Exceptional Scholar in the Recent Past - Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani

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Trace his footsteps and accompany the young Nasirudeen as he goes from a keen student of knowledge to one of the most recognisable names in recent Islamic scholarship.

This documentary depicts the struggles and experiences faced by a prodigious young scholar who overcomes the obstacles of living in a foreign land and childhood poverty to become a champion of Islamic scholarship and a example to be followed by the youth of today.

For authentic citations, references and further research into the life of Sheikh Nasirudeen al-Albaani;

1. Official Biography: "The Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani" [by Abu Nasir Ibrahim Abdul Rauf & Abu Maryam Muslim Ameen, Published by Dar-Us-Salam Publications (2007)] ISBN: 9960984958

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Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani makes me so happy to be an Albanian, may God be pleased with him and bless him in Jannah tul Firdaus. Allahu Akbar


Allah knows best. but I don't think there is anyone more knowledgeable in the past century than Sheikh Al-Albani. it's a shame many Muslims don't know him. Great work brother


Shaykh Muhammad Nāsiruddeen al-Albānee (رحمه الله) was truly a hero, a scholar & a shining gem from amongst our contemporaries who literally dedicated his whole lengthy life towards reviving, defending & authenticating the Sunnah of Rasoolullāh (صلى الله عليه وسلم), that Beautiful dream @ 16:34 does not surprise me, he is indeed deserving of it إِن شَاء اَللّٰه.

What two of our greatest ʿUlamā said regarding him:

* The Allāmah, the Faqeeh, the Shaykh; 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Bāz (رحمه الله):

"I have not seen under the surface of the sky a scholar of Hadeeth in this time of ours like the Allāmah, Muhammad Nāsirud-Deen al-Albānee."
And his eminence was asked about the saying of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم);
“Indeed, for this nation, at the beginning of every one hundred years, Allāh sends someone who will renew its religion for it.” [Abu Dāwud: Shaykh al-Albānee declared it to be authentic]. So he asked, “Who is the reviver [Mujaddid] of this century?” So he, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “Shaykh Muhammad Nāsirud-Deen al-Albānee, he is the reviver of this time in my opinion, and Allāh Knows Best.”
And he said in his Fatwas (25/71), “Shaykh Nāsirud-Deen al-Albānee is from our very special and trustworthy brothers, well-known for his knowledge, excellence, and his care in checking the noble Ahadeeth to see which are Saheeh (authentic) and Da'eef (weak).”
And he said, “Shaykh al-Albānee is well-known as being from the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah and from the helpers of the Sunnah, and from the callers to the Sunnah, and from those who strive greatly [Mujāhidoon] in the path of preserving the Sunnah.”
And he said about him in a letter which he wrote and sent on 2/5/1377AH [24/11/1957CE] to Shaykh .Abdul-Fattāh al-Imām, “I’d like that you pass on my greeting of Salām to those around you from the eminent Shayookh and brothers, and I specifically mention from them our noble brother, and the one we love for the sake of Allāh, thee Shaykh, the Allāmah, Muhammad Nāsirud-Deen al-Albānee.”
And he said, “The Shaykh is well-known with us for having sound creed ['Aqeedah] and [a sound] biography, and for his continuation in calling to Allāh - the One free of all defects, along with the commendable efforts which he expends in [giving] care and attention to the noble Ahadeeth, clarifying the Saheeh (authentic) from the Da'eef (weak) and Mawdoo' (fabricated), and all that he has written concerning that in his wide ranging works; [all of this] is work which is laudable and beneficial to the Muslims. We ask Allāh that He multiples his reward and aids him to continue progressing on this path, and that he couples his efforts with success from Him and prosperity.”
And he said, “And Shaykh al-Albānee, may Allāh grant him success, is well-known with us for having a sound creed ('Aqeedah) and good biography, and aiding the Madhhab of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) and embracing it.”
And he said, “From our trustworthy, well-known brothers, from our good brothers, our companion and our brother, the Allāmah, the Shaykh, Muhammad Nāsirud-Deen - and he is from the reviver's [Mujaddideen].”

