CIA Spy: Signs He’s A Con Man, A Narcissist, Psychopath Or Manipulator! (Don’t Fall For His Trap!)

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I dated a narcissist:
1. They never apologize.
2. They are victims.
3. Everything is someone else’s fault.
4. They will spoil your birthday and every happy occasion that is not about them.
5. They need to control everything: when to eat, what to eat, what to do, the color of the bedspread… EVERYTHING!
6. They will undermine you and belittle you constantly.
7. They will cut you off from your friends and loved ones.
8. They will use your weaknesses and or things you told them against you.
9. They will groom someone else before discarding you.
10. They will love bomb you at first.


Narcissists are nice and kind when they want something. Their behavior is inconsistent. Whatever suits them.


Pycopaths can fake empathy like academy award winners.


I would say the first sign will come from your own gut feeling which will send signal to your body telling you that this person doesn't make you feel comfortable being around him/her. The fact that you are already asking this question should alert you to be careful. Something will feel off and you won't know what it is exactly. Covert narcissists can act very charming in the beginning but there will be often also present underlying sense of superiority about them.

That sense is actually deriving from them feeling insecure about themselves, so they tend to quietly degrade others in order to feel better about themselves. On the other hand if covert narcissist feels that you are above his league, he will act like your servant, trying to please you - almost annoying in a way. But make no mistake. If you decide to stay in a relationship with him, he will downgrade you and abuse you like all the others. Because in his mind, if you love him, he thinks you are unworthy of him.

Covert narcissists hate themselves so if someone loves them, than they think this person is worth less than them and that they can do better. Other sign to look for is any kind of judgment towards others. If he criticises other frequently, he will more likely criticise you as well once he gets more comfortable around you. Pay attention to how he treats people that are dependent on him as well. Narcissists hate those especially if they can't get anything of of that for themselves.


The one simple test. Tell them no. No is a complete sentence. But not to them.


This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The system BREEDS and CONDITIONS for narcissistic, sociopathic, Machiavellian personality. That’s how to survive and succeed in this system. The more these behaviors are demonstrated, the more reward, the more fame, wealth, success. The numbers are higher than what he states.


When I started to secretly question if my husband was a sociopath...I was crying because I just learned my mother had just died and it was a horrible, painful death. My husband yelled at me, saying, "She was old, so why are you crying?" He told me "Everybody dies, so what was the big deal?!" He later mocked me, sniffling and mimicking my crying. Yep...I should have left him.


My 20th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. My lovely husband just got out of a car, in front of the building WE live in together with another female. Of course I'm blind as hell and didn't see what me, the security guard at our residence and a couple of friends witnessed. What pecks my peas is when a narcissist argues public, and apologies in private. THAT is my husband. He asked me what I wanted for our anniversary and I replied, A DIVORCE. Be strong my sisters of EVERY RACE and religion. Hold your ground, but most important, don't argue with these clowns and remain the beautiful, strong women that you are. RESPECT!


He raised a great point though that I always say - SLOW IT DOWN! Especially if this is dating. Covert Narcissists and psychopathic narcissists (malignant narcissists) need you to fall for them fast and will pull out every stop to make that happen. Best test for a narcissist or ASPD - set boundaries, tell them NO and see how they respond. If they can’t get what they want from you they will move onto someone that is easier.


Narcissists are now studying these videos. So, trusting your spirit, having strong boundaries and loving yourself enough to walk away after one boundary violation or seeing one red flag ❤❤❤❤❤


As a “socially awkward” person, I thought being awkward was such a disadvantage in society. The affirmation that awkward can be a good thing actually gave me a boost of confidence. Relationships are so complicated. 🙏🏽


Can we just take a moment and appreciate this guy.


I broke down crying in front of a guy I was dating and I mean ugly crying and he had absolutely NO empathy for me at all. Zero response, words or actions from him. It was actually really chilling. I couldn't get him away from me any faster. Never looked back.


This man described my husband to a tee. My couples therapists told me he was a narcissistic sociopath. I didn’t understand it but learned why I felt like the crazy one with all the gaslighting. I didn’t even know gaslighting was a thing. This man is spot on about journaling. When i started journaling instead of going to him with my complaints which fell on deaths ear, I was able to emotional detach from the gaslighting or his bad behaviors. He had a hard time with me no longer reacting to his bad behavior or inability to feel my despair. The more I journaled the less I reacted. The less I reacted the more I detached. The more I detached the more I was able to see things clearly without trying convince him about him or convince him to care about how I feel when he behaves badly. He was a covert narcissist. I’m telling you when I learned about the personality disorder I was able to realize I wasn’t crazy. He also deflected and made me the crazy one. Gaslighting was his go to when trying to get out of something he did.


I once had a guy I was dating ask me “what are some red flags you see in me?” So he could temporarily modify his behavior to pull me in. He was like a robot studying humans so he could mimic them better.


The problem is when your dealing with a person that knows they have a personality disorder and knows how to disguise themselves and their behaviour.


Dated a guy for several months. Nightmare out of the gate. Could not get him out of my life. Broke up with him three times. At the end, he laughed in my face and told me it was all a joke, a series of tests to see if I was "strong enough" to date him, and that I had failed. I went no contact immediately...thought getting away from him would be the end, but instead he doubled down...stalked down my friends, lied to them (conned them), blamed me for his own problems (getting fired from jobs, evicted from places because he couldn't get along with anyone). For years, he got other women to befriend me and syphon information about my life so he could continue to undermine it. This was 9 years ago and I'm still dealing with the fallout. I still think of moving, even though he's left, because I can't undo the damage he did. Reminders of it everywhere. RUN if you have even the slightest unsure feeling.


"You have to put more weight in the action they did today, than the promise they made yesterday" <3


“Your safety is your responsibility” 💯


trust the gut safety. and don't apologize EVER for keeping yourself safe.
