5 Most Common Mistakes of a Student | 5 Big Mistakes Students Make in Life | ChetChat

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Find out the 5 Biggest Mistakes of a Student and how to avoid them, 5 mistakes of student and some common mistakes of the student, how to avoid student mistakes, and the 5 most common mistakes of a student. Watch this inspirational video and motivation, motivational video to learn to avoid the big mistakes of student and student life problems.

The 5 mistakes are
1. 1:15 Cheese on a Rat Trap
2. 2:47 Money is out of syllabus
3. 3:42 Joker in the Pack
4. 4:59 OK Google what is the answer
5. 6:31 Digital Relationships for Life

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5 mistakes of student, mistakes of student, student mistakes, 5 most common mistakes of a student, mistakes of student life, inspirational video, motivation, motivational video, big mistakes of student, big mistakes students make in college, student life problems, latest mistakes of student, 5 students mistakes, 5 mistakes of student, college student mistakes, school mistakes to avoid, big mistakes students make in life, study tips, school, college, students, mistakes, chetchat, chetchat latest video, chetchat videos

#ChetChat #5MostCommonMistakesofaStudent #BigMistakesStudentsMakeinLife #Mistakes #StudentsMistakes
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"Your mobile phone have already replaced you camera, calendar and watch.Dont let it replace your friends and family"👌


I was a top student till 10th in 12 th i made a big mistake, i surrounded my self with people with no dream or aim. And i ended up like them little by little.


" The tiger does'nt lose sleep, over the opinion of a sheep." Well said👏


1. When I started writing poems there were people who doubted on my talent considering it a copied content. I was so disheartened by listening all these. But my mom told me that you can't shut every mouth up. Just do whatever you are doing and later those people now appreciate my works.
2. I provide tutions in my subject i.e. commerce while preparing for my exam.
3. When I decides to crack my exam and explore my subject area by being a research scholar. Everyone told me it's too tough to crack. But I am determined and preparing for it.
4. Don't remember 🙄
5. I used to call my friend instead of texting them and I have fixed time for social media. Thankfully social media is not ruling my life.


The person who asks a question, remains a fool for five minutes...
And The person who doesn't asks a question remains a fool for whole life
Very well said👍👌


Bunking classes, Group studies, Teacher nicknames, and Homework & exam preparation, the night before the submission date.
I just remembered my college life in 10 seconds. :)


The secret of success is to just get started well said.


If everyone is thinking a like then no one is thinking...,
This inspired me mam


Pls give more info about interns and online jobs for will really help....Thank ya🙂


I could refreshen myself as a student
It was such an overwhelming video

Love from Massachusetts ❤️


I was waiting for your video from last Friday. Yay!


Yes ma'am I was surrounded with these negative influences in class 8 . But I have a nice guide, my mom who teaches me about these negative attractions and how to be far from them. A mother is the greatest teacher of each and every person's life.


The person who asks a question remains fool for a minute
But a person who doesn't ask question remains fool forever really admiring thought 👏👏


I used to ask some questions to my teachers and my friends would always make me a fool infront of all, but i dont care and that same friends would come to me asking some doubts related to that topic, that moment is so good to feel.


Superb vedio maam.... Taught us in the most unique way how to stay disciplined


It's rare to see teachers teaching with smile but you are unique ma'am 😊 Actually you look really beautiful when you smile
Keep smiling ma'am because your smile increase our confidence 😍 God bless 😇 !


Wow ur such a hardworking lady, big up Chet and thanx for educating the world.


Ma'am, my biggest negative moment was when one of my teacher (which name I don't know) ask some general knowledge question, but I fail to give the answers of some hard question. But I dumb that bad moment in my journal and feel very free, positive and motivated. The journal is really good. By the way the questions are so hard that I had never heard. 😅😅. And your videos are excellent. And also the person will do that mistake that not subscribing your channel, because you are a truly inspiration. Stay safe and healthy.
#chatchatters #chetnama'am


Any chetna Mam's fan from Tamilnadu🙋❤️❤️


Asking questions is something I enjoy about being a student, it just makes the other person share with us a lot lot more than what we actually wanna know, and also should be careful not to irritate by questioning too much😊 btw even my mom's name is chetna
