Typical Russian Apartment Tour | Our Home in Provincial city of Engels

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This Russian apartment was built during Soviet times, in about 1981. Within 40 years it has of course been partially refurbished and now represents the collaboration between the interior design of the past years and some new features that were gradually added through the years.

I hope this video helps you broaden your vision on how people live throughout the world, in Russian city of Engels in particular.

Both me and my wife (who grew up in this flat) would appreciate your feedback or questions, feel free to leave any in the comment section.

Life in Russian Town Engels where First SOVIET Cosmonaut Landed


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00:00 Introduction
01:31 Where children play
02:32 Where local can store their stuff
02:59 Soviet style of taking out the trash
04:01 Entering the apartment
04:44 Living room
07:18 Bedroom
08:38 Where people wash their hands and ...
09:22 A couple of interesting details
10:07 Kitchen
12:08 My little girl & Outro


Your Russian Mate from Russia
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New video about another apartment:
You can support my fam via SuperThanks function in the comment section.
Much appreciated 😊


I'm 65 years old and live in Texas, USA. My wife and I had 2 exchange students 2005-2006 school year. One was from Crimea and the other from Siberia. Good family values those 2 young men had. We took them a lot of places, including skiing in Colorado. They had more fun than they had had in their entire lives. They're both doing well. Highly educated with good jobs. The Russian and American people are so much the same. We could get along fine. It's the politicians and corrupt banksters that keep us at each other's throats.


We adopted our daughter in Ulyanovsk, Russia in 2001. I knew exactly what the apartment would look before you turned each corner. It’s exactly like the apartment we stayed in. It’s amazing how you can feel connected and leave a piece of your heart in another country. I have deep love for Russia and thanksgiving for the gift of my daughter.


In such a turbulent time, It is nice for videos like these to remind us that we’re all just humans with families and memories. Thank you for showing us your wife’s childhood home. Very interesting.


i just love his english!! It’s so natural and entertaining, good job you should be proud of yourself and of your abilities!!


I really appreciate this. I’m from the US and found this refreshing to get ANYTHING other than conflict news between our countries. It was an honor to be a guest. Please post more so we all can benefit from getting to know Russia and it’s people. I hope this finds you and your family safe, healthy, and comfortable.


I was born 1990 in East Germany and I can completely relate to this kind of lifestyle

East Germany basically had the same housing, the same environment, playgrounds and in great parts the same culture as the udssr. even the way you guys decorate your apartments from the wall carpets and the style of pictures to the sofa and the cupboard and even the content of it is 100% the same way we had it.

My childhood basically was being outside all day playing hide and seek in abandoned factories or houses on badly fixed streets
Surrounded and living in block flats

Everytime I see this type of Russian video I immediately get nostalgic with my childhood memories


Thank you for the tour. I'm 64 and live in a studio size apartment in Detroit, Michigan. The building i live in was built in the mid 1920s, the rent is cheap compared to other places $550 a month, that's why I stay. Your English is better than some people I run into on the streets.


In such a turbulent time, it's nice for video's like these to remind us that we're all just Humans with families and memories. Thank You for showing us your wife's childhood home. Very interesting!!! 👍😍🇵🇭


A set of encyclopedias for the children in every home was very popular when I was growing up too. They were called "World Book Encyclopedias". The books were divided up by alphabet letters instead of by subject. Door to door salesmen came to the home and sold them to mothers on an installment payment plan because they were kind of expensive. I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s in Houston, Texas. Love your videos. Peace.


Those kids will probably have some of the best memories growing up as any kids. Lots of open spaces, stuff to play on, lots of other kids to play with. Love from Tennessee USA


I live in Greece. I am so grateful for YouTube. You can have access to so much knowledge from all over the world. Thanks for sharing ❣️


I love that the toilet and the bathtub are in separate rooms, it just makes so much sense


I love the sincerity and authenticity of the tour. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us all. Best wishes.


Hello from the USA. Thanks for inviting us into your home. We see very little about the life of Russians. This was very interesting. It seems that each big apartment buildings are their own self contained community. There are playgrounds and other daily needs very close to where you live. To me this seems like good planning by the architect/city planner. You speak very good English as well. Your little girl is adorable. Have a blessed day!


Thank you for showing the humanity of the Russian people. You are an ambassador of goodwill and kindness. I pray for an end to the conflict and that peace would come to all people.


Hello from Uzbekistan, we also have the same apartments as you demonstrated, this video reminds me of my childhood, thanks for sharing, your English is brilliant


It was an honor to be a digital guest in your home! Your daughter was the best part, as she reminds me of mine, when she was that age. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for having us visit your home and family. I really appreciate the opportunity to get to know your country from the view point of the citizens instead of the politicians. We all need more of this type of friendship.


I've always been curious how people in other countries lived and really enjoyed your video. Thanks for sharing your home and family with us. We're not so different after all.
