WATCH: Crowder responds to accusations of verbal abuse

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I would like to hear both sides of the story.


There's no video of him saying "ill f you up". There is a video of an argument between the two where the first half is conviently removed and the 2nd half shows her being super nice while hes extremly agitated for no apparent reason...directly under a camera. Not saying he wasn't being a dick but there is clearly something else going on there.


I don't agree with Liz on this one. You do need full context. Like there's ZERO PROOF he said that he would F you up. That wasn't part of the video released. If they had the video with that they would have released it.

However, let's just say he said it, here's the context that it's not abusive: "I. Will F you up, in the court!"


Imagine the world getting involved in your extremely painful situation. Now imagine it happening with incorrect or partial information. Let this family figure it out and heal.


There are always two sides to a story Liz, don't be blinded by your emotions. You don't know what happend.


Adultery is the context where it appropriate. If they aren't his kids then everyone's behavior all makes sense.


Hey Liz, I think you pride yourself on facts (or maybe you don't), but you did not hear, "I will F you up" on the video. It is text that pops up on the screen. Sorry, but you are going into the land of hearsay. A lawyer worth her/his salt will tell you that you have to consider how the video was released into the court of public opinion. There IS framing. There IS editing. There IS premeditation to save this recording.
No one 'wins' in this situation becoming public, but the "Believe all women" mindset is just as dangerous as a "believe all men" mindset. As with Heard/Depp you can't take a statement here or there at face value. Unfortunately, if you get involved (which you are now) you must stay involved to the end or you are nothing more than a gossip channel.


Is there any proof that he said that? I've watched the video and I didn't hear it... Hearsay.... Cmon Liz...


I don't know Liz I don't know the whole story.
From my experience when it comes to divorce time women lie like there's no tomorrow


There is no proof of this. Also daily wire hates him for outing them for caring more about money then telling the truth.


I believe that "f you up" statement was alleged to be off of camera right? And I'm not on anyone's side, but a lot of times women are great actors and this whole thing seems fishy to me. Let's say if Crowder is the victim, he would be subject to manipulation and encouraged over time to let his emotions and frustration out. I have two cases in my family where the men are abused by their woman, all the while the women try to make the man look bad and the men just silently try to get away, but the woman won't let him.

In the end THIS IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, and I don't care if he's a public figure, that doesn't mean he has to share every aspect of his life. And Candace says he doesn't want his wife to speak; well, maybe it's more of he just didn't want to talk about any of it because it's not the public's decision. This clip is INDEED out of context and I don't care if the woman is pregnant or if crowder is being an asshole


The video never showed him screaming that, or screaming period. Is there a different video that you have seen showing that?


Of course it's bad what he has said
And Of course i don't condole it
Be careful liz not to jump too far ahead
On this one

I more interested in what lead up to this incident


THIS WAS RECORDED BY HER WHICH IS WHY SHE WAS SO CALM!!! SHE RILED HIM UP AND WHEN HE GOT SO PISSED AT HER HE SAID SOMETHING HE PROBABLY DIDN'T MEAN BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS DONE THAT IN AN ARGUMENT. What has she said to him??? Takes 2 to tango....he shouldn't have said what he said, but I'm not just going to blame him because Iv been in arguments like this and the woman is definitely NOT innocent.


no one knows what happens within a marriage. we also don't know what the lead up to the tape was


I've been following you for a while Liz, even before you had your own YT show. Could you show that video, because you never did. You did however claim that he said that as they went inside but it wasn't audible. Claimed that Crowder admitted that he said it, but you didn't show it.

The video was also edited so we don't see anything prior. So we do not know what was happening between him and his wife prior. I used to watch Phil Defranco a long time ago and then I discovered he left out context to shape narratives and learned from that. I unsubbed from him after catching more sculpted lies. Don't be a Phil, Liz. Give the full context in videos please.

PS: If Crowder doesn't show the full uncut video, I will say the same to him.


Liz I love you but I have to agree to disagree here. 60% of Americans are now from divorced homes. We lost our civility & in turn this is what happens behind closed doors in ALOT of homes/marriages/partnerships, I don’t like Steven’s behavior but I would also not like my private fights with my husband aired to public scrutiny, neither my husband or I would look real good with some of the crazy words we have spoken in the heat of anger. I also understand as a child of divorced parents that this is what it looks like behind closed doors when a couple is breaking up, there is no civility, gloves are off, no one has a calm head during this time.


Agh... he is the warrior for the conservatives.. I'm so sad that happened to him...


Crowder's career is screwed just like his marriage. He did it to himself. Louder with Crowder = 👎


I am unsubscribing. Tired of people being self righteous.
