turn 17 in april) and Im still getting a good amount of attention from girls at school, much much more than before i started lifting and taking care of my body and hygiene. So I think hes right about being hopeful and working on yourself thats been helping a lot for me.


I shouldn't feel ashamed of my brown skin. This video helped me.


As a 5'7 brown guy in the USA who could've easily gotten into the black pill, avoid this toxicity.
I balded at 21, was relatively chubby, and "short" for the average man in the USA. I got huge, shaved my hair and learned beard grooming, still the same height but I don't have trouble attracting women.

If you think you're undesirable you will be...


I'm a 5'3 inch guy myself and I dated a 5'6 girl :)
Anything is possible guys u just don't have to give up hope and self improvement....RN doing that only studying For tomorrow's interview for another company in college placements, though I still have one offer 😴


5'5" 122lbs pakistan guy here, grew up in Canada. Basically, i'm the poster for a blue-pilled, scrawny angry simp and had all sorts of mental barriers as to why I wasn't successful with women. But had to face the BS, and improve myself. It's been a long journey, and still on that path. I'm now married to a Japanese woman, and focusing on my goals and my body, and learning new skills. Let's get what's ours brothers!!


I was in a park yesterday going on my workout and there was dozens of kids playing and disturbing people who workout and I saw a guy just lying in the grass and meditating and I was like respect bro, this guy made me feel like I could go further on my self improvement journey. Just as you hamza this random guy inspires me, thank you and him.


Everything matters.
Either you can cry about it or do something about it.


Being ripped and ugly is better than just being ugly


As a 5, 2 Arab guy i can pretty much tell you these guys don't speak for me, I'm literally on the right path to building my 10/10 body, No Excuses💪


Best team of editors on the platform. It's a huge competitive advantage

Another banger video Hamza <3


Bro, as a 5’3 Pakistani bengali guy, I can’t thank you enough for just standing up for not only us short guys, but speaking for us brown guys as well. I too was this damn close to being full on blackpilled, but a bit of self reflection helped me realize that I was close to being blackpilled only because my mental health was at its absolute worst, with hardly a single soul to interact with, and barely any friends to converse with, even if it was casual small talk. You brought up “recruiting” which I find so interesting, because we see these types of people in both the single/divorced community too. Why is it that people get their relationship and marriage advice from people who are single, or have been in unsuccessful partnerships in the past? These single bitter people will do everything to bring you to their side, “that’s plus one for the FC Divorced!” Anyways I’ve typed too much, thank you Hamza, for being this beacon of hope that a young kid like me needed. Cheers from NYC bhai sab ❤️❤️❤️

Edit: spelling


Even if building an aesthetic body somewhow doesn't work, I gurantee that you will be a lot happier and proud of yourself. Once you start lifting and notice progress you get addicted to working out. I personally love working out, but last month I injured my shoulder, so I stopped for a while and my mood got significantly worse. So yeah, stop making excuses and go to the gym or find a way to to work out. Calisthenics is an excellent choice. Wish everyone all the best!
