Sheikh Al-Albani or Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahab?

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Actually, the majority of salafis today know Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab only from his book Kitab Al Tauhid. And if you read it, you'll find nothing wrong with his teaching, despite of the historical fact regarding himself. I think the salafis today are more close to Hanbali school and ibn Taimiyyah/ibn Qayyim.


Brother Hijab, May Allah bless you, guide you and grant you jannah. Most students of knowledge already know this my brother. This is not hidden knowledge. Just like most people and students of knowledge understand that there are going to be differences between scholars at all levels.

That doesn’t mean that one has to follow one imam or another strictly. We know that imam Ahmed differed from imam Abu Hanifa. Does it mean that one needs to strictly follow one?

With all due respect to you and your knowledge, I feel these specific topics should be left to be discussed by senior scholars who have studied Deen for 40+ years.

I understand that perhaps in GB where you are located at there may be some salafi brothers whose temperament and wisdom when talking about these things is to be questioned, but at the same time your tone when talking about scholars like Al Albani, Wahabi and Fawzan is a bit disrespectful to say the least.

Focus on the issue and topic and don’t focus too much on the scholars.

May Allah have mercy on all of our scholars as well as yourself.

May Allah increase you and the ones you debate with from the Muslims in patience because that is what we see is lacking from you guys these days. Remember that every Muslim is a brother to one another and these arguments and debates don’t bring anything but division unless they are conducted with respect and mutual love from all parties to learn the truth.


I agree with what you said but to be honest. MIAW’s books did help me understand a lot of creedal matters, there is good and bad in everyone so even though I agree with what you’re saying about MIAW, it would be better if you give the sheikh Rahimahu Allah credits where it’s due.

If you really want to make a change then start teaching books of aqeedah, because we are all in need of it.


may Alaah bless you brother for speaking the truth


Those who know the history of Shaykh Al albani know that the Shaykh had differences with the ulama of the Kingdom and was expelled from Saudi Arabia as a result. The scope of differences can occur amongst the ulama with harmony or sometimes in warfare as we have seen from the early periods of the Muslim Umma. Differences prevailed and subsided as part of the cycles of Fitna and Islah which occurs during the exchanges of power through out ages.


Bro beuariful explanation may Allah bless you. Bro you know how much brothers confused me with these topics when I started practicing. These topics are actually so irrelevant for newbies


We follow Prophet Muhammad, not anyone else. Yes, scholars like Abdul Wahab and Sheikh Al-Albani have said good things, and we can learn from them. But our main guide is the Prophet, the last messenger sent by Allah. I don't get why people say they follow this or that sheikh, or label themselves as Salafi, Sunni, Shi'a, Sufi, etc. I am just a Muslim. Shouldn't we avoid dividing ourselves into sects? We know there will be many sects, but these just create confusion and division. Let's stick to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the way of the Prophet. That's what really matters.


وما الغريب في ان يختلف عالمان في مسألة او اثنتين ويتفقا في باقي مسائل الدين؟
نتبع ما اتفقا عليه ووافق الكتاب والسنة. أم في ما رآه احدهما وخالفه الاخر نتبع من يوافق منهما الكتاب والسنة.
أما تلقيب اهل البدعة لاتباع السنة بالوهابية فكان الالباني ينكر عليهم ذلك انهم ينبزونهم بلفظ الوهاب وهو الله سبحانه وتعالى.


Theres a book which details differences amongst the scholars of salafism, even in *Aqeedah.* Yes Aqeedah! In a book called:
الإيجاز في بعض ما اختلف فيه الألباني وابن عثيمين وابن باز‎
A scholar analyses differences between albani, ibn uthaymeen, and ibn baaz.
Written by sa'd bin abdullah. Hence its not a monolith and they should be tolerant of other views.


The Madkhali and other Salafī laypeople don’t really know these things. It’s only in recent years the dark truth of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab and issues like his differences with Al Albani have come up. I also wonder how much Shamsi and even Abdur Rahman Hassan know about these things.


Because albani rahimahullah invested his time in learning quran and sunnah not people came after that.


All IMAAMS SAID U CAN TAKE AND REJECT EVERYONES STATEMENTS. EXCEPT FOR THE PROPHET... SALALAHU ALAYHI WA hear and obey. SO i don't knkw whatbyour point wasnin all this.


Alhumdulilah for not being misled by the wahabhi najdi dawah.


قال الالباني رحمه الله: أما الوهابية: فما لي ولها ؛ فأنا أنقضها ؛ ربما أشد من غيري ، وربما الحاضرون يعلمون ذلك


dear ustadh muhammad hijab. not only does albani contradict ibn abdel wahhab, but also any other scholar which is claimed or used to cherry pick certain hukums by the wahhabis (ahlul bidah)… imagine they are claiming zawat like imam ahmad ibnu hanbal, al bukhary etc etc… which is even more ridiculous than claiming al albany for them… wahhabism has no silsila, no organic family tree in the ummah, no history, no jihad, no scholars, nothing… just khawarijite shaytani bidah and fitna… this issue is known since the downfall of the ottoman hilafa and its a pity that people are discovering it newly after all these years of ahlu sunnah scholars (= ashary, maturidi and REAL athary qudami) warning the ummah


What is your view about Shaykh Ibn Salih Al Uthaymeen and Shaykh Ibn Baz?


Also interesting to note Shamsi usage of the term Ahlul Sunnah which is a code word for Saudi Salafism. Does he consider any Muslim groups outside of Neo salafism as part of ahlul sunnah? I would doubt he does given how freely he calls others ahlul bidah.


Very interesting and informative and important, may Allah give you more .
That being said, I prefer you teach Aqidah from Quran itself.
Neither the companions nor the great scholars of the past are here to defend themselves and the more you learn the more you realize only Allah turns the hearts and we do not have to argue about anyone's level of belief or observance as we are wasting our time in doing such.
So much historical reflection when it's not based on solid ground.I prefer to read the Quran 3 hours a day, delving deeply into the meanings of the words myself in Arabic. This serves to guard against incorrect understanding as we learn from Ibn AlQayyims great book
الصواعق المرسلة
Did not our prophet warn against hearsay and to be careful of what your own ears have not heard directly and your own eyes have not seen. He denied "he said she said.., قيل و قال
We not only need new fiqh, we must never resemble the Vatican in seeking out just one interpretation and wanting that to be the only one followed no matter how great i.e. both Albani and Muhammad in Abd al Wahab were.
I admire both of them, yet this focus on takfeeri now here in U.S. is getting dangerous, veering on slandering your muslim brother just as Islam is making some headway.


People should read Tareekh An-Najd to found out how MIAW dealt with the issue of Takfir.


I usually do not like to talk about such matters but just in case u didn't know Shaikh Fawzan may ALLAH forgive him came out recently and declared Imam Albani from the murjiah group outright. Not sure why he waited for so long now that most big scholars of that Era are deceased. Was a shocker to me but I know not to disrespect scholars of Ahlul Sunnah as disheartening as it is. They'll have to sort it out on judgement day
