Advice for FCE, CAE and CPE Report Writing

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Sorry about the delay ladies and gentleman but here is a quick guide to report writing in Cambridge Exams. This is a part 2 writing which means that it is optional and it may not even appear at all in your exam. Although it is quite a simple exercise in regards to structure you will still have to be creative when it comes to communicating your information and making your recommendations.

Remember this is a formal piece of writing and therefore should not include phrasal verbs, contractions or colloquial language. Please see my video on planning for more help on written activities.

Structure - Use around 4/5 paragraphs with sub-headings for each one. Intro and conclusion should be kept very short as you can gain most of your marks in the middle of this exam. You can use bullet points to express your information but try not to do this too much as it looks like a list.

Intro - The aim/objective of this report is to analyse/assess/measure/summarise and to recommend solutions/improvements.

Ways of gathering information - Survey/Questionnaire/Poll/Vote

Basic Fractions - A quarter/A third/A fifth
Percentages also

Useful vocab - Satisfied/Dissatisfied, To be substandard, disappointed/disappointing, unhappy with, content with, happy with, pleased with.
Conclusion - If these recommendations are implemented/applied/introduced... beneficial/increase in/an improvement in...


- Passive - Avoid using 'I' and being too familiar
- Reported Speech - Two thirds of the people who were asked said that they were unhappy with the service.
- Distancing - According to/It would seem/It appears...
- Comparatives and Superlatives
- Connectors - Whereas/Although/However - NO LISTS!!
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This video was very helpful for me during preparation for my CPE writing exam, thanks!


Really useful video. I have watched both this video and the one of the proposal because they are the ones I am looking forward to do in part 2. I would like to know, from your point of view, which do you think enables the writer to display a better level of grammar? In a proposal where the language is more focused on future tenses or in a report in which it is mainly focused on past tenses?


thank you for he video, it helped me a lot!


Thanks a lot! I have my Exam in 2weeks😅
