trying to find EVERY AXOLOTL in The Sims 4: Lovestruck

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Attempting to complete the new axolotl collection!

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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

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LILSIMSIE! I had Stanley show up in my Cupid's Corner app, and all traits were turn-ons for my sim. And I obviously immediately created a date with him.


a challenge where you have one sim (maybe stanley) try to complete every collection would be really cool!


if you don’t already know, many amphibians like axolotls are becoming threatened, endangered or extinct in the wild. much of this is due to habitat loss. i highly encourage anyone who reads this to do some research into what amphibians are native to your area and what you can do to help them!


Axolotls being free is a great detail to not promote illegal trading of them.


After talking about your fundraising, you clicked over to your sims and I saw a hijab and the sons name is my brother's name and I was so touched that I started tearing up! I appreciate the fundraising but I also appreciate the representation, it means a lot ❤


I cannot express how much this channel has helped me in the last month. My now ex dumped me 4 months before our wedding after 3.5 years together. I’m living alone for the first time. I found lilsimsie not long before that all happened. The light and joy Kayla brings helps when I’m so aware of how quiet it is in my apartment. So thank you for doing everything you do Kayla. Not only with your AMAZING charity work, but just being you 💛 (sorry if this is way TMI but I needed to share)


Axolotls are so cool but they are very very delicate and need someone who does proper care on them. Fun fact about the "firefly" axolotl and the chimera is there are only a few people who can make these creatures. The easiest way to describe it is someone splits 2 embryos in half and swaps the pieces. Then the eggs fuse back together and the axolotls born from this basically have another axolotls bottom or the half of another axolotl in the case of the chimeras. Also axolotls are in severe danger because we don't have wild axolotls really. Due to human intervention on these fragile beings and their ecosystems they cannot live in the wild. Many species have died off unfortunately or are domesticated which makes it impossible for them to thrive in their natural habitats. In some cases axolotls can "Evolve" into their salamander forms during times of great stress, poor water quality, low food, and many other factors. Sometimes they do it just cause! The little bits on their head that look kinda like the fluffy parts of a crinoid are their gills. Also i wanted to say thank you for using your platform to speak up about the awful things happening against Palestinian people. You always spread kindness and love where you go


if the sims team ever decided to make axolotl plushies i would not be opposed


i love axolotls and i also love love how you can’t sell them bc they’re endangered ❤


We all know what the real question is... is the bear woohooable?


Make the ring bear be a ring bearer hehee.


I wish that the axolotl's had some sort of animations instead of looking like statues placed in a tank


The ring bear joke is intentional, right? Like a ring bearer in a wedding, but it’s a ring BEAR.🐻🥁 And he’s blue because you need something borrowed & something blue. Or am I just overthinking? 😂💙


As the owner of an axolotl I am OBSESSED with this feature


As a person who owns axolotls and has an axolotl tattoo, im so excited to see them added, plus seeing them add to fishing is a plus


As an ace and probably aro person, I have zero interest in a pack about love and relationships, but as an ace and probably aro person I have a very very large I interest in the Axolotls 😅


Kayla! Thank you so much for making a sim with hijab and queer (based on the women on the dating app). You might see some bad comments but as a muslim queer I appreciate this so much


I love collecting in the game. I am constantly trying to collect everything there is to collect no matter what I'm doing in it. It is kind of sad that there are such limited spawns for Axolotls, but it makes sense. They have so little left of their natural habitat now. 😢 We humans are such an invasive species to everything on Earth...

Oh... and I still think it would be nice if we were given a choice to return fish to their fishing spots after a long haul. Sometimes you just don't want 25 bass in your inventory, but you don't want to sell or eat them either...


i’ve been absolutely BINGING your videos recently


As a hijabi, I love the representation. You never fail to make us all smile. Thank you for all that you do <3
