The Bible’s History is World History

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Exploring the tension between biblical and secular history, this discussion delves into complex questions—Is the Earth thousands or billions of years old? What do genealogies reveal about the Bible’s timeline, and how do we reconcile this with the dates proposed by modern science? The conversation also touches on ancient Egyptian history, carbon dating, and why these topics shape our understanding of humanity’s origins and our place in history.

Beyond these scientific and historical analyses lies a more profound question: why does any of it matter? With insights drawn from Scripture, the discussion unveils how beliefs about creation and the Fall directly influence the purpose and message of redemption. These foundational elements connect directly to the role of Jesus, the “last Adam,” who reconciles creation to God. Dr. Rob Carter weaves together science, theology, and personal experience, illustrating how a firm biblical foundation can transform both understanding and faith.

00:00 Introduction
01:09 What is the Bible’s view on the earth’s age?
01:54 How can we build a biblical timeline?
03:29 Why are genealogies important?
04:16 How does Egypt’s timeline impact chronology?
07:44 Do any external points confirm Bible history?
10:29 Why trust the Bible’s account of history?
12:50 What chronologies span the entire Bible?
14:28 How did Methuselah live so long?
18:55 Do humans desire to live forever?
20:53 Are there gaps in biblical genealogies?
23:15 How do pyramids fit biblical history?
27:16 How does carbon dating work?
29:38 Why does Earth’s age matter?
32:00 How did Dr Carter find biblical answers?
34:14 Creation Magazine
36:27 Wrap-up




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Dear brothers and sisters.

Please pray for me. For 15 years I have been struggling with debilitating sickness that's made my life unberable. I am in my mid 30 and would love to still have streingth to serve my Savior and Lord.

Jesus is my Healer. Thank you all 🙏🏻

Please also pray that God grants me strength to go through this valley with humility and thankfulness.

Please also pray that the fire of Holy Spirit would be with me.

God bless you all. 🙏🏻


This was a great interview! She asked just the right questions for him to build the case. Perfect.


God always was, is and always will be. I don't worry too much about the time-line. That gives me peace.


I really appreciate that the Bible history is being studied and taken seriously. I would cherish it without the details, but to realize that Yahweh cared enough to help us learn about and have some understanding of the truth of His Holy Being and His salvation in Christ is amazing! We don't understand it all perfectly, but just the quest of learning makes it an adventure.


Amazing, thank you brothers and sisters. God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏


Good job!!!! Go go go go wearing the truth as a crown!!!!


Sad for the Neanderthalers, they dont get the recognition they deserve.


In 1998, scientists discovered two meteorites that contained blue salt crystals with liquid water, amino acids, and other organic compounds(that can also be found in the sea water). The meteorites were named Monahans and Zag. So it is because of the Genesis 7:11, that the sea water burst outside of the atmosphere together with the rocks also known today as asteroid, meteor, meteoroid etc., etc. And then the Pangea happened(but not like scientist claimed that it happen 335 million years ago), it makes sense, right!?


It is not scripture that is in error, but an interpretation of scripture that is in error. The Bible does not say that the earth only 6, 000 years ago that's one interpretation.


I agree with you my bro. I get the same timeline. When people say that this world is millions of years old where did they get that from? did they just pluck it out of thin air? I guess so


Characterizing this topic as a 'literal reading vs. figurative reading of Scripture' issue is an oversimplification.There are larger questions in play, both exegetical and epistemological. While it is true that many people solve Bible/science apparent conflicts by choosing one over the other (and then usually maligning either the Bible or portions of science), these are NOT the only options (e.g., old Earth creationistm--which is not the same thing as Theistic Evolution or as allergorizing portions of the Bible which appear to conflict with science--is one example of a third alternative). Old Earth creationists differ from young Earth creationists on the age of the Earth/universe but agree that the early chapters of Genesis describe actual history and that Adam and Eve were the first humans and special creations of God, plus they likewise oppose Darwinian abiogenesis as faulty science.

Some relevant questions people need to examine with regard to this topic include:

1. Are the clues wtihin the text of Genesis 1–2:4 itself that the ordinal days could be/are long time periods? I personally think there are; several of them are: (a) there are four different literal uses of 'yom' in this passage alone; (b) calendar days began DURING oridinal Day One; and (c) the land plants of Day Three MATURED to the point of producing their fruit with seed in it, somethng which doesnt happen in a single calendar day.

