Did You Know In MULAN…

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Early in the movie, the title character is shown to brush or mess with her hair when upset or fearful, an example being when her father is called up to fight in the army. This all changes when Mulan cuts her hair to join the army instead of her father. Not only will the shorter hair help to pass her off as a male a bit more, but it also symbolizes the character growing up and not showing fear anymore.

Movie: Mulan

#Shorts #MovieFacts #DidYouKnow
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Mulan does this at the end of the movie aswell though. They added her touching her hair a lot because it was a habit of the voice actor.


Mulan cutting her hair off was such a powerful scene.


Mulan also did this because Ming Na Wen(Fennec Shand for Star Wars people), the voice actress, does this a lot too.


In actuality all she’d have to do is bind it together to pass. But I now see the significance


Historically this would have been unacceptable in Chinese culture. Men and women weren't supposed to cut their hair because it would dishonor themselves, families and ancestors.
Dishonor in a loosing face way


Never noticed that, that's a pretty neat detail.


The one time a woman cutting her hair really *is* a part/sign of character growth.


Did you also know that the hair cutting scene only meant that with western audiences? In China this would have been considered disrespectful and dishonourable.


This scene isn’t very accurate to the time, as cutting one’s hair was seen as an act of dishonor or rebellion. This was because a persons hair was said to be under the parents/guardians control and it was disrespectful to them if you cut it. However, I understand why they kept it in the movie. It was an emotional point of the movie, exhibiting Mulans loyalty to her father and commitment to keeping her family safe. I really loved this scene❤️


Do not reply to this with swear words I mean it I hate swear words and don’t reply to this comment with a rude or terrible reply either if someone doesn’t like it then don’t reply at all! If reality warping powers were real I would change the original story of Mulan made by the original author and erase the Disney Mulan movie both cartoon and live action from existence. The First thing I would do is change the main character and instead it would be about a boy named Wu Tan(Woo Taan). The character Mulan would still exist but she would be a princess and the emperor’s daughter. The character Li Shang would still exist his would almost be the same in the movie but with a couple of changes. He’s the emperor’s son and Mulan’s brother who tries to protect Mulan when she escorted to the military camp for her own protection. Here’s what the new story would be about. Wu Tan is an adventurous and active young boy who dreams of becoming a warrior like his father but he struggles to achieve this goal due lack of fighting skills. He has a mother, two older sisters, a grandmother and a grandfather and an older brother. His older brother is the oldest and is always better than him at everything even fighting and is always making fun Wu Tan. One day when Wu Tan fails with sword fighting practice his brother makes fun of him again. This gets Wu Tan angry and gets into a sword fight with his brother the fight occurs all over the village. The fight ends with Wu Tan losing, his armor gets damaged and his sword gets broken. Wu Tan punches his brother. The father and mother stops the fight from going on any further. Wu Tan’s parents are very angry at Wu Tan for not controlling his anger and brought dishonor to the family. The next day his brother falls ill and his family becomes worried that he will not make it. Things get even worse when the huns invade China. One man from every family must join the army to fight the Huns. With Wu Tan not ready to be a warrior and his brother sick, his father who is old decides to fight in the war. Wu Tan begs his father not to go, knowing that he will surly die, but his father says he has no choice. Wu Tan then makes the hardest and dangerous decision in his life. In order to save his father’s life, he must take his place. So on the night before his father leaves for the army, Wu Tan steals his father’s armor and sword since there was no time to fix his armor and sword. He leaves his family’s home on a dark and stormy night on a horse and heads to the army camp. Wu tan will be fighting for more than just his family and his country when he meets princess Mulan. He falls in love with her and she begins to fall in love with him as well. His ghost ancestors, decide to send three ancient guardian statues to help train Wu Tan for the war and protect him as well. They Mushu bring the statues to life. The Three guardians they choose are monkey(male) the wisest, white tiger(female) the swiftest, and dragon(male) the strongest. Mushu disobeying the ancestors, goes with them. I would also have Li Shang be princess Mulan’s brother whose is ordered by their father the Emperor to protect Mulan at all cost during the war. Mulan would also have another older brother and older sister who is the oldest, Mulan is the youngest.The Disney version of Wu Tan would be about 2 hours 30 minutes long with more action, adventure and singing in it.

Now The reason I’m saying all of this is because in my opinion there’s way too many Disney girl movies. Here’s how Wu Tan would meet princess Mulan, Princess Mulan would come to Wu Tan’s village while exploring the country side with her traveling party from the palace. Since She hates being stuck inside the palace so much. She sees Wu Tan at the training area practicing with his sword. She goes to talk him for a while. When word of the Huns invasion reach the village. She is escorted to the training camp for her own protection because it is too dangerous to reach the palace with the war going on.Mulan wants to learn how to fight so she can protect herself. When Wu Tan hears about, he gets an idea that will help him get to know Mulan better. He decides to teach her what he learns at night secretly. During his training in the Disney movie of Wu Tan, he gets bigger stronger faster and wiser too thanks to the guardians and Mushu. I would also use my reality warping powers to have the witch from the live action Mulan be in the cartoon version of Wu Tan. She would never betray the Huns and she is the wife of Shan Yu.
