Scholars Say Oneness Pentecostals Have The Biblical View

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Dr David Bernard cites scholars who affirm that Oneness Pentecostals are right.

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More and more people are coming to know the truth of God being ONE, not three. I keep praying that God open the eyes of the hearts of people to come to know Him more fully.


HALLELUJAH!!!! Hear o Israel the LORD our GOD is one.


I am struggling with Oneness and Trinity, but looking at the replys to this video, the Trinity certianly has more to back up their theology.

I see a lot of false accusations toward trinitarians, and Oneness folk seem to close their ears to any sort of Trinitarian defence...

Ie Oneness: You believe in three God's,
Trinity: no we don't, here is a comprehensive argument from the Bible
Oneness: I don't care you believe in three God's.


It’s simple to prove the Trinitarian view wrong just by proving that Jesus, in his flesh, was not eternal. Eternal beings are not born or begotten.

I’ve heard it said that the Trinitarian view of God is really complex and you will never fully understand it.
So our Father, whose name is Jesus Christ, doesn’t want us to understand who we worship?


The Bible is Right. There is only One Lord. Jesus is the Almighty God in flesh.


Wonderful video! I just wish that Bro. Bernard would have cited the names of those professors. Nonetheless, the video is encouraging.


"I and my Father are one..." said Jesus. Is this not oneness? Holy Ghost Spirit manifests and infills unto this day.


Powerful video, keep these coming! JESUS RULES!


Lies. Oneness condemn as heresy. Medalist Historically in 4th century and no Biblical Proof of Oneness of God. But many times in the Bible about the Trinity in Old and New testimony.


But, no matter the way it's perceived....pride is bringing them down. These people he reads from do not know people that have been a part of it!! Sad!!!


What scholars? Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, RC Sproul, John MacArthur, Tony Evans, Augustine, Ireneus, Clement of Rome, Justin Peters, Ravi Zacharias, James White, the Apostle Paul? I'm pretty sure these Masters all disagree with this title. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Erasmus, John Wesley, John Bunyon, The Apostle John "and there are 3 who bear witness the Father, the word, and the Holy Ghost", AZ Towitz, John Piper, Allistair Begg, Jeff Durbin I'll keep going but yeah all but "probably" one ok. Keep studying crack the Bible.


What I'd like to see is for someone to name any oneness Pentecostal between the 2nd and 19th centuries. I have yet for anyone to meet this challenge.


Where is Christ going to rule the Earth from, location?


Question: Does the United Pentecostal Church affirm that since the glorification of Jesus Christ that he is wholly divine, even as to his body? In other words, do they affirm that his humanity is divine since his Death, Burial and Resurrection?


I would have more weight if had named the professors


John 17:24-25 " ...for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. Righteous Father, although the world has not known You, yet I have known You; "
The whole passage is IN THE PAST. In the passage we can see a WORLD vs. JESUS CONFRONTATION : in this confrontation Jesus succeeded in knowing the Father, whilst the world FAILED instead. But WHY did the world fail ? The easy answer is in the same passage : the Father is "before the foundation of the world". Since the Father is BEFORE, He is antecedent and therefore cannot be known by the world: in other words Father and world did not exist at the same time. This means that Jesus WINS this confrontation: on the contrary He is ABLE to know the Father. Why? Of course because Jesus is OLDER than the world and was thus able to know the Father. This means that no other Being saw God. "No one has ever seen God" (John 1:18). The meaning of all that is extremely important : the almighty GOD ONLY EXISTED IN THAT REMOTE PAST.
This is why the Father is NOT AVAILABLE here: the only way to "somehow" see the Father is to SEE JESUS (see the answer to Philip). The almighty God cannot "disappear" though: He dropped his power and became like a normal man : Jesus "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). Thus, now Jesus is ALONE and has "all things into his hand" (John 3:35). This is why the Father is here just in the LIMITED FORM of a spirit ("God is a spirit" John 4:24)(When you have someone on the phone, he is in LIMITED FORM in your room, you can talk to, but not touch him).
