7 Ways To Punish Bg4 Pin On Your Knight [From Basic To Brutal]

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One of the most frequently played moves in the opening and early middlegame is Bg4 (or Bg5), pinning the knight to the queen. This bishop pin is common across a wide range of chess openings.
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will show you 7 effective ways to handle this pin. You'll learn how to counter it, starting with basic, passive defenses and progressing to the most aggressive and brutal counterattacks.
► Chapters
00:00 7 Ways To Punish Bishop g4 Pins On Knights
00:19 Idea-1 (passive defense)
00:54 Idea-2 (passive defense)
01:24 Idea-3 (passive defense)
03:18 Idea-4 (passive defense)
04:18 Idea-5 (aggressive counter attack)
06:21 Idea-6 (GM Smirnov's favourite)
08:30 idea-7 (UNO reverse card)
09:25 Puzzle of the Day
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#IgorNation #ChessStrategy #ChessTactics #ChessTips
Take Your Chess Skills To The Next Level With High-Quality Courses
One of the most frequently played moves in the opening and early middlegame is Bg4 (or Bg5), pinning the knight to the queen. This bishop pin is common across a wide range of chess openings.
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will show you 7 effective ways to handle this pin. You'll learn how to counter it, starting with basic, passive defenses and progressing to the most aggressive and brutal counterattacks.
► Chapters
00:00 7 Ways To Punish Bishop g4 Pins On Knights
00:19 Idea-1 (passive defense)
00:54 Idea-2 (passive defense)
01:24 Idea-3 (passive defense)
03:18 Idea-4 (passive defense)
04:18 Idea-5 (aggressive counter attack)
06:21 Idea-6 (GM Smirnov's favourite)
08:30 idea-7 (UNO reverse card)
09:25 Puzzle of the Day
► Follow RCA on social media
#IgorNation #ChessStrategy #ChessTactics #ChessTips