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I sit down to talk about the state of DPS in Overwatch 2, unscripted.



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What are your thoughts on DPS as a role? How does it feel to play at your rank? Should "cheesy"/easy2play heroes be allowed to be viable and get as much value? Or should the higher skill heroes be the ones we strive towards and respect people who are good at them?


Tracer feels miserable to play nowadays, you literally get one tapped by a random HS, and the pepper spay from her pistols gets healed back in an instant. And it's hilarious seeing my team saying I'm doing ass while I'm in their backline and disrupting their supports focus on the enemy frontline and they still can't push the payload or kill something. DPS role depends on the other roles, tank making space for them to do their job and supports to help them engage/enable. But it's the most miserable role, you get trampled by a raid boss tank, and out dueled by a support.


I saw a post on Reddit commenting about how Reaper's kit feels outdated in today's OW. This was my response that I feel applies to a lot of the DPS role in general:

The problem with Reaper is so many heroes just counter his kit now. It takes away half of Reapers' playstyle when all of these new Supports have bullshit mobility options and immortalities while also being able to just 2-tap a duelling Reaper in the head.

Kiri will stand still with her thin hitbox and duel you until she TP's away, uses Sozu or forces you to Wraith out.

Weaver just platforms hinself out of range, and if not that he uses his burst jump that simultaneously heals hinself and now you're out of range again and he'll have some help.

Bap is simply invincible, will drop lamp, use healing burst, jump to higher ground or 3-tap your head.

Illari can straight up 2-tap you in less than a second with fully charged headshots, boop you away with her stupid jump ability, AND you need to destroy the 3rd support turret that heals her to even have a remote chance of winning that duel.

Alright so since duelling Supports is pretty much off the table, that means you're forced into frontlining and playing with your tank, applying pressure to the enemy tank so you can give your team some space. But wait - the enemy team has busted out the poke heroes and snipers! So you're fucked again and can't peek anywhere without getting 1-tapped by a Widow or Hanzo, or losing 90% of your HP to a pocketed Ashe or Torb sitting at the back of the map.

Combine all of this with Wraith form nerfs that guarantee you get your ass pounded by CC for "consistency reasons", and you have a truly miserable hero to play past Diamond ranks.


Yeah I’ve been feeling the same way. The state of flankers rn is pretty bad. Especially tracer. She’s supposed to be a glass canon but now she’s just glass. It also doesn’t help when you have Kiri, Illari, and maybe zen. They are able to easily win ones against most dps. Makes it so you have to play one shots rn. Like soj, hanzo, and others.


Just had a game as genji where I dry blade on the back line and hit a support 3-4 times and they didnt die. Just using normal healing to survive, no immortality abilities. I go down and my illari then ults and wipes the whole team and we cap the point. Balanced game.


Another issue that is cropping up is visual clutter


as a Cassidy main when I've seen those patch notes I felt a part of my soul just crumble and fade into thin air. they actually had the audacity to say that he's underperforming and then nerf his range even further and it makes no sense.

and I remember them saying that he was the second most picked DPS in the last season or something. how is that really underperforming? I don't know what they see but there is something not right here 100% 😭


I think the amount of healing isnt that much of an issue for the most part, its still bad but they havent really been buffing heals.

Really the fact that supports are just better dps i think is more of a factor because dps cant reliably duel them. Supports have self heal, high dps, and some form of cc or space manipulation (like knockbacks or speed/dash), as well as immortality. This makes it harder for dps to actually get picks on the squishies for two reasons.

One its just very difficult to 1v1 a support due to there kit and base damage being fairly similar to a dps.

Two, because of this the fight has to get taken to the tank fight where builders and volume dps are far more advantaged.

If a dps can not reliably 1v1 a support outside of massive dps like turret bastion or one shots like widow hs or junk combo then the fight has to be fought on the front line or you risk throwing the game by feeding.

I really feel that this is the major issue. Lifeweaver got a slight buff to his max potential heal but thats really it that i remember in recent healing buffs. Ana had her heals nerfed, baps burst has lower overall heals but quicker burst heal and thats really it for heal changes that i remember.


They don’t do less damage than support they have more damage options. Supports just fight back more and people don’t like it.
Saying, they have too many get out of jail Free options is one thing, but saying they simply do more damage and kill more is disingenuous.


