Heresy And The New Morality: A Warning From Pope Pius XII

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Pope Pius XII continues our examination of Modernism with this historic address.


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He was the Pope when I was a child, and the model of what a Pope should be. How have we fallen so far?


Beautiful words of wisdom from Pope puis the 12th Pope puis the 12th please pray for the church and for us


Wise words from a holy Pontiff, sadly mostly ignored today, while the new morality has taken hold. Thanks for the timely reminder of what papal teaching could be.


Totally different demeanor than Bergoglio who presents himself like Bozo the clown without makeup


What I find very interesting about this is that my grandmother, before she died, told me that right before she had her first child, in the late 1940s, all she heard from the priest at church was that Catholic parents must send their kids to Catholic school, because the parents wouldn’t know how to teach their kids the faith; that parents didn’t have the necessary training. But my grandmother was not one who would have read papal documents, so she would never have heard these words of the pope. She was a simple, faithful Catholic who learned the faith through her priest.


Thank you, Anthony, for this outstanding and rousing presentation. The words of Pope Pius XII which you have shared with us are nothing short of amazing to me. What remarkable and astounding clarity and prophetic insight--so powerful, and to me, so irrefutable. I was born in 1956--about 4 years after his message was presented. Considering my own life and spiritual journey up until now, I'm rather blown away by what Pope Pius XII offered the Church in this message and how his thoughts and words ring so stunningly clear and compelling--in light of my own life experiences and perceptions over the years. What a gift as we begin the Lenten season. It has encouraged and roused my heart more than I can adequately express. God bless you and again, I thank you. A blessed Lent to you and to all your readers!


Thank you, Anthony. I look forward to listening in the morning and the last thing I do at night.


Thank you again Anthony, I start teaching the class Monday.


simply put GODS way is the only way and thats why we all need JESUS as our savior prayer is the answer


There is a cultural shift to not only back ever so slowly away from conscience, but to embrace the idea of "my truth".
It is interesting that there is still a remnant desire for truth. Christ said "I am the truth and the life" so the highest truth is in Christ. Next is having an informed conscience whether or not there is a specific knowledge or recollection of the words of Christ. Lower still is a "gut instinct" conscience that may still reflect God's will. And lower yet is "my truth" which will shift with mood, situation, culture and as CS Lewis said "...the state of ones digestion..."


I love the Channel I'm always listening we need to listen to Pope Pius the 10th & 12th & The Fatima message & Saints Padre PIO & Marie Julie Jehenny Great Saints Warning Us of what is to Come." We may see WW3 in our day in time." God bless May Jesus Mary and Joseph Pray for Us Saint Anthony of Padua pray for Us."🕊️🕊️🙏🙏⛪🛐🛐💯 Catholic 🗝️🗝️


Hey Return
Big fan

For ash Wednesday i had to go to a local NO, i had never had the ash cross before.

It was the most disgusting and heretical church service ive been to.

Sspx spoiled me


When I was growing up, we were taught not to discuss anything evil we had seen or heard. Evil events were swept aside and hidden. It is difficult to explain you have to have lived then. If people were open many of these evils would not have festered under the surface.


Please lord send us a traditional and conservative Pope to fix this mess. Make cardinal raymond burke the next Pope


"We can prepare for it (i.e. Holy Communion/ Eucharist) only when we try to comprehend the depths of its demands on us, of its greatness; when we do not reduce it to our level, but let ourselves be raised to its exalted level; when we become aware of the accumulated sound of the prayers offered during all the centuries in which generations of men have advanced and are still advancing toward Christ. It is petty and undiscerning to criticize such prayers because we do not understand them; it is an expression of a genuinely “critical” sentiment (of which, be it noted, self-criticism is also a form) when we begin to recognize their greatness and, opening ourselves to that greatness, let ourselves be deepened and purified by it. [Joseph Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth: Meditations for Every Day of the Year, ed. Irene Grassl, trans. Mary Frances McCarthy and Lothar Krauth (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1992), 82.] This quote is from Homilies given in 1982.


Headline from Breitbart, "The Chairman of the German Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, has urged the Catholic Church to change its teaching on sexual morality, insisting that gay sex does not harm a person’s relationship with God."

In the interview, the Limburg bishop asserted that no one follows Church teaching on sexuality anymore — which only allows sex in marriage — and therefore “we have to partially change the catechism. Sexuality is a gift from God. It’s not a sin.”


Notwithstanding some of his errors as pope (Assisi 1986) John Paul II taught that, yes we must follow our conscience, but it must be a correctly formed conscience in conformity with the Church. In this respect, JP II was in line with Pius XII.


He was prophesied by Our Lady of Tre Fontaine to become a pope.


(minute 7:16) "The Divine Redeemer has entrusted his revelation, of which moral obligations form an essential part, of course NOT TO INDIVIDUAL MEN BUT RATHER TO HIS CHURCH, through which he has given the mission to lead them to embrace that sacred deposit with fidelity. Similarly, divine assistance, ordained to preserve revelation from errors and from deformations, WAS PROMISED TO THE CHURCH AND NOT TO INDIVDUALS."

When Francis and his accomplices speak against the Traditional deposit of the Faith, they speak merely as individuals and their words have no more value than that of a pagan and deserve no special respect, regard or obedience, AT ALL. Only if he spoke in full integration and fidelity with the Faith of the Holy Body of the Church, would he deserve any attention and compliance. But he CHOOSES not to.


I think the demon of lust destroyed the church.
