Heart Attacks in Gym | What is the Real Reason | Yatinder Singh

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Recently, we have come across numerous news of heart attacks in gym. people are scared to go to gym and do any physical activity. What is the Real Reason? Is Gym causing heart attacks or it is something else. Watch this video to know the details.

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Thank you, Yatinderji for addressing such a widespread issue sensitively. This is the need of the hour!! Your video is an eye opener!! 🙏


For 98% of population here, health is an expenditure not an investment.
Youngsters here will spend 50k on gym diets n supplements but fail to get 5k check up once in 6 months.
Good work addressing this issue Yatinder.


Chintu ko samjhao ki gym jaane se heart attack nahi hota ❤


I'm 21 now and I am doing to the gym last 3 years now I am very fit. This is a myth about not going Gym. The gym was very helpful for me in staying fit


He is perfectly right. Its not gym that gives them heart attack but their activities and lifestyle outside the gym.


Very insightful. I'm 29 now and got covid one year back. The stamina hasn't been the same. The difference is evident while playing football or working out. So, I've switched to basic calisthenics and walking 5 km a day without fail. Good results without getting exhausted.


Totally agree! Im 50 and regular in the gym. We need to listen to our body for any kind of signs . Just a suggestion why don’t gyms ask for a health report as mandatory from members before enrolling rather than just casually asking abt their health . Half problem solved @yatindersingh . Thks again for this post of awareness 🙏


I'm a heavy gymmer who does heavy weights, and I wholeheartedly agree with Yatinder. Moreover, heart attacks are common in people who have suffered severe Covid symptoms. After the deadliest 2nd Covid wave in 2021, when I went to the gym I did thighs, and I couldn't lift heavy weight that I used to do normally earlier. Moreover, I lost control and awareness for sometime. Same happened when I left gym, and walked for 4 km. Later I realized, my body has become fragile from inside due to Covid. Slowly and steadily, I am trying to come back in shape. I used to follow the proper process of gym everytime, but the understanding of how much Covid has damaged me came later. So please take care and know your body first. Also, the common reason for heart attacks is one's blind faith in a gym coach. Many do not know the correct process and keep pushing you as if you are a professional. I have seen people swinging weights for biceps, and applying hand pressure on thighs when doing leg press, as per coach!! So please beware. Do slowly, steadily, with process. There are no quick gains here!


Well done Yatinder, you explained very well, we are a small team here in Singapore and this video motivates with safe precautions, very well done again


Thanks Yatinder Sir for letting this to know that Gym is equally important, calculation of heart pulse and when to do it moderate and hight..really useful information for the youngsters.


Loved the video.. I recently started going to a fitness studio to lose my weight and this was the exact same doubt in my mind. You cleared the doubt very nicely. Thanks for the video !!


Finally a Sensible man sharing truth and facts, not bullshit like media.


Very Very True Guidance Yatinder Bhai. Perfect Analysis . I had also felt the same with all who do GYM. Thanks for this video :). Keep up the Good Work Bro!!


Absolutely right Yatinder ji, gym is not the cause but the inner fitness of the one. But as per case history of these recent cardiac arrests has gone up only after the end of Covid and the entire population being vaccinated. Today the monthly Coronary Artery Bypass surgery figure of East India is 675 Cases per month. As I am in a healthcare industry i am providing this data. Thanks for sharing the video, very informative


Great explanation sir...
జనాల్లో ఉన్న అపోహ ని తొలిగించారు...


Yes sir...your hope is absolutely 💯...i saw ur video first time ..and after watching this i didn't take time to think for subscribe...u r a perfect fitness coach...


Thanks sir!
You have raised this issue, it has become very necessary to talk on such topics and I hope that you will continue to raise more such issues keeping in mind the health of the youth. Because many times due to lack of proper information, we take some wrong decisions.


Truth of life.
The gym will make you healthy 💪 🎉❤


Rightly explained sir.
Uncovering the truth.
Very informative. 🙌🏼


Feel proud to have a knowledgeable person like u sir ❤️
