Steven Crowder talks about his divorce

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Steven Crowder addresses his divorce. And he wants to make it clear that his kids did not cause this divorce. It was completely his fault... in that he picked wrong.
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No. She didn't want to be with YOU anymore. Who could blame her


Well thank God it wasn’t the babies that caused the divorce. We know this because he said it three times and he never lies.


Interesting Steven, that you identify "the law" as the scape goat in the ending of your marriage. IF you loved your wife as much as you claim, you would have let her go willingly IF THAT WAS WHAT SHE WANTED, without all the drama and underlying a thought. Please seek therapy.


Yeah she didn't want to be married to a psyco who threatened her with physical violence while she was pregnant and this is on security footage. So you should have apologized for the video and also its strange to say it's a shame that one party can ask for a divorce lol yeah if you're spouse is crazy and demeaning and basically wants you doing household duties and cooking and cleaning and worshipping them based on the bible yeah thank God she got out good for her


Anybody who threatens their spouse is a LOSER. He should be prosecuted for that threat. One cannot treat their spouse as a servant.


Couldn't have happened to a worse guy.


why do you have to point out that in the state of Texas divorce is permitted so are you saying if it wasn't permitted you wouldn't allow it

wow that kind of tells us everything we need to know😂

been a Crowder fan for probably over a decade but after doing a little research on Crowder I am highly disturbed at the way he treats his employees cohost and family

and why does he talk about his wife like she's property it's a major red flag and coming from a MAN I think he's highly insecure I would never speak to my pregnant wife the way he did in that video he seems like a total control freak seek help


Come on people. I like steven but the video I watched was mental abuse on his part. You cannot trick someone into this kind of behavior. Its either in you to behave like this or its not. He needs counseling. I was married to a man who treated me like this and did not want to leave but the mental abuse was to much for me to take. Do not give this man an excuse for his behavior. The fact he is not saying my behavior was inexcusable says everything.


Its funny how he wants people to be respectful to his kids but how many peoples kids this D.B. been disrespectful to on camera 😂😂😂😂


When this aired I was really hoping he was about to address the Dave situation. I enjoy the show, but I've always had my suspicions about Crowder. He just seems to be a tyrannical steamroller behind the scenes, and you can feel the tension sometimes between him and his crew like they're afraid of him. The sudden departing and silence from all of his former co-hosts just shows that there's a lot of bad memories there. I'm glad Dave spoke out, hopefully others will as well.


I love Candace Owens but seeing this from her is disappointing to say the least


Crazy the poor guy has been dealing with all of this for years behind the scenes. And you didn’t fail. You weren’t the one that walked away.


Poor man, he is clearly the victim of an abusive woman/legal system. Hope it turns out the best for him.


Stevie, if you ever want a husband, please marry me.
