How To Keep Your Heart Open In Hell - Ram Dass

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Ram Dass first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He continued his psychedelic research until that fateful Eastern trip in 1967, when he traveled to India. In India, he met his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, affectionately known as Maharajji, who gave Ram Dass his name, which means “servant of God.” Everything changed then – his intense dharmic life started, and he became a pivotal influence on a culture that has reverberated with the words “Be Here Now” ever since. Ram Dass’ spirit has been a guiding light for three generations, carrying along millions on the journey, helping to free them from their bonds as he works through his own.

Since 1968, Ram Dass has pursued a panoramic array of spiritual methods and practices from potent ancient wisdom traditions, including bhakti or devotional yoga focused on the Hindu deity Hanuman; Buddhist meditation in the Theravadin, Mahayana Tibetan, and Zen Buddhist schools, and Sufi and Jewish mystical studies. Perhaps most significantly, his practice of karma yoga or spiritual service has opened up millions of other souls to their deep, yet individuated spiritual practice and path. Ram Dass continues to uphold the boddhisatva ideal for others through his compassionate sharing of true knowledge and vision. His unique skill in getting people to cut through and feel divine love without dogma is still a positive influence on many people from all over the planet.

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I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer to your dreams than you realize. I love you ♥


Something I never realized before now: it’s ok to be sad and happy at the same time in this world. I don’t have to constantly find reasons for things or fight with myself to be more optimistic. It’s a new definition of “allowing” that I never really took note of before. If that makes sense? Awesome speech, regardless.


"We're all just walking each other home." ~ Ram Dass This video is life changing.


The way this entire message was translated into art...incredible


I find it utterly astonishing and tremendously gorgeous how we all gather here from different places of the world and share this profound experience called life. In this moment, right now. Through this video.
We are seemingly different yet we all fundamentally have longing for the one thing that connects us all together - love. Through that we can see a glimpse of ourselves even in our worst enemies eyes. And there it lies; an everlasting truth. You know that behind those harsh words and actions hides part of the same love that you feel, part of the same love that you once thought you're missing and thus felt a deep longing for. Give that, be that. It's our essence.


To the *incredible person* that's seeing this, I wish you all the best in life❤ don't over blame yourself, accept things and go forward. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn the skills needed and get after it, all the keys to a happy life is in your hands. Keep pushing.


I've learned so much from so many spiritual leaders but Ram Dass teaches me to be ok with my humanness. Thank you for such a beautiful video, the art is incredible!


My 13 and a half year old dog passed away 3 days ago. He was my absolute best friend and we shared the strongest bond I've ever had with another living being. This video and so many other things surrounding his death could not be more divinely timed. Thank you


“Without suffering there would be no compassion” (A Walk To Remember) 😢


After unfolding a layer of my spiritual awakening, I began viewing life in a similar way. This video solidified and put words to exactly what I'm feeling and thinking. The world really is a beautiful place. The polarities of good and bad become a dance of living and I'm full of joy to observe it all- love, pain, sadness, anger, attraction, peace... All of it. :)


This video feels like it came at the exact right time. With everything going on in the world right now, I felt overwhelmed at all the suffering in the world, and also at the potential for more suffering in the future. Listening to the video allowed me to open my heart a little and to feel the humanity within each of us, within myself. To be able to appreciate the troubling emotions of the troubling times. See the suffering and inhumanity of the world fully and to let myself cry. To let myself see the beauty of the world, when I take a step outside and see the birds flying in the sky and the trees dancing in the wind. To look at all of life and be able to say how its all perfect. to see the pain and joy and still be able to say
and this too...


We are in such dark times yet this year I have opened my heart and I am happier than I have ever been. Things are so bad I’m not afraid anymore. And stepping past those fears has allowed me to feel more love and experience more love from the world than I ever have. I try to look past the hatred and tyranny and see the beauty in this world and have hope. If more of us can do this I think we can be okay.


Deepest gratitude to After Skool and Ram Dass. This, more than any others, is the clip I watch and listen to over and over. I need to draw my mind back at least once a week, to do my best to grasp the ultimate essence of what we are. I'm 63. The lifetime of grief/love/awakening is threatening to overcome me, and the mission isn't complete yet.


Sobbing as I am watching this. My biggest struggle especially the last few years. I still don't know how to get to this place of finding compassion in those who hurt me so badly in my childhood. Those who cause so much suffering in this world. I need to watch this several times. The art is quite powerful. Thank you.


Thank you for this. I love this definition of compassion- of staying in your heart so you can help others, and instead of your mind asking Why?? Why is this happening? - Your mind knows that all is one and all is perfect - and so your mind stays silent - allowing you to give more presence to others, more of your heart to others. How beautiful


Many years ago I had the pleasure of sitting with Ram Das and a handful of others in a walnut grove in upper Ojai at the Happy Valley Foundation. It was like sitting with a friend who was sharing stories from a recent journey. One couldn't help but feel at ease, light reflecting light. Having sat with many different spiritual teachers over many years, I have to say, Ram Das was one of my favorite. There are mere academics and then there are the truly awakened and Ram Das was/is surely the latter.


Your illustrations … just wow. Each scene was so well thought out, so much meaning in every corner of the screen. To watch how your art style has evolved is to watch how you have evolved as a person. Thank you for the time, quality, and attention to detail you put into this. What you are doing is certainly aligned with something greater.


Thank you so much for this. Being a late gen Z I've been struggling a lot because I've always been really sensitive to the world's suffering and it seems like everything is our responsibility now, how to fix it. It's overwhelming. I recently was thinking how I've been feeling like living in hell because I only see people partying nonstop around me and a lot of indifference and insensitivity towards the current crisis. But i know it's all perfect. I do. This has been a beautiful reminder and I was begging for it. Thank you


"all we can do is make one self a better person every day and hope that others do the same"Ram Dass


This is beyond gorgeous. Thank you!! It is hard finding the words that truly describe our love for all and how perfect everything is as it is, and you and Ram have done a stunning job of bringing those concepts to life. Amazing!
