Do Dogs Understand Hugs and Kisses?

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To us humans, a small kiss on the cheek or head is a gesture of affection.
As a result, it's not uncommon to see dog owners show affection to their dogs through hugs and kisses.
But do dogs perceive kisses and hugs as signs of love and affection? How to tell if a dog doesn’t want to be kissed or hugged? Are dog licks the same as kisses? And, is it sanitary or safe to kiss a dog on the mouth? Stay tuned to find out in this video.

It’s a natural human reaction to want to kiss those we love. So it makes sense we might do the same for our beloved pets.
However, it is important to remember that dogs are very different species with their own methods of communication.
Within the parameters of canine body language, kissing and hugging don't exist.
When a dog is kissed, it means bringing our face very close to the dog’s face, and this is something that puts dogs in a very vulnerable position.
From a dog’s perspective, putting our face close to their faces and plastering them a kiss on the nose, mouth or forehead, may be perceived as a threat.
Likewise, when we hug a dog, we wrap our arms around them which can make them feel vulnerable and generate a feeling of being trapped. A dog who doesn’t fully trust you may interpret a gesture of affection of this kind as an invasion of their space.
How to kiss your dog properly so they know you love them?
As we've already explained, if you have a newly adopted dog, they will not yet understand your hugs and kisses, and may become stressed and confused. With time however, dogs may learn to associate kisses and hugs as a display of affection. This can be done if the kisses are accompanied by gentle strokes, expressions of joy, and tasty rewards. After the repeated pairing with petting and affectionate tones in the voice of the owner, dogs may go beyond tolerating kisses into liking everything that surrounds the kissing experience. The dog may grow to accept and recognize kisses as a sign of love, and your pet may even respond by licking you back.
Licking is an instinctual dog behavior. It is a trait they carry out from the time they're puppies. And it's motivated by several impulses.
Mother dogs will often lick their puppies to keep them clean and give them comfort. When your dog licks you, it’s their way of grooming you and showing they care about your wellbeing. It's a sign of love and affection and a great way to bond.
Dogs also use their tongue to explore the world through scent and taste. By licking your face, your dog can find out a lot of information about you. With dogs who accept kisses as a sign of affection, licking is the way they can reciprocate the favor. This is why when your dog greets you when you come home, they may try to lick your face. Your dog is showing you affection, but they are also finding out information about you.
Is it unhygienic to kiss a dog on the mouth?
There's great debate whether it is okay and safe to kiss a dog.
Most of the bacteria in a dog’s mouth prefer a dog to be the host, which means kissing your dog is less risky than kissing a human, but that does not mean there are no risks.
Dogs don’t brush their teeth. They eat things off the ground or out of the garbage bin. They may also raid the litterbox. Many of these bacteria are zoonotic, meaning that they can transmit from canine to human.
On the other hand, some state that the negative effects of these bacteria can be reduced or nullified in people who have a strong immune system.
This means kissing a dog is bad depending on the type of bacteria present in that dog, and the health of the person who kisses the dog.
How to tell if a dog doesn’t want to be kissed or hugged
A dog who doesn’t want to be kissed will show their stress by leaning away, looking away, pursing and licking their lips. They often tense up and stop wagging their tail. They may even hunch over or reveal their teeth as a warning that they do not like what is happening to them
If your pooch wags its tail, licks you, races around and shows excited behavior when you kiss them, it is a sign they enjoy the kissing or hugging experience.
Showing your dog affection the right way
There are many ways to show your dog affection beyond kisses or hugs.
Most dogs are a big fan of being close to their owners, so you can show them love and affection with cuddles, pets, and a loving voice. Exercising together is also a great way to bond.
You can also try teaching your dog some fun tricks. Those treat-filled training sessions can be very enjoyable for dogs and will reinforce the bond you share.
Remember, when dogs lean their body weight against you, they are showing you affection.
One way to tell your dog you love them is to lean into them - and let them lean on you. Just the right amount of lean will demonstrate that you love them.And perhaps the best way to show your dog affection is to simply give them attention.
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My dog would often come up to me in bed, in the morning, and give me a gentle, little “kiss” on the nose to wake me up. I didn’t teach him to do that… he just picked it up on his own. It was always a great way to start the day!