As someone who got to dia on with rein, winton and ball as my mains I can tell you that the last few meta's where supports have dominated has lost me so much SR. I managed to get to plat on DPS before the bastion and other no skill dps changes came with heroes like genji and tracer which then lost me SR when the easy characters I hate got buffed... I hate the current meta


As a junkrat main I pray every day that he never becomes meta


AbbyOW2: “Your team will peel for you as a support”

Me still in the metal ranks where most players are: *insert Jonah Jameson laughing gif*


Personally I think a good idea would be to fully lower all the healing however every character has passive healing.


whenever an enemy team has Pharah, I always pick Cassidy,
but I can't kill her because she has Mercy with her
and I also can't kill her because I'm not kept alive long enough,
then I get Illari or Baptiste and they can manage to kill her on their own...
and I just die because they're too busy flexing their "DPS"

I thought my role was DPS and theirs, Support ?

not to mention, they nerfed his damage from afar,
so like... how tf do I kill Pharah in an open map
who keeps her distance from me
and is being pocketed by Mercy and I am not ?

and if it isn't an open map, Pharah can still mess Cassidy up,
because she can be sneaky asf and just two or three taps me,
like bro... you're Support, F*CKING SUPPORT ME SO I CAN KILL PHARAH


This goes back to having one tank only. With two tanks you were able to split the healing onto the tanks. Now with one tank, they can get burst down real quick if healing isn’t where it is now. This however makes it harder for dps to secure kills. If they nerf healing they need to nerf damage as well


I feel like I can’t take DPS players plight seriously when regardless of all this balance, it’s still the most sought after and played a role in the game.


i’m gm all roles, i can play everything. i’m naturally a dps main but i play lots of the other roles too. i literally feel cosmetic on my main role. i have the easiest, most forgiving games on support. i can have the funnest games of my life on tank so long as the other team doesn’t play bastion or sombra. i can work around everything else.

but on dps it feels like i’m just there, waiting for someone to do something so i can do something. i have like 10k hours in this game, mostly on dps. i started out gold on pc 5 years ago, made it all the way to gm in ow1 when role queue came out, made it to gm1 season 2 of ow2, haven’t left gm UNTIL this season because i refuse to play bastion in this state. he’s literally server admin. he counters everything you can possibly do on dps because support is so outrageous that you can’t kill him unless you get lucky with their supports just not looking at him. i spend 2 hours a day on raw aim training. i jump into 1v5s all day and come out alive with a pick or two. i can mostly handle supports but i CANNOT break through bastion’s passive dmg reduction from turret form + armor dmg reduction + 300hp (100/200 split) + any support pocketing. it’s fucking impossible. i’m hitting every shot and his health bar goes up. weaver, kiriko, ana, bap, moira, brig all have such ridiculous healing output that any one of them looking at him makes him unkillable. wait it out? then what? i only went in on him because i finally forced cooldowns, now i’m leaving and they’re back up and i’m waiting and playing so slow in this shit game of attrition waiting for the perfect chance where a support fucks up the easiest, most powerful cds in the game. i’ve resorted to playing snipers to try to win games with getting early picks. i’m barely finding success with sojourn most of the time sweating my fucking ass off just to do half of what bastion can do with just his grenade. this is the worst meta we’ve ever had.

also fuck illari wtf were they thinking?? i have like a 90% wr on this hero and i’m straight up dpsing. her ult is better than every dps ult in the game except sojourn in the PERFECT conditions, with dmg boost/nano. try ego ulting as sojourn without waiting out support cds or orisa spin and it’s wasted. isn’t this supposed to be an fps?? lol?? why am i shooting at minimum 3 deployables every fight?? weaver builds tree in 15 seconds too bc his stats are so insane. like what’s going on over there with team 4


All this is true. Tank is struggling too but at least I can go into open queue and most of the issues don’t exist there. But dps is struggling in open and role. I’m a support main and I can’t stand all the elitist supports that behave like healing is beneath them or that teammates don’t deserve healing and make them work for it. I actually enjoy healing and keeping my team alive and don’t understand how ppl with healing abilities just watch their allies die around them.


Hot take the Tank roll should be balanced around rine, Dps tracer, Support Lucio. The reason? All these heroes are fair and fun to play against and also reward skill and game knowledge.


I don't mind supports being able to defend themselves but combine that with them peeling for eachother makes it so they are literally unkillable. Let's take bap kiriko or ana kiriko there are so many cooldowns they have that can save them.
