Is Christianity a Copycat Pagan Religion?

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DESCRIPTION: Is Christianity based upon plagiarizing mystery religions of the ancient near east? Is there nothing unique about the claims of Jesus? Sean responds briefly to these questions.
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The reason why Christians references Josephus, Tacitus and Pliny the Younger as proof is because all three of them are considered reliable historians of their time and all three of them corraborate the fact that Chrisitians as early as 80-90 years after the death of Jesus, worshipped him as the Son of God and believed he was resurrected after his crucifixion. Which would disprove the claim that Jesus' godhood and the resurrection was added to the text much later to promote the Christian faith. As to the gospels being recorded as early as 40 years after Jesus' death, it's not a big deal cosidering that Alexander the Great's autobiography was recorded 500 years after his death...More than enough time for embellishments to be added and is still considered a reliable account of his conquests. The people that wrote the accounts of the gospels was still able to cross check with close eye witnesses to make sure they didn't add any inaccuracies to them. The apostle John was still very much alive during the time of recording, as well as any other eyewitnesses that had seen some of the miracles done by Jesus.


I am sorry Mr. Mcdowell, you lose the debate, you are not coming at the subject, objectively and even I layman in archeology and history know that you are not speaking the truth. You are a Christian apologist, almost all the stories in the old Testament existed before there was a Israelite ( Hebrew/Jew), add to the fact we don't even know who wrote the books of the bible with certainty or even when they were written. Try again and i am so happy I attended a more accredited college, as in a serious one.


I am an atheist but you didn't even mention about the cross


Weak video
Do your research dr and everyone. The trinity is nothing but Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva from hinduism.


Yes it was. Christianity is the living paganism that its followets dont realize. Poor Chriszians poor.


Christianity does in fact contain many other traditions like paganism.look at christianity holiday's they all mostly are pagan in nature.this not a silly theory it's a fact.xmas is yule Easter is about spring hence bunny's and eggs being symbolic of fertility. the exact reason for celebrating Easter. even the name Easter comes from a fertility goddess.dec 25 is not jesus's bday it has other esoteric meanings behind it.why it's seen that so many God's have that exact same bday.if any fundamentalist literalist Christian think's for one moment.that pagans mystery religious did not have an impact on christianity.all they need to do is look up dionysus and the image of him on a cross. that's far older than jesus and it's the exact same image.also look up methra he was the god of light.the lamb of God same birthday same everything died and was resurrected after three day's. Modern christianity followers are in denial.they truly are unevolved spiritually and pick beliefs of dogmatism over true spirituality it's sad.


Also, these copycats died a natural death or were murdered. Jesus is the only one who laid His life down for us, He choose to die for us.There is no greater thing a man can do, then to lay down his life for a friend. this is the reason he tells us to remember him. and to shew his death till he comes.


Yeah I am just going to say it before watching the video. It's not that Christianity copies paganism it's that it is actually a Pagan religion.


Is this one of those "online doctorate" ads? To think that any developing religion isn't influenced by the different religions and mythologies surrounding it is ridiculous. Outside influence upon the Judeo-Christian faith can be seen from the stories of Abraham all the way to Paul.


Yes it is, now get over yourself and go buy a comb!


My youth leader lead me to this guy he seems to know what he is talking about


Christianity is not necessarily a copy but just a manmade end product in the evolution of religions. There's a reason why some religions are so similar or consist of even identical beliefs. The evolution of religions is like a complex network in time where beliefs were evolving and mixing with each other producing always something new. This network could be started even 100, 000 years ago. Bcs the beliefs were drifting along with wandering tribes, sailors, soldiers, preachers etc. it's not wonder the same beliefs, or variations of them, were known in different populations, eventually even far from each other, so when ppl in different populations created their own religions they might select similar beliefs for their new religions.


I like how I got a ad that says Jesus Cares XD


Very God to sacrificed himself to himself to save the world from himself. Why then the Jews do not see Christ as God?


This man is really good. You may not see it cause he uses simple talking, but he certainly carefully chooses every word so he can support fairly a good point. Well done dr. Sean! Thanks for your service.


I was raised a christian but realized it was bull shit after trying to make any sense of it when I became an adult. In my mid twenties I began studying Judaism and realized how christianity was based on Roman and Greek mythology, mistranslating, tampering, and twisting the Hebrew Tanach to fit the christian agenda. Thankfully I had a traditional conversion to Judaism. I don't think everyone needs to be a Jew to worship the Master of the Universe. Many christians and others have become Noahides, gentiles who believe in the G-d of Israel and follow the seven Noahide laws that gentiles are expected to follow. Unlike the sick bull shit christianity and Islam espouses, Judaism teaches that all people that strive to lead a decent life and loves the Master of the Universe have a place in the world to come.


You're right it's not a copy of the mystery religions. It is one! Christianity adapted and was influenced during it's evolution just like other religions.


Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt for apologists.


"So a while ago, we heard about these terrible earthquakes in Haiti. Well one of the reasons the human death toll was so high is because of corruption and evil in that country and how it effected the structure, so to speak. And had there been more moral people making better decisions, then the effects of that earthquake would have been radically mitigated."

Are there any studies you can point us to establishing a correlation between people following Christian morality and death tolls from earthquakes? Thanks.
