Addressing Open Scissor Posture Part 3

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Proximal stability
We can't address what's happening at the feet without looking upstream. ⬆️ We've had quite a few patients come through our doors recently with this open scissor posture ✂️ what does it look like? Ribs flaring and anterior pelvic tilt.. imagine your hips are a bucket of water and you're dumping water out of the front 💧 not ideal.
We want to keep those ribs stacked over the pelvis. Strong and stable 👍
We've got multiple variations here

Video 2️⃣
Start with breathing.. when you can master that, add load and movement but if those ribs over!🙅🏼‍♀️
Video 3️⃣
Add in those hip flexors, now we're starting to see the gait cycle coming into play 🏃🏻‍♀️
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