The Hand of Fate Pt. I & II

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Movements 1 and 2 from James Newton Howard's "Hand of Fate" masterpiece from the "Signs" soundtrack.

All credit and copyright goes to James Newton Howard. If you like the music, consider buying the full soundtrack.
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Just a guy beating an alien with a baseball bat but it's the most epic ending to any alien movie.


An underrated musical score for an underrated movie.


Why do I get the feeling that this movie didn't get the amount of love it should've received


“Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? ...Is it possible that there are no coincidences?”


2:36 filmmaking perfection. When Gram realizes all these coincidences set up through the movie are the true signs of fate. One of my favorite movies of all time.


4:57 was the most epic glass of water falling over EVER!


Abject Horror to Epic Determinism to Redemptive Optimistic Bliss... I can't think of any other piece that moves through such dramatically different emotions so completely, and so effectively... Listen to this song, and whatever you're going through; you know what you have to do.


Almost 20 years of movies since this one and nothing has come as close to this finale of music and storytelling, nothing as moving as this masterpiece...


This is honestly my favorite frickin movie of all time.


One of the most simplistic yet moving films ever created. A true 10/10.


4:23 and 4:57 Absolutely bloody orgasmic. Chills and tears almost every time. Thanks you James.


When Howard has the same evil-scary music but switches the three-note melody to the lydian scale ... it's amazing what kind of emotional control he has over that three-note melody and the range he displays with it. Just look at the three-note melody scheme he only SLIGHTLY alters to achieve a plethora of emotional tones...
0:28 we start with the main creepy theme. The three-note section in particular serves as this three-note cornerstone of the soundtrack. 0:55 is its proper melody. 
1:21 this is the only break in this three-note melody. The flashback understandably requires a different mood. But this is the only part of this track that is not part of the three-note motif
2:23 is CREEPY.... wow here we are back in our creepy three-note central theme.
4:03 transition to lydian mode! BUT... the SAME three-note base yet this time it sounds... MAJESTIC???
4:23 it alters only slightly to become INSPIRING to enhance the "call to action"
4:39 I don't how he does it man. Then it switches to SCARY-INTENSE again as it leaves the lydian scale for minor but fitting of action and conflict
4:55 he somehow makes it TRIUMPHANT...  
5:34 he keeps the SAME three-note melody and makes it MYSTERIOUS.
5:56 he makes it VINDICATING and REDEEMING; rising until its conclusion.
James Howard you magnificent bastard....


the scene with the alien on the roof staring from a distance used to keep me up at night


Anyone still listening to this piece of art in 2019?


Part II always tears me up. The thought of your son dying from poisonous gas could be devastating. When he said "Dad, did someone save me?" I cried almost as much as Mel did in this scene. Lol!


"Dad...? Did someone save me?..." TT_TT


Trust James Newton Howard to turn water spilling from a glass jug into the most epic thing you've ever seen!


This film is so criminally underrated. I feel like in this modern world people are forgetting that we aren't omnipotent nor omniscient. There are more things that we will never be able to understand in this universe than there are stars in the night sky. People aren't honoring the fact that America was build on religion, and find the idea of a force higher than our own ridiculous. "If God loves us or even exists then why do bad things happen?" There are reasons that you cannot and may not ever see; no one ever said life would be easy, comfortable, nor fair, and you are not entitled to any of that. That's the challenge. If you make it through with love and good will still in your heart, you win. "If God is real then why can't I see him?" Can you see the air? No? Well then I guess you just have to have *faith* that it's there. You have to see the signs. Whether you're religious or not, you should really read the bible before making your decision and *look for the signs.* Its better to live with hope for the prevalence of good then to fester with bitterness in an even more bitter and tainted world.


A movie that left my jaw on the floor. A climatic ending that was so refreshing and new for the time. Terribly underappreciated piece of cinema.


Any runners out there? This song is awesome to run to. Play 1 and 2, stretch to the first minute, and then...go! Perfect.
