Scientists Have Finally Opened the Secret Chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid!

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The Pyramid of Khufu is not only one of the most famous, but also one of the most enigmatic monumental buildings of the ancient Egyptians. It is well known that we still cannot say with absolute certainty how people thousands of years ago managed to pile up blocks of stone weighing tons to form such an architectural masterpiece. However, the mystery surrounding the Great Pyramid is even more profound: skeptical researchers are now not only questioning the how - but above all the what! In other words, is the stone giant really the oversized tomb of Khufu? How can this thesis be reconciled with the enigmatic arrangement of the chambers, which goes beyond any known scheme? And above all: if the Pyramid of Khufu was not a pharaoh's tomb, what was it?
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After all is said and done, what they found was a note, writen in hirogliphics, that read " Made ya look "


If you make a pyramid and not use nails but make a little shelf in a corner. Important to put it in the same directions as the bigger ones as north-south-west and east. You can then put a milk or cream there and it wount be rutten or spooiled no matter how hot it is. Ive tried this and it works. You can also place a batteri inside it and it will be charged again., but only those batteries that are round, not the square ones


The Pyramids were made to produce electricity


This wasn't anything new not told before at all.


They are energy accumulators and distributors. And that's it nothing more


These fine folks dont always tell the truth


I Really Really hate this click bait! I was looking to hear and see something mentioned in the title and yet Nothing! If all people are here for is click bait then the intelligent public like me will end their subscriptions and or quit Yousless tube altogether!


CLICK AND BAIT nothing to do with secret chamber!!!