My Shepherd knows what a kiss is. I ask for his permission, “do you want a kiss on the nose?” If he does, he will place his nose in front of my face. If he is not in the mood, he turns his face away. That means “just pet me”. Dogs have moods just like people. He will also just randomly give the best hugs ever.


Each dog is unique, some are more affectionate, some require less affection, but that doesn't mean they don't love you, they love you as much as a clingy dog, but for some dogs is preferable that you respect them, talk to them in a high pitched voice, look at them with a lovable look in the eyes, rather than force hugs and kisses... I think is all about understanding your dog, especially with rescued dogs, and respect their space and boundaries ❤️


I'm grateful for the dogs I grew up with. They were gentle, kind, and loving. I miss them.


I had a dog who absolutely loved getting hugged. She would lean into you while you leaned over her back and hugged her. I’ve had dogs all my life and she was totally unique in that way.


All dogs are not the same. If I kiss my two year old lab on her head she gets excited and immediately starts licking my face. She likes hugs too. Matter of fact she's cuddled up with with me right now as I'm thumbing out this message! She's just super affectionate and adorable! 😊❤️


My puppy actually jumped up onto her hind legs, and puts her paws around me for hugs. It is so adorable!


My dog didn't respond well to hugs and kisses. She growled and left the room. She did seem happy being talked to. She liked being petted and praised upon greetings. She was really good at remembering what certain objects are called and was happy to bring you whatever you wanted. Shoes, keys, leash, garbage bags, newspaper, and yes she also brought people beer when they were ready for another. The owner just has to point out who wants one.


I’m a dog groomer and meet many dogs. Some don’t like hugs or kisses, and others love it after I’ve gotten to know them. It really depends on the individual dog, and how bonded they are to you, and how much they trust you. Some dogs want just scratches, others want gentle hugs, others lick me.
The biggest thing is “asking consent” from your dog by letting them choose or initiate the interaction. Most of them if you give them a few seconds of a break after a few pets, if they want to continue the interaction they will nudge your hand with their nose or lean in for more. Always stop every few minutes and see if you stop whether they walk away or nudge you for more, that way you know they’re still wanting attention


I started listening to your videos a lot about two weeks ago. I learned that kissing is not welcome, and that looking him in the eyes with a loving look is welcome. So I do those things, I avoid kissing, and I look at him and I stroke him and tell him how wonderful he is and lean into him. About a week after I started this, He has started to show me lots and lots of love.


I'm so grateful that my brown-and-white Boston terrier is as affectionate as I am. She's such a lovebug who cuddles with me and loves to 'kiss' me. She brings such joy to my life. I highly recommend this breed - every other BT owner has said the same thing.


I had a loving dog who was offended by my kisses but tolerated it. She used to lick me gently on my eyelids to tell me she loved me. Our next dog understands my kisses and immediately began to occasionally lick me gently on my eyelids, which I always take as a message from my previous baby. I love hearing from gentle, loving Libby, whom I still sorely miss after over two years. Thank you, Libby, for being the best puppy who ever lived.


Dogs are such incredible creatures. One of our dogs who has since passed, used to wake me up at night when my sugars dropped too low. I'm type 1 diabetic, he did this with no training whatsoever, it was amazing the first time it happened, he used to keep nudging me when awake, he knew my sugars were going low before I did. We all miss him so much, such an amazing member of the family.


Yes, I kiss my dog all the time (but not on the lips) and he’s never shown any signs he doesn’t like it. I use a loving, soft voice when I pet him and give him kisses. He and I have been together for 12 years now so he’s used to all my kisses!


My cat seems to like kisses. Almost always, when I kiss the top of his head, he'll respond by turning his face to me and stick his nose to my lips. Very cute and relaxed. 😊


My golden doodle is 10 years old and he has NEVER growled at me for kissing and hugging him. He's such a sweet boy.


I think my poodle 100% understands what the kiss 💋 means, when I say kiss she comes and put mouth to me lol 😆


Fur & poetry in motion! Love it! My dog is a Boston Terrier. She holds her paw out for me to kiss. Like a lady holding her hand out to be kissed. So cute!


The love of your dog is the best thing in the world it's so pure


I have 3 spaniels all the same age. One adores being kissed and hugged and kisses my wife every morning. Another one puts up with a hug, hates being kissed and and prefers a tickle. The other one absolutely hates anything more than a brief pat or a stroke. Just like people they all have their own ways of expressing and receiving love and affection and as owners we need to respect that just as we should with people.
