Ted Wilson Changing Gods (A New God in Adventism) - @NaderMansour

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The new god in Adventism promoted by Elder Ted Wilson is a very alarming development. Nader Mansour shares the prophetic ramifications of the entrance of the Trinity into the church. Has the SDA church accepted the Catholic Trinity? You won't be wondering after this message.

#NaderMansour #ProveAllThings #NuggetOfTruth

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Hi, I was baptized in the SDA church in 1992 after3 year I left for personal reasons time pass, I comeback into the church about 3 years ago and one of the many things that I notice is the change in beliefs I ask to speak with the pastor and I asked why in this days SDA believe in the trinity and his answer was “ we as a church accept the trinity in order to keep religious freedom” and not provoke persecution today I’m not part of that church but I’m a SDA and waiting for my Lord return, blessings to all are Lord is coming and is coming really soon be ready


Elder Ted Wilson’s own father confirms the Trinity, so Ted Wilson is following in his own father’s footsteps! Keep preaching the TRUTH brother Nadar 🙏🏼


I was raised a third generation SDA over 70 years and it is very very sad that SDA has turned away from the truth unto fables 2 Tim. 4:3-4


Thank you, Nader Mansour! I agree! This is what I have been waiting for... reformation!


Tq v much Pastor, for this wonderful messege. Keep preaching the truth. God bless us us all.


Dear Brother Nader, thank you for this sermon. After hearing this message, as I explained it to my fellow brethren, I could hear a real, but sad, diversion to this truth and I could discern another spirit opposing me. Maybe human or maybe satanic. I could not even implore them to listen to this message that you have posted. I have listened to many other messages that you have posted. I use you in your style to impart the message, but 3 gods is all that is desired. I am baffled and yet happy that I now know the truth. Thank you for this wonderful sermon. I feel like I've truly been reborn. God has blessed you and my prayers are extended to you. Thank you Brother.


Amen and amen! All my life trinity subject was obscure, never understood it I thank God it never made sense.


Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!


Thank you brother! Praise God & let us earnestly pray for our brethren & the world!


Ted Wilson used Jesuit thinking to spread his false doctrine. The pioneers did not believe in the trinity yet he stated that they did. He used serpent theology; while claiming to honor the pioneers, he dishonored them.


I have found that most people do not even want to hear the truth concerning the falsehood of the trinity. They seem to believe that it is wrong even to discuss it.


I'd rather be in the company of James White than Ted Wilson. Mr White, a loyal anti-trinitarian, was true to his course and held that belief to his grave. He made no public apology about it. The Church has changed gods by accepting trinity and thus has fallen into apostasy.


Amen! Jesus is God who has a Father who is His God and His Father.


It's not a new God it's the old devil


In the beginning was the word (christ) and the word (christ) was with the God (Almighty ) and God (powerful) was the word (christ).
He(the word, christ) was with God (the Almighty) in the beginning.
John 1:1 coincides with proverbs 8:22-30 and 30:4.
It was our Heavenly Father that created all things thru his only begotten Son .
If your are Adventist please consider reading the first chapter Patriarch and Prophets and or the chapter called the origin of sin in the great controversy!


May this gospel prospere n reach to Gods own pple n we may all come out from the false teachings which we hv been following for yrs...God help us understand better wethout pride n u lead us to wholevtruth n back to track...thankyu nader a true follower if christ


In 1981, SDA General Conference President Neal C Wilson announces to General Conference meeting in Dallas Texas, that the Church has officially adopted the Trinity doctrine! which was now No.2 in the Church’s Fundamental Belief. He wrote “ there is another universal and truly CATHOLIC ORGANISATION, the Seventh Day Adventist Church” (Adventist Review, March 5, 1981 Pg 3)


I saw ted Wilson at ASI and he said in his speach that SDA church should be the most ecumenical church on earth. I am a brand new SDA member, I was trying to read the great controversy book until I figured out that it was altered and not I had to order for the older version in order to learn the truth


& let all the people say.... Amen. Praise ye the LORD! Psalm 106:48


Thank you for clarifying some things for me. it is much clearer now
