Chess Opening Mistakes in the Queen's Gambit [TRAPS Included]

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shows the most common chess opening mistakes in the Queen's Gambit, which happens after the opening moves: 1.d4 d5 2.c4. Hundreds and thousands of chess players make these mistakes in this one of the most popular chess openings.

After watching this video lesson, not only will you learn to not make these mistakes yourself, but you will learn to punish your opponents for making these mistakes. You will also learn the strategical and tactical methods to punish these mistakes and get a winning advantage.

► Chapters

00:00 Common Chess Opening Mistakes in Queen's Gambit
00:53 Mistake-1: Is Queen's Gambit Accepted Bad? 2...dxc4
03:11 The game that shows the most common mistakes
07:19 Mistake-2: Black plays 2...Nf6
09:59 Mistake-3: Bb4 bishop pin on the knight
10:49 Mistake-4: Common tactics, Greek gift sacrifice
12:14 Mistake-5: Bg4 bishop pin on the knight
14:32 Can you find the winning move for White?

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1. g4 attacking Bishop - if ...Bxg4, then mate on f7 - if ...Nxg4, then 2. Bxd7 winning Black's Queen - so it's 1...Bg6, but...
2. g5! attacking Knight - again, if the Knight moves, 3. Bxd7 winning the Queen, so 2 ...e6 (allowing e7 for the King) and 3. gxf6.


What i do against queen's gambit players is I use the englund gambit with the follow up of 4.e3 that you taught me a while back, this completley throws them off their game and I win 90% of the time, thank you so much for that and all others amazing videos you put up you increased my rating by 450 points and ongoing


Knight C3 to E4, black takes knight, bishop takes knight check, queen takes bishop, knight takes queen, king takes knight, queen to D5 check, queen takes rook.

If king moves to C7, then first check with bishop to F4, then pick up the rook, otherwise checkmate, forcing king back to D8. There’s a couple other lines but I see that as most common to play.

If there is a mate, I’m missing it but this is dominating regardless and black should resign.

Also, you can also check king again and take either bishop or knight on E4, but there’s probably a mate somewhere that I’m not quite seeing since I’m like 13 moves deep in my head


► Chapters

00:00 Common Chess Opening Mistakes in Queen's Gambit
00:53 Mistake-1: Is Queen's Gambit Accepted Bad? 2...dxc4
03:11 The game that shows the most common mistakes
07:19 Mistake-2: Black plays 2...Nf6
09:59 Mistake-3: Bb4 bishop pin on the knight
10:49 Mistake-4: Common tactics, Greek gift sacrifice
12:14 Mistake-5: Bg4 bishop pin on the knight
14:32 Can you find the winning move for White?


I think the solution to the puzzle has to be knight to d5. black knight cannot tak otherwise queen takes on d5 and checkmate is unavoidable. So e6 has to be played by black. But that weakens the f6 square so we take the knight on f6. Black recapture either with the queen or the g pawn. Lets say black takes with the pawn, then we take on d7 wiht our other knight threatening all sorts of nasty discoveries so black has to give his queen. If he doesnot and plays king e7 we checkmate him by playing queen a3 or b4, the king goes back to e8 and finally knight takes on f6 with a discoverd checkmate.
If black take with the queen on f6 we take on d7 attacking the quee and when she moves we take on b6 discovered check to the king and after black reacts we take the rook a8.


Puzzle: I see so many ways to win, it's quite amazing. Nxe4, Nd5, Bg5, g4... even Qa4 looks winning.


2 methods using the same strategy but with different path work. But both require a follow up move that actually wins and nobody so far has mentioned that follow thru move.

1.Nxe4 removes the knight defender on e6 in a straight forward way ...Nxe4 by black. Then2. Bxd7+ Qxd7, 3. Nxd7 Kxd7 and now white has lost 3 pieces for the Queen, not a clear win without the follow up of 4. Qd5+ forking the rook bishop and knight and white wins.

1.g4 chases the black white Bishop to g6 (if f6 knight takes instead see line above cuz similar but not exact) 2. g5 chasing the knight away again see above line to finish off Black This method just requires an additional move


Very clever!! Thank you for the way to win!!


Good puzzle at the end. Bg5 seems winning. I can't find a way for black to save the piece. Very pretty


In the marshal line after e4 nf6, I like to play Bd3 offering the pawn so I can take the black queen.


With the puzzle at the end my first thought was to try h3, aiming to follow up with g4 (threatening the Bishop and making it leave the e8-h5 diagonal in preparation for Q x f7 # (The obvious threat - If I can spot it then it must be an obvious one).

However, one thing my many attempts at various Chess Puzzles has taught me is that my instinctual reaction is always wrong.

After looking some more, I spotted N x e4 (threatening Black's Knight on f6) as an option, aiming to follow up with N x f6 and then g4 (threatening the Bishop) and once the Bishop is off of the e8-h5 diagonal it's a simple Q x f7 #. But I think there must be something I'm missing (Because I always miss something - it's my great failing in Chess, inability to ruthlessly exploit an advantage). There is probably some clever move Black can do to thwart the above plan that I haven't noticed.


The solutuon I think will be g4. If bishop takes the pawn, we have mate with Qxf7. If Bishop goes back g5 and black loses his knight. Note that Nxg4 is not possible as Bxd7


I think you have a great YouTube channel. I have learned a lot here. Keep it up. Greetings!


g4 If the bishop takes it is checkmate with the Queen on f7. If the night takes, Bishop takes onf7 and the Queen has to take because it is checkmate and the night takes.


Queen gambit is super tricky than I thought. Thank you sir


For the puzzle today:

1. Nxd7 Nxd7 2. Qd5 doesn't work because of 2. Bg4 3. h3 Be6 and there is no win,


1. Nxe4/Nd5 and black has no moves that prevent Nxf6 removing the defender of d7 square so either Bxd7 and Nxd7 is very winning on the next move (Note 1. Bg4 in response to 1. Nxe4/Nd5 fails to Nxf6, knight of d7 is pinned so black loses the bishop on g4 on the next move)


Great Video, a video for the London system opening and ideas would be great.


What if black night goes to h6 to prevent your queen from checkmating?


It seems Nxe4 is winning for white. Black can’t take the knight now on e4 because he would remove the defender of d7. Even the simple Bxd7 wins the Queen as the Queen is forced to take. Now instead black may play e6 after Nxe4. But in that case then Nxf6+, Qxf6 (or gxf6) and d7 falls regardless.
