The Most Brutal Way to PUNISH Scholar's Mate Trick

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the most brutal way to punish the Scholar's Mate trick by White, which usually happens after 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 trying to deliver a checkmate with Qxf7#.
This counter-attack variation will help you completely destroy your opponent's attempts to checkmate you (with the Scholar's Mate). In fact, you will learn how to trap their queen in one of the variations of punishing White's early queen attacks.
► Chapters
00:00 Brutally PUNISH Scholar's Mate Trick & Early Queen Attacks
01:09 Black's aggressive counter-attack 4...f5
02:43 1) If White plays Qd5 after Nd4
04:02 Black is completely dominating
04:48 2) If White plays Qd3 after Nd4
06:00 Brutally attacking White (queen trap)
#IgorNation #Checkmate #ChessTricks
Take Your Chess Skills To The Next Level With High-Quality Courses
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the most brutal way to punish the Scholar's Mate trick by White, which usually happens after 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 trying to deliver a checkmate with Qxf7#.
This counter-attack variation will help you completely destroy your opponent's attempts to checkmate you (with the Scholar's Mate). In fact, you will learn how to trap their queen in one of the variations of punishing White's early queen attacks.
► Chapters
00:00 Brutally PUNISH Scholar's Mate Trick & Early Queen Attacks
01:09 Black's aggressive counter-attack 4...f5
02:43 1) If White plays Qd5 after Nd4
04:02 Black is completely dominating
04:48 2) If White plays Qd3 after Nd4
06:00 Brutally attacking White (queen trap)
#IgorNation #Checkmate #ChessTricks
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