How Should Christians Think About the War in Ukraine - Paul Miller and Daniel Darling, Land Center

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00:00 - Introductions
02:45 - Can you define what the term 'just war' means?
06:17 - Can you explain what is meant by 'Christian realism'?
08:20 - The invasion of Ukraine - how did we get here?
11:30 - Why is this in some ways a religious war?
13:38 - Are you surprised by the success of the Ukrainian army?
16:15 - Are you surprised by the united Western response to Russia's actions?
17:48 - Just war theory - how does this apply to the war in Ukraine?
19:42 - Why is it prudent for us to aid Ukraine, but also avoid involvement with Russia?
22:00 - How do you respond to concerns about Russia's nuclear arsenal?
24:05 - What would it look like to hold Russia accountable for war crimes?
26:16 - How do you see this conflict ending?
29:25 - How will the outcome of this war affect the rest of this century?
31:50 - Did the US withdrawal from Afghanistan factor into Putin's decision to invade Ukraine?
33:28 - Is evidence of the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine a red line for the US and NATO?
34:41 - How can we pray for the situation in Ukraine?
36:19 - Recent conflicts have displaced millions -- how will this reshape world events and how do Christians respond and prepare?
38:55 - Will the sanctions imposed against Russia affect Russia's perception of the west?
40:37 - How do you sort through a flood of information about the war to find credible news?
44:58 - What is the definition of 'evil'?
47:35 - How should we be exposing the truth via social media and the news about Russia?
48:55 - Why does the Russian army seem incompetent in this conflict?
51:31 - Are the sanctions against Russia efficacious?
52:04 - How should Christians, in a broad sense, think about the world?
53:37 - How can someone begin a career in public service?