Anonymity: The Greatest Weapon Against Oppression - Learn Liberty

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“Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority” - Justice Paul Stevens

When we think of anonymity on the internet, we often think of the negatives. Trolls say horrible things because they can hide behind a screen, but you might not know that anonymity is also a quintessential part of our functioning democracy.



Does our right to freedom of speech also guarantee our right to be anonymous? When most people think of anonymity, they usually think of the internet, the trolls who dwell in the comments sections on articles or on Reddit, but the importance of anonymity in America goes back further than you might expect. Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and other political activists during the American Revolution used anonymous pen names while writing politically controversial books and essays. They concealed their identities to protect themselves from retaliation and ensure that readers judge their work based on the merits of their arguments, not their identity. These works are celebrated today as heroic weapons in the defense of liberty, but without anonymity, the founding fathers would have been hanged for treason for broadcasting their ideas in the 13 colonies.

Even though our world is vastly different from 1776, anonymity remains essential today. It offers protection to those who are most at risk of experiencing retaliation for their actions or beliefs such as those who support potentially controversial organizations. As Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens put it, "Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority." For example, in 1956, the Alabama attorney general demanded that the NAACP reveal the names and addresses of all their members as a way to bully them out of the state. This intimidation tactic was appealed all the way to the US Supreme Court and was struck down, but highlights the importance that anonymity played in the Civil Rights Movement.

Today, in an effort to make the internet more transparent, some want to require internet commenters to reveal their names online, and it's not just the internet, some are pushing for legislation that would force causes and advocacy groups to reveal the identities of anonymous supporters. While this may sound like a good idea on the surface, anonymity is crucial for a meaningful right to free speech. When we think about anonymity, we often think about its negative uses, but fail to consider the LGBTQ student seeking confidential advice about coming out to their parents, the young pregnant woman seeking reproductive health, the depressed college student seeking mental health support from an online community, or someone with a controversial political opinion who supports a cause.

The first amendment protects speech and privacy regardless of whether the speech is culturally accepted or rejected. Every American has the right to privacy and anonymity. Without it, anyone with unpopular things to say would feel less safe saying those things. What do you think? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. To learn more, subscribe to Learn Liberty and check out these related videos.
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Benjamin Franklin was a huge troll, btw. Trolling is a long honored tradition.


I actually like how they presented this in a manner more appealing to leftists, highlighting teen pregnancy and LGBT stuff. It's a good way to stave off accusations of conservative bias.


Anonymity is absolutely crucial to a free society. Although a person with just the right connections can get to literally anyone they want. You'd have to live on some remote desert island to be completely safe and even then you can be tracked down by a satellite. With today's flow of information you leave traces everywhere. Rustle the wrong jimmies and you're toast.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face" - Oscar WIlde


I wonder if Benjamin Franklin would've used an anime avatar


America! Defend the constitution. The world depends on it!


This is exactly why many who wield power aim to destroy anonymity, and why the 1st amendment is nothing short of a miracle.


My name is Mike Smith... good luck finding me


Is anonymity even possible now in the public square of the internet that exists within the total surveillance state, the police state, the absolutist state?


Principles before personalities? Or principalities before eternal 🔥 chocolate ice!!!


Anonymity only works if the people and the government wants it to work.
But it's not the case for most western countries where one is sometimes
More worse off than living is a repressive regime.


I just deleted my twitter and deactivated my facebook account that had my real name after I lost a job a few days ago. The excuses they gave me for my termination did not match what I saw when compared to others...even a couple of vets. I believe that my experience may significantly be linked to who I am as a person and my personal beliefs. I am now going underground with regards to social media.


Can you imagine if we forced the criminal cartel of politicians to wear racing suits with all of their paid for sponsors?

Asides from the infinitely small lettering due to the extraordinary number of lobbyists and corporate sponsors, they would cry foul.


Privacy does not mean abortion is a moral good. Evil


Beware... it is NEARLY impossible to be anon on the internet. There is a whole combination of things you need to do to be anon, starting with a computer free of firmware/spyware, which pretty much guarantees probably all of you right now are not anon... proxies/VPN tor etc, help, but that is not anon to anyone except small players in the data collection game.


In an age of copious social media, who even WANTS to be anonymous?!


right. gun manufacturermanufacturers shouldn't be forced to give up their patrons info either.


Stop making college students depressed?
