The Art & Science of Teaching - Dr Robert Marzano

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In this interview Dr Robert Marzano discusses the origin of The Art and Science of Teaching model from his research, how the fundamentals of the model work, and how The Art and Science of Teaching has been received by the education community.

In The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction, author Robert J. Marzano presents a model for ensuring quality teaching that balances the necessity of research-based data with the equally vital need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individual students. He articulates his framework in the form of 10 questions that represent a logical planning sequence for successful instructional design. Filled with charts, rubrics and organisers, this methodical, user-friendly guide will help teachers examine and develop their knowledge and skills, so they can achieve that dynamic fusion of art and science that results in exceptional teaching and outstanding student achievement.

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Best book for teachers I have ever read!


I'd like to hear Dr. Marzano discuss his research-based data in detail.  


When I was in university I studied ways of teaching how much I wish to explain it to me in a practical way to explain each method. Example: Brainstorming method I was asking myself a lot why did not the teacher start the lesson using it? The teacher of the subject had a PhD from the UK and he was a recent graduation means that the teaching methods should be studied in modern ways but unfortunately I thought he would give us what is new but it was a big disappointment for all We studied the same ways that my mother taught the same university " Yarmouk "in Jordan and it will remain the same until they wake up from the trick of age and experience because education must be renewed not cumulative


Let's see. MR. Marzano hasn't taught since 1981. He has 10 years total teaching experience, the last six of which were spent teaching college, which means he has a total of FOUR years in a K 12 setting, and his last year in a K 12 setting was 1975! And this guy is going to tell veteran teachers how to do their jobs!

I was graduating high school in 1981, and I'm teaching for 29 years! I am truly amazed at how much schools have changed in that time frame. I was shocked how much things had changed when I was a substitute in '86 and when I started teaching in '87. I can only imagine what MR. Marzano would find if he tried to teach a class.

MR. Marzano, and I stress MR, NOT Dr. happens to be a good friend of this President and hails from Illinois! How's that HOPE and CHANGE now! I've even asked him professionally to implement these strategies in my classroom. He IGNORED me! I guess those who keep singing his praises have continued to drink the KOOL AID!
