Coming Back to Compassion

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Most of our meditations this month have been visualizations around the theme of self-compassion. To close out the month, I thought we would get back to a more traditional "sit".

How does this connect to self-compassion, you may ask? This week's invitation is the following: during your practice, when you've noticed that your mind has wandered, before you bring it back to your anchor, I would like for you give yourself a juicy dose of self-compassion.

If you are interested in taking this "off the cushion," I would suggest doing the same thing every time you have a mindful moment throughout your day. As soon as you've noticed a need for a few deep breaths, or something jars you out of your usual way of being, offer yourself a few words like, "May I be well" or "May I be happy."

My hope is that these intermittent self-compassion bombs will give you some unexpected peace and joy.

💗 Kristin
(This practice originally published August 2021)

#teachingbalance #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #gratitude
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