The Actor, The Cult, & The Women Left In Their Wake | Documentary

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This documentary is about the many scandals of a billion dollar church, its most famous member, Tom Cruise, and the women left in his wake.

Video Chapters:
00:00 Intro
4:11 Cruisin' Into A Cult
37:25 Operation Freakout
44:46 Hostile Takeover
01:07:37 The Cruise Files
01:30:11 The Wife Auditions
01:46:13 Escape Plan


Written by:
Josie Naikoi (NOT THE GOOD GIRL)
Sophie Wild

Edited by:
Dan Nunez
Josie Naikoi (NOT THE GOOD GIRL)

Narrated by:
Josie Naikoi (NOT THE GOOD GIRL)


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It's completely insane that Tom Cruise is out here acting in blockbuster movies and isn't generally considered a canceled or problematic celebrity, when his wife had to arrange an escape to a safehouse while he was overseas in order to divorce him


I just cannot wrap my mind around Elisabeth Moss staying in this cult, while simultaneously producing and acting her butt off on The Handmaid’s Tale. The cognitive dissonance must be off the charts.


I love that when the reporter told David Miscavige that he loved his life and his job, so what could Scientology do for him? David Miscavige had no real answer because cults are usually successful only with people. I’m not saying anyone can’t be a victim, but predators go after the injured first. Love this documentary!


The no making noise during childbirth is something straight out of handmaid's tale


Daddy Holmes was not playing around when it came to getting his daughter free. Also ironic that she escaped almost the exact same way that Tom and his mother escaped from his father


the fact that this church is still allowed to exist despite it being so clearly documented that it's a cult, a scam, and basically a criminal org, is baffling to me. we really do not live in a just world.


Thank God people like Leah have the courage to come forward and TELL THE TRUTH. They are saving lives.


Please be careful! These people have been known to try and ruin the lives of anyone they see as a threat who speaks against them


Leah is a heroine of truth. She singlehandedly faced off with this evil cult of domination and fear. So grateful for her fearlessness and courage. God bless and protect her❤❤❤


reasons why i binge your content: no mouth sounds, typing visuals but no typing noises, no begging for engagement or calls to action that take me out of the story, really fun editing, great voice, great writing, very fair reporting, excellent visuals. i love your channel. keep up the good work. very impressed. thanks for the video. your hard work means a lot.


I feel like I can listen to the story of Katie Holmes asking for divorce without anyone in the "church" being aware a million times. So incredible and impressive.


How is it legal to hold someone captive and then sue them because they signed an NDA to not talk about it?


My mom told me once about how back in the late 70’s before I was born she was struggling with confidence so she checked out Scientology to see if joining a religion might help her break out of her shell. Thankfully, she was poor and couldn’t get very far with that option.


The real story here is the amount of Non Disclosure Agreements that are signed by people in Tom's life and how everyone is terrified to speak out. I am so happy Nicole and Katie got out. I wish them all the happiness in the world.


The move Katie made was BRILLIANT!! I wish all women in sketchy situations had the means to do what she did.


The odds of Shelly still being alive do NOT sound very high, what with David’s violent rages and the fact that…the hole? exists? If she is alive I don’t think that poor woman is getting out of wherever they’ve locked her up


I was like okay I can understand how people buy into this actually with it basically being therapy but once you got into the backstory with aliens and thetan I audibly laughed.. thetan is giving satan with a lisp 😂


Ive listened to Leah Remini talk about it and what shocked me the most is that members (anyone lower than Tom Cruise's status which is a lot of people), have to work for free for the church to their dues. Even if theyre famous with the worlds strictest schedule, they have to make up their hours of work in the church, no excuses, and they have to pay to do it.

Those rules apply for children too, which are seen as 'little adults' by the church and treated as such. The rules start early on, and no one (apart from the top top levels) are immune to mistreatment.

Apparently Tom Cruise is so deep into it that he acts like hes some sort of Royalty. Hes reached the level where he has pretty much total control. Youre not allowed to just go up and talk to him, even if youre his friend, if youre in Scientology and you rank lower than him. You have to address him as authority. Its so...bizzare.

I feel like hes purely in it to tickle his ever hungry ego. Hes rich, he put in his work, hes at the top, he gets power, adoration, everything. I can see how a man like him would be drawn to that and not wanna leave.

I also understand why a lot of the members are celebrities or high up people. Rich people will pay billions just to feel something, they are the only people stupid enough to pay to be a part of this mess created by a f*cking science fiction writer. 😭


Where is Shelly? 17 years is a long time to not see someone! Insane!


Hubbard flunked out of college & was fired by Navy in just 90 days. "This officer is lacking the essential qualities of judgment, leadership and cooperation. He lacks the forethought of probable results." Best Quote EVER!! lol