2. Where does the BIBLE say to add up its genealogies to arrive at the age of the Earth as Archbishop James Ussher did? (It doesn't.)

3. Are there indications elsewhere in Scripture that the ordinal days of Genesis 1 could belongperiods of time? Again, I personally thnk there are. One example is 2 Peter 3:3–9 where Peter cites Psalms 19's teaching about the time transcendence of God which implies, in effect, that the ordinal days of Genesis 1 are 'God-length days.'

4 Insisting on a young Earth/universe as a strategy for opposing Darwinian abiogensis (which I also oppose) is ill-advised for several reasons: (a) even a 4.5 billion year old Earth and a 13.7 billion year old universe aren't anywhere near old ENOUGH for Darwinian abiogenesis to be true; those ages are still too young by orders of magnitude for random chance/known chemistry to have generated even a 'simple' living cell, much less more complicated life-forms; (b) the young Earth age denies or mishandles much valid physical science; (c) by denying/mishandling much valid physical science this insistence needlessly creates mockery of the Bible, God, and the gospel.

5. WHY is the only solution to an apparent Bible-science conflict to choose one over the other? It's true science can and does make mistakes but then so can/do Bible interpreters. Why not instead RE-EXAMINE one's Bible exegesis and the current science to see if there are faults in either or both? Instead of doing that first to see if mistakes have been made in either area of study many people are TOO QUICK to become partisans. Yes, the Bible is entirelyTRUE but Bible interpreters are not infallible any more than scientists are infallible. So WHY assume your own Bible interpretation is automatically correct, thenlabel science as 'man's wisdom' as opposed to God's wisdom, and dig in your heels?

Why do I suggest we re-examine the source of the apparent conflict first? BECAUSE while the Bible is a true source of revelation from God SO IS NATURE, which God not only created but constantly upholds with great consistency. Nature is SO consistent in what it tells us that physical science has been able to spawn a tremendous amount of WORKING TECHNOLOGY based upon that very physical science. And I think that should at least give us pause, because if the underlying physical science were 'just man's wisdom' then the technology based upon SHOULDN'T WORK SO WELL AS IT DOES--or it shouldn't work AT ALL.

There's another problem here too: many scientists have been/are also Bible-believing Christians, and some of them who know Bible exegesis/interpretation well too have worked out and published very reasonable Bible-science HARMONIZATIONS. Two examples are NAVIGATING GENESIS/A SCIENTIST'S JOURNEY by Hugh Ross and GENESIS ONE AND THE ORIGIN OF THE EARTH by Robert C.Newman et al. The motivation of these authors is NOT to somehow or other justify Darwinian abiogenesis but to allow both the Bible and nature to SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, since God is the ultimate Author of BOTH. And neither of these books takes an 'allegorizing approach' to the Bible, but both books consider Genesis 1ff to be true accounts of actual history. Hugh Ross has additionally written a book specifically about the ordinal days of Genesis 1ff titled A MATTER OF DAYS and it's well worth reading on this topic.


There is no problem regardless when in the third millennium you date the old kingdom. The flood happened long before then. The MT numbers are too dumbed down and were obviously altered.

But I know the position of CMI is to hold to the conventual Hebrew numbers. Even though they are not likely original. An area where the LXX reflects the original numbers in the then tradition. Putting the flood in the 4th millennium BC and not the third. If the numbers are to be interpreted as a straight forward statistical chronology.


I believe the book of Enoch is also history… Which leads me to believe the Greek and Roman pantheon of gods is probably also more history than mythology. I see no reason why the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible don’t coincide with some of these other legends and lore throughout time.

I’m ready for someone to come up with the big theory of everything.


Doesn't mention the Long Chronology of the Septuagint!


29:51 - I understand it’s a question to keep the conversation going, but no matter what the discussion is today, the losing side will ultimately say “well, what difference does it make“?

When you’re talking about things like genealogies in history, every fact needs to be as accurate as possible… What’s some of these things are brought to light, modern science fall apart, like a house of cards.


The sojourn in Egypt was not 430 years! That would never fit the chronology & considering Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt in 1446bc; the 430 years began when Abraham enters Canaan, age 75 years.


The bible never mentioned the age of the earth


Great job !

You love the bible....

What do you think about 10 commandements ? Especially the 4th one ? ❤


what is the topic that relates all the parts of scripture together?


"In the it doesnt say "6 Thousand years ago", so you already start based on assumption.