* The Allāmah, the Faqeeh, the Shaykh; Muhammad ibn Sālih al-Uthaymeen (رحمه الله):

“That which I know about the Shaykh through the times I met him, and they were few, is that he was extremely eager to act upon the Sunnah, and to fight innovations, whether they were in matters of creed or action.”
He also said, “I came to know this about him through what I read from his works, and that he has a copious amount of knowledge in Ahadeeth, their chains of narrations and the understanding taken from them, and that Allāh has benefited many people through what he has written, as regards knowledge, methodology and turning to the science of Ahadeeth, and this is a great benefit for the Muslims, and all praise is due to Allāh.”
And he said, “As for verifying and checking, then how excellent he is [for you to recourse to].”
And one time he saw a cassette on which was written, “By the Muhaddith of Syria Muhammad Nāsirud-Deen al-Albāni.” So he said, “Rather the Muhaddith of this age.”

May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) grant Shaykh Muhammad Nāsiruddeen al-Albānee (رحمه الله) Jannatul Firdawsi al-'Alā and cause his arduous efforts reviving the authentic Sunnah to benefit the whole Ummah till Yawmul-Qiyāmah, (آمين يا رب العالمين).

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), said to Bilaal (رضي الله عنه), “Learn.”
Bilaal (رضي الله عنه) said, “What should I learn, O Messenger of Allāh?”
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “Learn, O Bilaal!”
Bilaal (رضي الله عنه) said, “I am ready to learn, O Messenger of Allāh.”
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “Verily, whoever revives a tradition (Sunnah) from among my traditions which has died after me, then he will have a reward similar to whoever acts upon it without taking anything away from their rewards. Whoever introduces an innovation (Bid'ah) with which Allāh and His Messenger are not pleased, then he will have a sin similar to whoever acts upon it without taking anything away from the sins of the people.”
 Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2677Grade: Hasan (fair) according to At-Tirmidhi

For the original YouTube channel of the hard-working producer of this documentary alongside many other highly beneficial Islamic videos, please check this link:


Wow... May Allah reward u SOOOO much for this video. Wallahi i started crying out of jealousy when she narrated the dream. Not a hasad type of jealosy but a good type. I also wish i can see Rasulullah in my dream.


Yep he ( shaikh ALbani ) is from Albania, and im from albania too.


Congratulation for making such an amazing documentary. May Allah Grant Sheikh-Albani Paradise.


We need more Scholars like Al-Albani may Allah have mercy on him.


subhanallah may Allah bless him and grant him the highest part of Jannah ameen!! I love him by Allah.


May Allaah azza wa jall raise his rank in paradise Aameen


May Allah be pleased with him and grant him Jannat Al Firdaws. I would've loved to meet him and just have a dialogue with him to learn a lot from him :(


very inspiring biography maa sha Allaah


Subhan allah.May grant them the best reward in the life here and hereafter..


Amazing video, Masha Allah
We are proud of you . Alhamdullilah


Alhamthulillah nice documentary. learned a lot.


May Allah bless you all, this was very useful and I pray that you are successful in making such biopics in the future.


video with pictures of different scholars he studied under definitely helps answer his critics false accusation of him having no teachers, where they sort of give him that image of the average layman who comes to the masjid and sits at home and just reads books and says hadith sahih, hadeeth daef. Rather it could be said that he was a learned hanafi scholar as well who studied hanafi texts under his father and others. Saudi Arabia is not foolish that they would just go ahead and pick a foreigner scholar without any islamic academical background to come join their University of Madinah to teach the sciences of hadeeth.


Can I get the link to the exact Qur'an recitation at the beginning please? Jazak Allahu Khairan.


who is reciting Qur'an in the beginning of the video?


The brothers that made this video made many other similar videos. Check their page out:


what surah was sh. Minshawi reciting at the start
