Companies seeking out potential employees with autism

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Many adults with autism have a hard time finding a job, but more companies are discovering the unique skills and potential people with autism offer. Anderson Cooper reports.

60 Minutes, the most successful American television broadcast in history, began its 52nd season in September. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 is still a hit in 2020. 60 Minutes makes Nielsen’s weekly Top 10 nearly every week and was the #1 weekly television broadcast three times last season.

The program still averages more than 10 million viewers, more than double the audience of its nearest network news magazine competitor. The average audience for a 60 Minutes broadcast is 150% higher than those of the network morning news programs; the audience dwarfs the number of viewers drawn by the most popular cable news programs.

60 Minutes has won every major broadcast award. Its 25 Peabody and 150 Emmy awards are the most won by any single news program. It has also won 20 duPont-Columbia University journalism awards. Other distinguished journalism honors won multiple times include the George Polk, RTDNA Edward R. Murrow, Investigative Reporters and Editors, RFK Journalism, Sigma Delta Chi and Gerald Loeb awards.

60 Minutes premiered on CBS September 24, 1968. Bill Owens is the program’s executive producer. The correspondents and contributors of 60 Minutes are Sharyn Alfonsi, Anderson Cooper, John Dickerson, Norah O’Donnell, Scott Pelley, Lesley Stahl, Bill Whitaker and L. Jon Wertheim.
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All the recruiters who denied giving jobs to these people are preventing society from progressing.


Such an inspiring video! My sister is autistic and it is very comforting that people are starting to recognize the untapped potential of people with autism. Thank you for sharing these stories 😀


When in a job interview, communication is pretty much the only thing they can judge you on. I imagine, even with the potential for some incredibly skillful work, the issues people on the spectrum face with communication are such a huge barrier. It's especially unfortunate when high communication skills aren't even needed for the job, yet their applicable skills are totally overlooked.


you know, people often care about children with disabilities, but when we become adults, we're forgotten. It's harder to find resources, to be hired, to take care of ourselves, to make new friends. However, those of us on the spectrum, I've come to realize, are generally more empathetic, detail-oriented, and funny (yes, funny). sometimes, all we need is a chance.


Please remember that it’s not just data and tech fields that people on the spectrum can make a difference. My daughter is on the spectrum - she writes stories and songs, paints and is wonderful with animals. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal and plant facts. There needs to be room and recognition in many areas for people on the spectrum to be able to contribute.


My son is autistic and I have to say thanks 😊 for the people give opportunities for us!


My daughter is on the spectrum. There are moments when I wonder what kind of life she will lead and if she will be happy. Your story gives hope and encouragement. Thank you for the story, and best wishes to the adults in your story on the spectrum.


I'm on the spectrum and have been unemployed for the past 3 years.
Here in Germany it is impossible to find work if you're on the spectrum.
I was fired from my last job as a software developer because "I didn't fit into the team".
I have received hundreds of rejection letters thus far. I stopped counting them because they depressed me.


My son is also amazing with dates. I can pick out just about any day in the last 4 years and he can tell me how the weather was, small details about stuff that happened that day (like “Oh that’s the day I couldn’t find my phone charger!” ) and also I can point to any day on the calendar within a 4-5 year span and he can tell me what day of the week it fell well as what movies came out on that particular day. He’s such a wonderful boy, funny, engaging. I worry about his future though like after I’m gone...cry about it sometimes. : ((


I have Asperger’s and I have so many hobbies and interests. I have knowledge in many areas from Electronics, computing to History. Life has been quite hard for me because I was ‘different’ to other kids when growing up. I was constantly bullied and had very few friends.. But since I graduated from university with a IT degree I had many IT jobs in the last 10 years. Out of 7-8 jobs I had during that time I never passed probation, I was Mis-treated and discriminated against. But now in the last 1 1/2 years I’ve been happy in the job I’m in now and my boss treats me right... unlike my previous bosses/jobs... I guess I’m lucky? But for how long?...


Tears welled up watching this. So proud of them wait to rewatch with my family


I love this story a whole lot.
got me teary and everything


As someone in the austistic spectrum, I appreciate a lot this kind of initiatives. It is important to show companies that this is not just the "right" and "nice" response, but is the INTELLIGENT action to make from the business point of view, since autistic employees bring exceptional value to the companies! Ernst & Young was my first job, whitout even knowing I was autistic!


I wish I could get a job but I can’t leave my house. I’ve been like this for a decade. Jobs are important for everyone. Imagine an entire world telling you, “We don’t need you.” That’s how it feels to be an adult on the spectrum and wanting a job. It hurts.


This video provides a bit of hope on an issue that has plagued me for over a decade. I have always worried about what will become of my 12 yr old once she is too old for school and I am not sure an employer would work with her communication issues...this brought happy tears to my eyes


I’m an adult on the spectrum, but I’m not good with STEM like a lot of them are. I’m very artsy and I can notice small spelling and punctuation errors that might be in a written document. I can also do things that involve role play, interaction with people, organization by category, and learning and remembering facts (if the topic interests me enough). I also live to talk, and I would love to do something where I could use public speaking skills. What frustrates me is that you hear about so many autistics who are great in the STEM fields, that the jobs I’d like aren’t looking for people like me.


Thanks Anderson Cooper & 60 minutes for bringing us this, Andrew Yang is a great humanitarian & knows balancing point 1st hand. For those of us who are or have autistic family members co-workers or friends, Treat all people with Patience, Kindness, Love & Understanding & the world of us can do nothing but everchange for the better of all.


Good Journalism Good Reporting. Thank You Anderson Cooper and 60 Minutes for reporting on this story. I have Aspergers Syndrome. I also want to work in Journalism. I also like the Autism programs that corporations like Ernst Young have created to assist people with Autism to have a career.


I have mild Aspergers, I say this since the spectrum could range from some of the people who may be close to non verbal, to another end that tends to blend in a bit better.

I have a special interest in music, specifically composing for concert band/marching band. I could see how that would be a sense of designing with science and patterns, as well as a great way of expression from the art of sound. I’ve composed 3 original suites, a symphony, and I hope to make an opera that tells a story.

I also have a cool other interest with history and teaching. A parlor trick of mine is to be told a point and place in European/American history and I could explain what was going on with the terms and events, what caused those terms and events a bit before, and start teaching a course going forward from that.

Currently a community college student who has a desire to get a major in music and minor in history. I think it’s important to remind people on the spectrum that life doesn’t have to be so isolating. If people think Covid is hard, some in the spectrum go for years like this. Please respect people on the spectrum like me as well as others with awesome talents.


I love it!! Everyone has a place in this world and can contribute to make it better. ♥️♥️
