Mass Effect Lore Series - The Reapers

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This lore video covers The Reapers- an overwhelming force bent on the eradication of organic life.
Music Credits:

Video credits:

“ Electromagnetic Railgun Firing Hypervelocity Projectile @ Mach 7 ”
- uploaded by “AiirSource Military”

“Citadel relay Reaper invasion - ‘Monsters from the id’ - A Mass Effect short”
- uploaded by “UsernameGeri”

Phtoto credits:

“Bionic Hand and Human Hand Finger Pointing”

"Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from correctly answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds"
- Published: July 19, 2023 / Fortune

“Mass Effect - Reaper Support Ships”

“Mass Effect: Homeworlds 2”
- Writer: Patrick Weekes, Jeremy Barlow
- Artist: Chris Staggs
- Colorist: Michael Atiyeh
- Cover Artist: Anthony Palumbo
- Published: May 30, 2012 / Dark Horse Comics

“The Art of the Mass Effect Universe”
- Writer: Casey Hudson, Derek Watts
- Published: February 08, 2012 / Dark Horse Comics

“Milky Way” from “The Celestial Zoo”

0:00 - Intro
0:44 - The Leviathan
4:08 - The Intelligence
7:15 - The First Harvest
10:32 - The Reaper Species
13:53 - Reaper Variants
18:31 - The Hibernation
21:23 - The Pathways
26:20 - The Cycles
29:40 - Closing Thoughts

#masseffect #masseffectlegendaryedition #lore
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If the keeper signal hadn’t been altered there would have been no need to use saren and the geth and the harvest would have gone on with probably few to no reaper casualties


That Human Reaper from the 2nd game and how they're made is the stuff of nightmares. 💀


Fairly terrifying to imagine a human reaper floating down to a planet, basically the grim reaper taken form.
Nothing being able to stop it.


I kind of wish they kept the creators of the Reapers uncovered. Wouldve left a great mystery and kept the Reapers as more Eldritch-esqe


So the reapers have done 20, 000 cycles for a Billion years sounds crazy to me


The Leviathan’s plan to create the Reapers, whether it’s hubris or just narcissistic blindness, is just hilariously ironic when you boil it down. “All species eventually create technology that inevitably tries to destroy them. Anyway, we’re gonna make a technology to fix that, what could go wrong?”


Do the reapers put the little vests on the keepers or do they do that themselves


It hasn't been a month since I finished my first playthrough of the trilogy and stuff like this already makes me want to replay them.
Good video man, keep it up!


While this is very interesting, I think you are missing the point that was being made by the leviathans being evil. Its not supposed to be a vague suggestion that the reapers evil is merely a reflection of their creators and the world they built, but evidence of the desire to dominate inherent to organic life that led the reapers to believe there was no hope for reconciliation between organics and synthetics.

The leviathans created the AI to discover the cause of the conflict between organics and synthetics. The cause they discovered was that organics are, due to the process of evolution that forms their psyche, driven to desire the domination of others, be that other species or the machines they create. Synthetics probelm is that they lack the understanding of reality that organics have, leading them to easily make evil or genocidal choices.

The leviathans (along with the protheans) and the reapers are reflections of these two failings. The leviathans and protheans display the same dominating tendencies that lead to the creation of bad AI's and conflict with them, and the reapers lack the moral consciousness needed to understand that their solution to the problem gurantees a never ending nightmare factory.

The reapers want synthesis, but they have failed everytime they tried it. So they are using the galaxy as a giant experiment, allowing new organic civilisations to grow in the hopes that one will eventually provide a solution by not displaying these negative tendencies. The proof that the reapers aren't basing their conclusions about organic life solely on the galaxy as it was under their creators is that they have been waiting untold eons for an organic civilisation to arise that doesn't suffer from these failings, and have been disappointed every single time.

Up until our cycle that is, provided we managed to unite enough of the galaxy to prove that we focus more on cooperation and coexistence than domination. This is why you need a high galactic readiness in order to choose synthesis.


"The central hub of the Mass Relay Network is the Citadel. This Citadel, perhaps taking inspiration from the rea-life Pentagon, is a massive space station"

I'm going to start telling people that the Pentagon is a massive space station now and you can't stop me. :P Good video!


All those reminds me of a theory as to what reapers were doing their thing to prevent a major catastrophe involving the black matter or something like that. That theory was based upon Mass effect 2 Tali recruitment mission with the suddenly dying sun. Even Tali was worried about how a sun which was fine would suddenly die out of nowhere. Maybe this idea will be the base for mass effect 4?


That lovecraft quote in the beginning made me wonder what he’d think if he were dropped into the mass effect future.
His head would probably explode the moment someone introduced him to any of the aliens.


Ngl, I always thought and still do think the whole reaper motivations make no sense. Like bioware didn't really know why and had to come up with something.


im fairly certain the whole "core/shell" appearance was just a way to cut the number of unique art assets in 3's development. i think its clear the spirit of the story would have a thousand different giant robot alien titans in all kinds of forms


What would have been an awesome ending to Mass Effect 3, was if they found out the Crucible was a Leviathan creation, and there was a Leviathan that had been waiting beneath the bottom of the ocean on Earth, and had been manipulating humans into building a device to eradicate the Reapers.

Imagine the twist if you found out all of your actions in the entire Mass Effect trilogy was a single Leviathan using humanity as a method to regain control of the Reapers by manipulating lesser species into building the Crucible to "re-set" the Reaper programming.

The end boss of the game would be a Big Stupid Jellyfish.


Cool video but the music in the second half with the horribly high pitched bell ringing randomly is unbearable


Please do more of these!! I subbed because of this one alone ❤


Hope mass effect has a revival soon, its long overdo. Great video! Subbed.


Great vid and Chan. Subbed. Keep up the good work
